Volume 3 - Panorama 1992

  • Thread starter Lucas
YOU FAIL, SLAF! IT'S DONE WHEN IT'S DONE! I really think Luke should put a big banner on the first post of the thread saying "NEXT CHAPETER IS DONE WHEN IT'S DONE"!
"SLAF", :lol: Actually, chapter is in fact done... But I just want to change a few very little things for the sake of the plot. After all, a story just focusing on nothing more than racing, racing, racing, training, training, racing, racing, winning, winning, winning... is bloody boring. So, I will probably upload it today. Of course, by today I mean "today" in Argentina. Dunno what time it is where you are right now. EDIT: Decided to upload it right now. Enjoy!

Volume 2

Chapter 4 - The Looking Glass

October 27th, 2005.

"He's coming here too fast, Dan!"

-"Bloody hell! Steer, God dammit!" (The M3 begins drifting on the sand as Charlie starts to regain control over it.)


-"Yeah, 🤬!"

"Jesus Christ, he made it!"


"Look! Seems like he is trying to take an alternate route back to the road!"

-"Damn! If I keep getting off the track like this, I will be dead meat by the end of the first lap!"


-"But they are not far away... They seem to be having trouble cornering the four at the same time."
"Great job, man. I knew you could do it. But it seems to be you are not going to win this race... What a shame."


-"I must keep my cool or else I will lose!"
"You could have won this race. But you will not even make it to third the way things are looking."


-"This car... It's surprisingly fast for a vehicle its size. But I guess that's why BMW has its reputation."


-"There's no way I'm going to be left out of the podium!"


"Look at what is approaching, Marco. The driver is flying."
"He better slow down soon, though."

-"There's a corner right there, I remember it!"


"Damn, you were right! He IS flying!"

-"Okay, here we go, I guess!"


-"Even the brakes are more powerful than the Elise's... I wonder how is it doing right now."


-"Owww, I'm so close but at the same time so far! Each time I get closer, we hit a straight and they pull away!"


-"The Zonda's right there... He is out of pace with the rest."
"The M3 is catching up. No problem, we will hit another straight right now."


-"Phew... Damn it. I'll be cursing the entire day unless I get somewhere else other than last place. I've never been last place for so much time."


-"But I can do it. If Conan says I can, and Eric gives me the good eye, then I'm sure I can do it!"


-"I keep saying that loud. But if I can't even get close... What's the point of continuing?"


-"Is there, even a slight chance to win? I knew since the very beginning that something was wrong."
"Come on, brother. You've got to find yourselve a way through the field. Count on me to help you, if you need some help."


-"I can already see the buildings! I've got some hard work to do if I want to pass the M5!"


-"Dad, you will help me out on this one, right? I've got to shorten the distance between us, but still enough for it to be a legal move."


-"Alright, guys, let's do this!"


"Huh? What the hell?"
-"I'm gonna getcha."


"It's impossible! That's not allowed! It's illegal!"
-"I don't care if my driving style is not the right one to use on this track. If I win, I win. And if I lose... Well, better start looking for another place to race."


"He is right in my tail..."
-"One behind, four ahead."
"Look, he is here already!"
"But he is in fifth place."
"I'm sure he will find a way to win."


"The biggest sandtrap on Le Mans... What a joke!"


-"He is wide!"
"Uhhh... What will you do next, friend? I hope you are not serious about passing me here!"


"What's going on...?"




"Holy 🤬 🤬!!"
-"You are going down, pal!"


-"Grrrr, grrr..."
"Losing control once again?"


"Huh? Wait, what the hell is happening to my tires?!"


-"The C8 lost control! Maybe that means that the Mercedes..."
"Bad luck!"


-"The AMG is understeering too!"
"🤬 me!"


"They will collide!"
"Move! Now!"
-"🤬 This couldn't get any worse!"


"The M3 avoided it! And passed!"
-"Great job! Now I have three cars left to pass."


"You are very fast, friend. I know who you are now. I remember."
-"This one was easy. But I have to thank him. He let me pass."


-"Just as I let him pass before."
"You are Winston Wolf, right? I only know one person that drives like that. Though I could be wrong. I can top off some people out of my head that drive exactly like you. Or even better..."


"As I said in the previous lap, right here, at the same time... You ARE a good driver, but your car's power still is not enough to compete against us. Sorry."
-"They are fast... I think I get what Conan wanted to prove with this race."


"You at least took that one better than the last time :lol:"
-"Even if I'm racing against a M5, or a Dodge Viper, for that matter... It ultimately doesn't matter which car am I using. It's the track that kills me or saves me."


"He is not bad... But it's useless to continue like this. I would have given up a long time ago."
-"I can see why where the last races easy. I was driving in a course full of corners... I'm having trouble enough handling these ones. I can't even start to image the trouble the rest of the cars were having in Deep Forest! Is this really the disadvantage of a heavy-weight car?"
"Open up for me, would ya?"


"Thanks... Again... Again..."
-"This is just an endless cycle... If at least I don't commit any more mistakes, just perhaps I will be able to claim third place."


-"But I don't give a damn if I win this race anymore! Since the beginning things were looking wrong. But if at minimum I can pass the Spyker before the finish line, then I will be happy enough!"
"The second chicane is next. The M3 is surely taking the lines more seriously right now."


"He is going for the inside! Still, he can't get enough power to the road to pass me!"


-"I made it!"


"He was close."
-"But... How could he get ahead so fast?"
"There's no point in overtaking here, brother. Even if you are faster than me in the corners, we all are faster than you on the straights."


"Yes, you are fast indeed. I would get nowhere in that car you are driving right now."


-"I've got to minimize the distance I run if I want to catch him..."
"That was a close call. But, anyways, even if I would get nowhere with your car, that's not the point right now."


"This is one easy race for sure!"
"Urgghh, if I don't win today, then father will be angry."
"You choosed to race against us for a reason. I don't know which reason, but you must have had one."


"I firmly believe you came here with something in mind."
-"Dammit! Why the hell is he so fast?!"


-"How come that I won last race in Nürburgring against the M5 with the M3 at almost full pace for the first part of the race, but I can't even get third at full pace during the entire race?!"


"The finish line is close ahead. I'd better start speeding up. I don't want to lose right now."
"The rest of the cars are well behind us. The only one behind me is the C8, but the M3 is not too far from us."


"Now, will you really start giving all that you've got?"
-"I've to find my way out of this mess, soon."


-"...I've got to stop thinking for a while. Then I will be able to focus."


"I can already see the goal."
(Stop thinking, stop thinking.)


(...I've stopped thinking! Oh, 🤬. I'm thinking again...)


"Here we go, nice and slowly."
"Can you catch up?"
-"God dammit! I can't stop thinking, I've never been in such a situation before!"


-"But I've got to get third! If I at least get third, it will be like if I had won!"


"He is going serious."
-"I have to get third."







"I can't let..."


"...him pass."
-"...one second."


"I can't!"
-"I've got it!"




"He took the lead!"
-"I'm gonna beat you!"


"Do not think..."
"Here they come!"


"...that just because you are ahead..."
-"A few meters more!"


"Yeah, second place!"


"...I cannot catch up with you!"
-"I'm going to win!"


"I told you not to underestimate me, pal!"


-"I lost... Even when all I had to do..."


-"...was to get third."
"Oh, no... He was defeated by the Spyker."
"That's William Young for you."
"Who the hell is William Young...?"


"Sorry, I was just thinking loud."
"William Young... Where have I heard that name before...?"
"And old friend, maybe?"
"I don't know. Perhaps. Or maybe it is just one of those common names."
"William Young is no common name, Eric. Spencer Young, do you know him?"
"Spencer... Spencer... Wait, I know him! Yes, I remember Spencer Young!"
"There you have it. William Young is Spencer's son."
"But where do you know Spencer from? I only know a few people who know about him."
"Seems like we have a connection that spans from a long time ago. I have a question to ask you. If you know the right answer, then we indeed are connected. Ready?"
"Shoot it."
"How much do you know about a man named Ethan Norton?"

To be continued...
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Nice new chapter, Lucas, although he did not win 👍 Well done! :)

YOU FAIL, SLAF! IT'S DONE WHEN IT'S DONE! I really think Luke should put a big banner on the first post of the thread saying "NEXT CHAPETER IS DONE WHEN IT'S DONE"!

My name is not hard to spell correctly, right? I don't call you "AG", right? - So if you use my name then write it down correctly, otherwise I'll ignore such comments, because I don't feel spoken to ;).. And secondly, I asked Lucas to tell me something and of course you can add something to the conversation, but you better shouldn't..

Anyways best wishes,

S-Line Audi Fan :cheers:

Andy GT
Please moarrrrrr! NOW!

Just found this.. And so please don't tell me anything.. I don't want any discussion :)
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Thanks for the quick response, S-Line Audi Fan! :P Yes, since the very moment I started the race I knew it was going to be hard. Though, as I have pointed out, had I not commit any of those mistakes in the first place, I would've won. Truth is, I always thought losing was a part of growing up, so hence the fact that I decided to include this race in my story.

Something about those little paragraphs popping out of nowhere, and out of context, like Chapter 3... Does anyone know what they are about? 💡 Not like I expect you to follow my deep plot :sly:
L you just churn these things out day and night. I'm amazed at charlie's almost 3rd place win :( He should get his elise back.
S-Line Audi Fan
Andy GT
Please moarrrrrrrr! NOW!

Just found this.. And so please don't tell me anything.. I don't want any discussion :)

For your information, I ran out of patience there.

Anyway, Very nice chapter, Luke! ALTHOUGH you commited an epic fail: you wrote 'chapter 3' instead of 'chapter 4'
Epic Fail spotted and corrected! ;) I'm glad you liked this chapter!

EDIT: A really short chapter. But I made it short for the purpose of you to read it thoroughly and understand it completely. Hope you enjoy it!

Volume 2​
Chapter 5 - Connections​

January 4th, 1991.


(No answer whatsoever...)
-"HELLO!! Is somebody in there?!"



"Yes, wait! I'll be with you in a minute!" (A man yells from the backyard.)

"How can I help you, sir-- Oh... It is you."
-"It's been awhile, huh?"
"What do you want around here?"
-"Just chat. No problems involved."
"Are you sure about that?"
"I have a gun inside. Try anything stupid, and I'll not hesitate to harm you."
-"You won't need to." (Both men enter the house.)


"So... May I ask what brought you here?"
-"Nobody's stopping you from doing so..."
"...What brought you here?"
-"This... (The man throws a couple of keys on a table.) And this..." (The man then throws a letter on the same table. The other man picks the letter, and starts reading it.)
"...Is it true what I'm reading?"
-"Why should I lie to you?"
"...But, I don't understand... How did this happened?"
-"I believe that the letter explains it very well. I mean, I am not allowed to read it, but I was led to know that it would answer each and every question you, and the others, could possibly think of."
"Yeah, but it doesn't have any sense at all!"
-"It was not meant to have. The purpose of this letter was to inform you of the death of the subject Benjamin Williams. Now, I must say I was shocked the moment I heard of his death. I am not meant to read the letter, nor let any of the persons who received it inform me of the consequences of the death of said person. Yet I went ahead and accepted my responsability as one of the co-founders of this group, and took the first plane to Japan in order to let you know about it."
"And why you are not supposed to know?"


-"Because I am not the one meant to keep the keys. And I'm not the one with the keys in his hand anymore. He told me to give you the keys. Said you were the one indicated to take care of it."
"...Where is it right now?"
-"It will arrive in two days. The exact time will be at 7:15PM. Not anytime sooner, nor anytime later. The exact airport is on the letter. Understood?"
-"Good. Any more questions?"
"No... Wait, yes. I have one. Will this letter get to the rest of the members?"
"But won't that be a problem? I mean, because according to this letter, he--"
-"I am not meant to read the letter, nor let any of the persons who received it inform me of the consequences of the death of Benjamin Williams."
"I see."
-"If you don't mind, I have to take other four flights around the globe. Oh, and... You really should think about installing a doorbell." (The man leaves the chair he was previously sit on and walks towards the door.)


-"Now what?"
"...Is he alright?"
-"He is dead, Marcos. Of course he is alright."


"No, that's not what I meant!" (The stranger leaves the house, closes the door tight shut, and hops onto his car. He starts the engine, while Marcos slams the door attempting to open it.)


"Dammit! Let me out! LET ME OUT! ¡Abrí la puerta, 🤬! ¡Abrí la puerta, te digo! ¡Johann! ¡JOHANN!"
-"See you later, Marcos."


-"Oh, and... If you've got a gun as you said, why don't you use it to blast the door off? Still a liar as always..." (The stranger leaves the neighborhood.)

To be continued...

It's an advice I give you to read carefully the story from the beginning to this point, since things are going to get complicated from now on.
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Seems like I'm getting lazy, and all I can come up with right now are small chapters. But that will change in the next update. Here's another small one, enjoy!

Volume 2​

Chapter 6 - Room 119

January 29th, 1991.


-"I'm already here."
# "Good. Everything's going as planned."
-"Except for the fact that one of them is in a coma, yes."
# "But if you delivered the letters correctly, then it shouldn't be a problem."
# "I leave you now. Call me after you are done."
-"Consider it done."
# "Good bye. /"


-"The last one of the bunch. Right there. Floor 15, room 119." (The man leaves the vehicle and enters the building. Inside, he walks through the lobby, and enters the elevator. Pushes the "15" button, and as he comes out, walks through a corridor down to a room numbered 119. He pushes the doorbell.)

"Who is that?"
"What do you want?"
-"Open the door."
"You won't get inside. Better leave right now, or I'll call the cops."
-"I have something for you. A letter."
"I don't want it. Get out of here, now."
-"You are making things hard to me, Jack."
"I don't care. Leave."
-"Listen. It is very important for you to read this letter."
"What does it say??"
-"Everyone asked the same. Except one."
"Who's everyone? What the hell are you talking about?!"
-"I'm not going to leave until you read this letter, Jack. I will wait until you decide to open this door, or until you leave to work. Either way, you are gonna read this letter!"
"Shut up! I'm calling the police!"
-"Do it. I'm not doing anything worth an arrest."
"What the hell do you want with me? I'm done with you!"
-"But I'm not done with you. He's not done with you."
"He? Do you mean he send you?"
-"I don't have any reasons to talk with you. Why would I be here, then?"
"Okay... I'll open up a gap for the letter to come through the door. Step away."
-"Good boy."
"Now, throw it." (The man throws the letter. Jack picks it up.)
-"Listen, read it carefully. It's very important for you to do so."
"Alright. Now leave."
-"Are you not going to read it now?"
"I have the letter, as you wanted to. Now leave."
-"Good bye, Jack. I hope to see you again in the near future." (The man leaves the building. Jack then reads the letter. His face is shocked.)
"...Oh God. I didn't knew about this." (Outside the building, the man jumps into his car, starts the engine, and drives away.)




(The man parks the car, and dials a number on his cellphone. Funny enough, his cellphone is absurdly big, compared to today's phones.)


-"It is done."
# "Good to hear that."
-"Anything else to do?"
# "You are free to do as you please now. Would you like to come over here?"
-"Why would I want to do that?"
# "To reminiscence about old times. Come on, just a friend's chat."
-"Sure. I'll be there in less than a week."
# "Great. See you later, Johann."
-"Good bye, Aaron." (Aaron hangs up the phone.)

October 27th, 2005.

"Seems like we know each other from a long time ago, Eric. I have one last time to tell you. If you know the right answer, then indeed we know each other since a long time ago. Ready?"
"Shoot it."
"How much do you know about a man named Ethan Norton?"

"Ethan... Ethan... Never heard of that name before, Conan."
"It's impossible for you to not know about him. Unless... You were not with us yet."
"Excuse me?"
"Yeah... I remember now, we had already left America by then... But that doesn't have any sense. He should have told you about us."
"What is that you are babbling, Conan? What do you mean you left America? Who's Ethan Norton? Who should have told me what? Explain!"
"Nothing, Eric."
"I'm not a kid anymore. And I know when "nothing" means "everything". Now, you can tell me the easy way, or you can tell me the hard way. Who the hell is Ethan Norton? I'm asking you nicely, Conan."
"Even if I told you, Eric, you wouldn't understand. Because it is like explaning a blind person what does red look like. It would just confuse him. Like it would confuse you."

Some minutes later...

-"I don't know how..."
"You did your best. At least."
-"I know that I could have won."
"Everyone knows that. But you didn't. Not this time."
"You just have to get used to the car, you know. You drove the Elise longer than a year by now."
-"I miss it."
"We know. But you've got to understand the Elise is in the hands of some of the best tuners I have heard of. I'm sure Matthew and Steve must be drawing all the juice they can from the car!"
-"Why don't you call them to know how is it?"
"Good idea!"
"It must not be ready yet. Just five days? I don't believe it. But if you want it back so badly, I will give them a call." (Conan dials a number... A few seconds later, someone answers.)
"Hello! Who am I speaking with? It's Conan! Listen, nice to talk to you! Yes, he is right here with me! Okay... Sure... We are in Le Mans, France... That will be a problem... Sounds good to me! Where shall we meet? I have no idea. I was planning to travel to Monaco... I'm sorry... Great! When will you arrive? Okay, no problem. See you later!"
-"Who was it?"
-"And? What did he say?"
"The Elise is not ready yet. But that won't be a problem. We are going to Monaco now."
"Yes! What do you guys think about it?"
"I don't have any objections. Let us go, then."
"Hey, what about our opinion?"
"Your opinion? It is my money what it's keeping us in Europe. We could go back to America right now if I choosed to."
-"Well... Then we are going to Monaco, I guess? :lol:"

Four minutes ago, in Germany's Black Forest...

"Steve, come and take a look at it!"
"I'm coming!"




"It's just beautiful."
"You are right, isn't it?"


"He will be so happy once we deliver it to him!"
"I'm sure he will. But we still have to give it a wash. You see, it's not as clean as we would like it to be, after all."
"Nothing that the boys can't get done."
"Still, we've got to get a hold of their location." (A phone starts ringing.)
"Hey, who is it?"
"I'll find out now... Yes? Matthew, what for? Who is this? Same here! Are you with Charlie? Great, listen, tell him this: the Elise will be ready in one day... But still, we have to get it to you... Where are you now, Conan? Le Mans? You will have to get back to Germany, I can't leave the shop... Don't worry, you just have to come somewhere close and I will find a way out of work to give it back to Charlie... I don't know, where are you heading next? Monaco? Sounds nice, but it is out of my reach... Hey, it's your trip, you can go wherever the hell you want to. You know what? I will ask one of the boys right here to deliver it to Monaco. What do you think? It all depends, actually. Two days? There will be delay, you know? Bye, Conan!"
"So, what are we going to do?"
"First we give it a wash, a wax, and then we put it on a trailer, and off to Monaco."
"Who are you going to send?"
"Anyone, does it really matter?"
"Not at all. Well, let's get to work."


To be continued...
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Chapter 7 currently being written. I would recommend you guys to read the firsts chapters of the whole story again. A good surprise is waiting for you on the next chapter! :D
I took the chance and decided to do something I wanted from a long time. My brother originally gave me the idea, but I decided to twist it a bit, and here's the result, fellas.


Volume 2​

Chapter 7 - The Helicopter & The Living Room

October 29th, Saturday. 2005.


"Learn to focus, Charlie. This track is known for being not only the ultimate test of driving skills in Formula One, but rather because overtaking is almost minimal here. The course is very narrow, and thus, dangerous. You are not going anywhere around this track unless you know how to make a safe pass. All this time, all the passes I have seen from you were not safe at all."
-"What do you mean? I never crashed."
"A friend of mine once told me that a safe pass is not only a pass which allows you to keep your car and the other driver's cars intact, but rather the one that guarantees than, in a swift move, will get you ahead. The only time I saw such a pass from you, was in Seattle."





"And I've got to admit that that race was one of the best races I have ever drove in. You should feel proud about yourself. Not every 19 year old accomplishes what you did in just one year. But you had Eric as your mentor, and he is one hell of a driver."
-"So what... When should I pass?"


"I can't tell you. I don't know who are you going to race against. But you have six laps, so concentrate. Follow their rhythm. Once you see a possible margin of time for a pass, then take advantage of it. Remember that: Never try to pass unless you know you can do it."
-"...I know that."
"You obviously don't. Last time you tried to pass the Spyker on the final turn, and although you got it right, you lost to him on the straight. I don't only talk about corners as places to do safe passing, but the track as a whole. After all, if you are behind, then get ahead, then fall back behind again, what will you prove? Anyone can outbrake a car in a straight, just to lose place in the corner after it. See where I am getting at? One other thing: Always look two places ahead of the car that it's in front of you. May seem stupid, but it really helps to determine the lines of each car, and their possible time slips. After all, you have six laps, and if you spend one lap looking the course and the car ahead of you, another one in passing the car, another one in looking the car ahead of you, another one in passing that car and so on, you will run out of laps pretty fast."
-"...What about their cars? Are they fast?"


"Be sure they are. Always expect the worse. It helps you be prepared."
-"Okay. When is it going to start?"
"Five hours from now. We got here ahead of schedule."


"Well... Actually, building this circuit takes six weeks. This was a special week, in a way. One week full of races, and after that, it takes three weeks to remove the circuit. We got ahead of schedule because I thought we would arrive tomorrow. I wanted you to be one of the first drivers to race in this week. I expected to get here around four hours later, with only one hour to rest. Anyways, enough of this babbling. Go take a nap if you want. You are gonna need it."
"And Charlie... Good luck. I'm counting on you."
-"I won't lose today."
"Don't worry. I know you won't." (Charlie walks away to the hotel. Eric walks towards Conan.)
"What's up?"
"Who is Ethan Norton?"
"Beats me." (Conan follows Charlie, but Eric grabs him by his arm.)


(He frees Conan.)
"I don't know who he is."
"Do you really think I'm stupid? I may seem so. But after living all the things I have, I have as much experience as you in life, or even more."
"You don't know what I have been through. Now, will you let me return to the hotel?"
"...Go on. Do as you please." (Once Conan is out of view, Eric speaks to himself.) I know I know you. I have met you before. But where? Or when? Why are you lying?

Five hours later...

"This is not going to be an easy race."
"You are right. It all depends who Charlie gets to race with. I am more worried about his safety than the speed of his opponents."
"Do you think Charlie will win?"
"Yes. Absolutely."
"I wouldn't be so sure."
"Want to bet?"
"What do you have that could be precious to me?"
"The identity of Ethan Norton. All I ask in exchange, is for you to stop asking about him."
"...Deal." (Eric shakes hands with Conan.)
"You are truly interested in him."
"I know I have some connection with him. And with you. I can't wait to know which kind of connection."
"You really think Charlie is going to lose?"
"I wouldn't have made that bet if I wasn't sure."
"Even if you win, you won't know if I even have a connection with you."
"I think I will."
"I'm interested in knowing how."
"If I know who he is, then I will be able to locate him. And I will ask him where do I know you from."
"You don't know me. But I know you."
"It works both ways, you know."
"Well, take a look at that, here they come!"


-"I've got to keep focused, as Conan told me. I do not want to lose again."
"Here's where the fun begins."
"I hope he wins, but the odds are well against him."
"As long as he follows my strategy, he should be fine."


-"Phew... Alright, here we go."

Around the first corner, the first uphill section. Something I would not like at all, since my car is underpowered compared to the rest, or more precisely with a power to weight ratio disadvantage.


"The Tamora ahead is a pain in my 🤬 already, even though we just started."
-"Always look ahead one or two cars beyond the one who is in front of you. I've got to get that on my mind!"

After the uphill section, a left handed sweeper. That's when...


"You could keep up in the uphills. Probably because of the light weight of the CSL."
-"What does that Mercedes reminds me?"

...I had my first Déjà Vu.

August 21th, Sunday. 2005-----------------------------------------------------------------------------


"Congratulations on a job well done!"
-"Phew, that went perfect!"


-"Still, I've got that beast to pass. It won't be easy."
"Amazing move... I'm speechless."


-"The Elise is loaded with power today! I never thought it could run this fast."


-"Oh, 🤬! I didn't saw that one coming!"
"Ready to slow down, kid?"


"No good, he's gonna crash!"



"He is fast, very fast..."
-"Once I heard that due to the tight and twisty nature of this circuit, the skill of the drivers is more important than the power of the cars."


-"Even though I thought that every circuit was that way. Skill over power."
"This is going to be tough. The Grand Hotel hairpin is just ahead."


-"Focus, Charlie. Don't let the track's history make you dizzy."
"This will be bad. It just needs one of us to make a fool move and he will get us all killed."


-"Wow! What is that for?? It's pretty cool!"
"The other TVR disappeared! Where is he?"


"The Grand Hotel hairpin is the slowest corner in Formula One. It is just taken at 50 kilometers per hour. Of course, we take it more slowly."
-"This seems like a good place to make a move. But I get it wrong, and I'm out."


-"This is more difficult than I thought. If this track had Nürburgring's surface, then it would be impossible to drive around here."


-"It seems that here, everyone goes for the left part of the track. Maybe I could dive into the apex? I will need some more laps."


-"But there's definitely a gap there! I need time to see how much can it stay open."


-"Our hotel is just above. Chester stood there for today. He was feeling sick. I wish he could've at least popped out to say hello."


-"Once again, this track reminds me of another... This tunnel, what does it look like?"


"Wohoho! Brake lights party!"
"Come on, juniors!"
"The TVR is not here anymore... He vanished."
-"I know! Seattle!"



"No good, he's gonna crash!"


"He lost control of the wheel!"


"Ouch! That must have hurt! He at least avoided a highspeed collision."
-"🤬 Now we will have to fix it."


"But now it is my turn to pass him!"
-"He is going to crash me!"



-"I don't believe it... He passed so cleanly at those speeds."
"Now I'll leave you. I've got a Callaway to catch!"



-"I can't believe that was just two months ago... I have progressed a lot since then."


"He can't pass. He has got to be kidding."
-"Even if I had the power, I still have to stay behind, as Conan said."


-"Which kinda bothers me. I can't stay in sixth place all the race!"
"I knew you were kidding."
"What are those two up to?"


-"They seem to have a good knowledge of the course. Or they are very good."


-"But they leave huge gaps for me to use!"


-"Do they use a especific racing line? Or they just leave the gap because they want to?"


-"Damn! If I hadn't lost that race, I wouldn't be so worried right now!"


-"Not even here... This place is terribly narrow."
"Those are good drivers. But the one behind me seems unsure about what to do."


"Here he comes!"
"Come on, Charlie!"


-"This can't get any worse!"
"I must say, I was totally wrong."
"What do you mean?"


"Before the race started, I told Charlie to stay behind, and analyze the movements of the opponents and the course."
"Sounds like a good plan to me."


"Of course. Except for one little mistake."


"And which would it be?"
"The Tamora passed the Audi!"


"The mistake, my friend, is the TVR running in front of the pack."
"If I'm not careful, that Tamora will come and get me."


"But why does that mean a mistake from you?"


-"This is too much for me! Both of them passed the Audi!"
"Damn you!"


"The TVR has no barriers in front of him."
-"They are going to kill me!"
"What the hell are you doing?!"
"Stay away from me!"


"Think about it this way."


-"I can't believe what I just saw. It was an all-in from the Quattro."
"This course is a tremendously narrow one."


-"But I have to keep focusing on the road ahead."
"So, overtaking is very limited, right?"


-"There's that gap again."
"Well, that's common sense, but yeah."


-"And that one!"
"Well, now think about this..."


"You have two things that are bothering you in a course like this."
-"The tunnel... Things get dark here."


-"But I don't care. I'm used to the dark."
"The course itself, and the cars ahead of you, blocking you and limiting your lines."


"Well, in the case of the TVR, who started ahead, that last thing doesn't mean nothing!"
"...I understand now, he has full space for galloping!"


"So he better stop following my advice soon, or the TVR will become uncatchable!"
"Now that I remember, I heard somewhere Nelson Piquet once said that racing around this course was like "flying a helicopter in your living room."
"That difficult, huh?"
"The TVR is not here at all. Where the hell is he?"
-"I noticed that there are only four cars ahead of me..."


-"Where the hell is the first car??"
"We are getting close to the pool again."


-"I think I know enough about this course, I've got to get rid of this 🤬 Benz!"




-"Now! Floor it, Charlie! I will do the same thing that he did!"
"What is he doing...?"



-"The TVR will pass me too?"
"Should I? No... I shouldn't."


-"Why didn't he tried to pass...?"
"I may be crazy, but I've grown a deep respect for him. So much, that I won't pass him in straights, with pure power."
"You are holding back."


"It seems the Elise has gained much respect from both of us, right?"
"From everyone's point of view, it seems we are flying, almost invisible."
-"They are way too close to me."


"While from our point of view, things are stationary."
"The Mercedes is right there. He caught up with us."
-"I've got to shake them off in this corner."


-"I will beat them! Wait, what---"


-"I can't---"
"This is as fair as I can get."



"The BMW is outbraking the McLaren!"
-"I've got to pass him!"






-"He passed me."
"It's impossible for me to stay here! I've got to do something too!"













-"I've got a TVR to catch."


-"I can't believe I did that!"


-"I've got an AC and a Callaway to catch."

To be continued...

The story continues the previously unseen finale of Charlie's race in Seattle in Volume 1.


In memory of Dr. Raúl Ricardo Alfonsín (March 12, 1927 – March 31, 2009), first democratically-elected president of Argentina following the military government known as the National Reorganization Process.
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Thank you very much for this great chapter, Lucas :) I really appreciate it 👍 The whole chapter is something special for itself, because of all the déjà vu's ;) And the quote from Nelson Piquet made me laugh :lol: .. Keep up the good work, my friend :)
Sweet story 👍

I just read the whole thing, and I have to say, you're writing style is perfect for this kind of thing. And, for not being a native speaker of english, you have a great understanding of the language
I thought it would be unfair if you guys were reading my story back then and I'm not reading yours.., I'm stuffed with other things to do, and I have a time limit when I'm browsing the web.., I read the first few chapters a few months ago, so now that I have some free time I should continue where I kicked off. I gotta say, L, I'm beginning to think that this report of yours is going to become better than Red-Line!! Back in Euro Challenge, I loved that race in Deep Forest (how the hell were you able to win that one?!?! Those other cars you raced against have growling engines!!) and the chapter at Nurburgring, where a Ducatti 999R showed up. That was just friggin' awesome dude..,

MOAR!!! 👍👍
Yeah, the race in Deep Forest really was one of the best and it comes to my mind first, when I think of Euro Challenge 👍
I haven't been able to post comments in a while, and my computer was running very slowly lately, so that meant no writing either. But now that it works as fast as always, let me start with everyone.

Anyone with a Déjà Vu feeling?

Yup, I always thought that Déjà Vus were a very interesting thing, so I decided as well to turn this chapter into a massive Déjà Vu :lol: Besides, leaving the race at Seattle without a conclusion was... lame. Really lame.

Thank you very much for this great chapter, Lucas :) I really appreciate it 👍 The whole chapter is something special for itself, because of all the déjà vu's ;) And the quote from Nelson Piquet made me laugh :lol: .. Keep up the good work, my friend :)

Thanks, Nenad 👍 After reading through the article of the Monaco Grand Prix in Wikipedia, I came up with a quote from Nelson Piquet, and thought it would make a nice cultural reference in the story.

Sweet story 👍

I just read the whole thing, and I have to say, you're writing style is perfect for this kind of thing. And, for not being a native speaker of english, you have a great understanding of the language

Thanks for taking the work to read from the beginning! 👍 20 chapters are nowhere easy to read in one go, specially when my story focuses more in character development, background and such, and not so much into racing itself. About the english bit, you are right. I tend to think that I have a very good understanding of it, almost like if I were from an english speaking country in the past. Sort of a Déjà Vu, huh?

I thought it would be unfair if you guys were reading my story back then and I'm not reading yours.., I'm stuffed with other things to do, and I have a time limit when I'm browsing the web.., I read the first few chapters a few months ago, so now that I have some free time I should continue where I kicked off. I gotta say, L, I'm beginning to think that this report of yours is going to become better than Red-Line!! Back in Euro Challenge, I loved that race in Deep Forest (how the hell were you able to win that one?!?! Those other cars you raced against have growling engines!!) and the chapter at Nurburgring, where a Ducatti 999R showed up. That was just friggin' awesome dude..,

MOAR!!! 👍👍

Thanks for reading, =drifting24/7=! 👍 It's such a shame you have a limited time for browsing, so it means a lot to me that you take the time to comment.
About the Red-Line bit... I do not think I will reach its level, but it sure would be a pleasant goal to reach, though. I really aim for the top once I get my mind focused, which is not an easy thing to do.

Back in Euro Challenge, I loved that race in Deep Forest (how the hell were you able to win that one?!?! Those other cars you raced against have growling engines!!) and the chapter at Nurburgring, where a Ducatti 999R showed up. That was just friggin' awesome dude..,

MOAR!!! 👍👍

Yeah, the race in Deep Forest really was one of the best and it comes to my mind first, when I think of Euro Challenge 👍

I also think that race was the best of the whole story. Surely it makes little to no sense to have a 200hp Elise win a race of such proportions, so it can only be atributed to abnormally bad driving from the Monster Cars drivers :lol: And to be honest, the AI does suck :lol:
The chapter of Nürburgring was not planned to be the last one of the first volume, but it did indeed suited it nicely. With Tourist Trophy by my side, I sure can pull off some interesting plot twists in the storyline :lol:

More will be delivered on time, and whenever I have time to, I will start writing for you guys to enjoy.

Cheers :cheers:

Codename L​
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Double post, but I believe the differences between both posts justify the need.

Volume 2
Chapter 8 - Family Affairs

June 18th, 2005.


Where the hell is he? He was supposed to come here yesterday. I've been waiting here for five hours. If he is late again, he at least could've told me about it. This is not the way to spent the last stage of his life for an old man like me.


Something's definitely wrong...


He should be here by now. Perhaps they caught him already?


No, I don't think so. He must be on his way. He is just late. Yeah, that must be the reason. He is just late. That's the way he behaves.

(A car arrives and parks besides the Superbird. Heat is engulfing the atmosphere. The man inside the car lowers his window.)

"Nice to see you again, Moses. Sorry about the time."
-"How's it going, Richard?"
"To be honest, Arizona is killing me."
-"Indeed. But I have to be here."
"Did you have any trouble getting here? Did someone followed you?"
-"Not at all. What worries me is how I'm going to get out."
"I can help you."
-"You don't need to. As long as you know what you have to do, I will be okay."
-"So, why don't you get out of the car, Richard?"
"I don't know about yours, buddy, but mine has air conditioner. So that's a no-no from me."
-"Lucky 🤬, mine doesn't. :("
"Get out of there and come in. It's cold as an iceberg inside here."
-"Alright." (Steps out of the car and gets inside Richard's.)"
-"Nice car."
"I got it last year, on August. I couldn't wait to tune it."
-"Is it fast?"
"Faster than your Superbird."
-"I doubt it."
"You bet it is. It may be stock under the hood, but you better not mess with it."
-"Then I guess you haven't seen the Superbird's potential."
"Is that so?"
-"I wouldn't drive it otherwise."
"You don't like slow cars?"
-"It's not that I don't like them, it's just that I like fast cars."
"How's everyone going?"
-"They are fine."
"Have you told them about me?"
-"Yes, I actually have."
-"...They say they are eager to meet you, Richard."
"Good. I'm eager to meet them too."
-"That won't happen anytime soon, though."
"Why not?"
-"I don't want anyone to disturb the peace of our town."
"Do you really think me capable of doing that?"
-"At this point, I think anyone is."
-"It's not your fault. It is mine."
"I see... Happy birthday, by the way."
-"Thanks. Seven months later is better than never."
"You are welcomed."
-"By the way, when is your birthday? I always forget to ask."
"Next week..."
-"Really? Well, in case I won't be able to call you, happy birthday!"
-"But, seriously, when is it? Next week doesn't help too much."
"June 26th."
-"What's your age again?"
"38 years old."
-"You are an old 🤬, did you know that? :lol:"
"Yeah, so are you. The big difference is that you are three decades older than I am. I'm barely older than your car."
-"The car may be old, but it surely puts out its good amount of horses."
"Is that true?"
-"Of course, I never lie."
"I would like to believe that..."
-"I met a boy around two weeks ago."
"A boy? What kind of boy?"
-"Yes. A very interesting one."
"What was his name?"
-"Charles Williams."
"Wait, what...?"
-"You heard me. Charles Williams, that was his name."
"Is he who I think he is...?"
-"What other Charles Williams do we know, Richard?"
"Are you saying, and correct me if I'm wrong, that that Charles Williams is...?"


-"Yup. The same Charles Williams who is the son of the former Benjamin Williams."
"...I've got to say... Nice twist of events, huh?"

To be continued...

This is the same Plymouth Superbird that appeared in Chapter 12 of Volume 1.

Any questions? :P Comments and criticism greatly appreciated, as always :D
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Short, but good.. I like this chapter very much.. The pictures are excellent.. I see you've found some nice chrome wheels :P 👍 .. I hope the next chapter'll come as soon as possible :) If there's a need, feel free to let me know.. I'm here for you :cheers:

Also: -"Really? Well, I case I won't be able to call you, happy birthday!"

"In" would be right ;)
would S-Line be fine?? c'mon, almost everyone here that has a long username has a nickname..,

may I ask who's the 38-year-old dude in Chapter 8? I'm getting a little bit confused..,
would S-Line be fine?? c'mon, almost everyone here that has a long username has a nickname..,

may I ask who's the 38-year-old dude in Chapter 8? I'm getting a little bit confused..,

I know my username is kind of long, but I don't like when people say "SLAF" to me.. Also, I already told that to Andy GT before, but that didn't work, but I hope now it'll 👍 It's no offense or something like this, it's just that I don't like it that way :) "S-Line" is alright, as it's the most important part of my username ;)
may I ask who's the 38-year-old dude in Chapter 8? I'm getting a little bit confused..,

I guess you could, but it would take all the fun away if I told you, am I right? ;)
But since you are one of the few if not the only one who asks about characters, then I guess I will give you a little hint. In previous chapters, Volume 1 to be more precise, said Richard has been mentioned. You shouldn't have much trouble finding him :)
And don't worry, everything will make sense at the very end, and as you would probably have noticed, different years are being used in my story, so what may make sense before and not after will be caused probably by something that happened in between. Sometimes, though, more precisely in Volume 1 and some chapters after it, you won't see dates at the beginning of every chapter. That's my way to keep you guys interested. 👍