RUF Yellowbird Cup - Round 1 - Results

  • Thread starter LancerEvo7
United States
LMSCorvetteGT2's Mom's House

Track - Deep Forest Raceway Reverse


Rules & Race Info

  • Time Trial > Original Circuits > Deep Forest Raceway > Reverse
  • Arcade Mode Time Trial - Single Lap
  • Power: 0% (463 HP)
  • Weight: -10% (1035 kg)
  • Tire Type: N3 (Road)
  • Driving aids prohibited, transmission mode is open.
  • Standard OLR cleanliness rules apply: Two wheels must be in contact with the track at all times; click here for clean track rules; no contact with walls allowed at any time.
  • You may only discuss split times (ie T1 and T2) in the thread unless otherwise noted, final times must be submitted by PM to me (LancerEvo7GSR) before 8:00 PM EDT (12:00AM GMT) on Sunday, October 11.
  • In the unlikely event that I request proof of a time, a picture is all that is needed unless I request further proof (a video) to ensure the lap was clean.
  • Points will be awarded by finishing position, with 10 points for the winner, 8 for 2nd place, 6 for 3rd, and one point less for each position from there.

Austin343  - 23.460 52.528 
MarkWebber - 23.514 52.879
viperin    - 23.996 56.129
oldmodelt  - 25.213 58.449

Austin343  - 1'20.019
MarkWebber - 1'20.509
viperin    - 1'24.823
oldmodelt  - 1'28.701
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You're alive! lol. Thought this race series was done for man. I doubt I'll get any laps in this week so you may not see my entry until the weekend. Have a test and two assignments due Friday so schoolwork will probably pwn me until Friday. Third year at University = no fun. :indiff:

You're alive! lol. Thought this race series was done for man.

I think he was just being a gentleman and waiting until the Honda Cup was almost over.

Thanks LancerEvo7GSR. Only so many hours in the day. Some have to be spent working to pay off the important things. Mortgage/tuition/food.
With half an hour, I got a 23.736 - 53.290. I also ruined a 23.4xx - 52.85x in the last corner, which is a shame, because up to that point was close to the best I can do. There's no question that this is very challenging because of all of the crests before turns, which I find the unsatisfying kind of challenging. :indiff: Turns H and J (the turns right before T2) stump me, and while I expect MarkWebber/holl01 to blitz that section with a fancy linked drift, I have to resort for braking before turn H to maintain the car's stability.

Deep Forest is a pain for those who run OLR competitions because of all of the gray areas in terms of track surfaces. Of course the concrete swaths are out, as they should be, but what about the cobblestones behind rumble strips, the flat stone areas near the tunnel walls, and most importantly, the "grasscrete" (the green-gray strips frequently lining the track in lieu of rumble strips; they are really neither a soft nor a hard surface)? I made a point of avoiding all of them in my lap, but it would be nice to know if the extra room is available for use. And by the way, we aren't at GVE Forward as listed under the Rules and Race Info section. ;)
Ah yeah, had a go with the wheel (the only way to control this car IMO) and achieved 20.644 41.758

Not sure if we are driving the same car Austin?

Never mind, I believe I drove it in the forward direction:D Be back later with some splits
For the clean-track rules, tarmac, rumble strips such as the ones in the car picture and anything on the backstretch is fair game. I will run the track and be more specific, until then please bear with me.
Not sure if we are driving the same car Austin?

I'm not that careless. ;) By the way, I never thought you participated in casual, non-WRS OLR events like this one with much less intense competition. Are you rusty at all, having (presumably) spent so much time away from GT4?

Lancer, thanks for making that clarification, regardless of which way it goes. The car is so unstable that adding the extra room on the back straight actually really does help to maintain a good entrance into the next corner, but again, we'll adapt regardless of the verdict on the other surfaces. 👍
Really fun combo this one!


Last sector was quite well timed;)
Austin, I'm never rusty when it comes to GT:P

Ran another session and made a lap stick with these splits

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Ok, final decision, any hard surface connected to tarmac in any way, whether it be directly or indirectly, ie on the inside of a rumble strip, is track. The mentioned concrete strip and anything green is not considered track. If you'd like clarification on a certain area, feel free to ask.
Thanks once again. That makes it a little easier. 👍

With another session, I got a 23.502 - 53.000 (yes, .000) lap. I haven't broken into the 52s since the 23.4-52.85 lap I mentioned earlier, which is frustrating. :ouch: The combo is still mostly a mystery to me, though. The banking does funny things to the sliding behavior of the car, as I'm much more inconsistent in taking a corner how I want, whether it be "drifting" or sanely. I'm still in the dark about how to take turn J, and I have to think that I'm not optimizing turns E-G, either.

MarkWebber/holl01, given that I'm actually within reach of you, and that I'm no alien, one of your statements is clearly false: either "the wheel (the only way to control this car IMO)" or "I'm never rusty at GT." Either that, or you've driven only five laps, having taken care to keep all four tires on the tarmac (like reality would dictate) since the level of competition here isn't up to your usual standard. :P
Ran a few laps last night -
T1 - 23.996
T2 - 56.129
Concentrated on getting a handle on first part, now for the rest.
BTW - DS2 seems fine to me, it is only when Car gets light over rises in track that cause it to get annoyingly out of shape :yuck:
MarkWebber/holl01, given that I'm actually within reach of you, and that I'm no alien, one of your statements is clearly false: either "the wheel (the only way to control this car IMO)" or "I'm never rusty at GT." Either that, or you've driven only five laps, having taken care to keep all four tires on the tarmac (like reality would dictate) since the level of competition here isn't up to your usual standard. :P

Well I believed both to be correct at the time of writing, I tried it with the controller (PS3 controller as I'm using my PS3) and it was absolutely undriveable, way too sensitive, and my last statement was definitely accurate, meaning you're way to harsh on yourself!👍 I tried my very best to achieve my current time and I believe with the controller i was using, it was close to the best I could have squeezed out of it.

Your bloody talented, and I dont have to confirm your talent by using the DS2 controller to see which controller is faster even though from experience (licence test IA7 at trial mountain) I know that the DS2 is quicker with this car:tup:

I haven't used a controller in gran turismo for quite some time now, and I don't envisage ever using one again, my advice to you is to abandon the controller, as in the long run, the wheel is far superior-in probably 95 percent of the cars in GT4, and 100 percent in all future gt games, I anticipate.
MarkWebber/holl01, given that I'm actually within reach of you, and that I'm no alien, one of your statements is clearly false: either "the wheel (the only way to control this car IMO)" or "I'm never rusty at GT." Either that, or you've driven only five laps, having taken care to keep all four tires on the tarmac (like reality would dictate) since the level of competition here isn't up to your usual standard. :P

Hey, I resemble that comment. :)
Isn't it funny how, after some practice with a combo, a short session is actually the best way to set a your best time? Like the last race in my series, it only took about ten minutes to set a 23.460 - 52.528 lap, and the ending was actually just about my best even though I thought it was slow enough to have negated all of the time I had gained at T2. :D I'm going to submit that one, although I fear that our visiting alien will figure out the technique for driving this car on N3 tires and annihilate his old time. :scared: I will hint to you that the fastest way to drive this car on these tires is different from the fastest way to drive it on S2s, but beyond that, I think you have the experience in GT4 to figure it out. ;)

As for my being "bloody talented," I think that the huge gaps you have over me in the license tests prove otherwise. I'm multiple tenths behind you on some of the shortest and simplest tests (including some with one corner!), and much further behind on the longer tests, despite quite a significant time investment into getting the best times I could. So there is absolutely no doubt that you are a far better driver than I am, and that this race is an exceedingly rare exception to that rule.

Edit: I only just noticed that post 1 says that driving aids are prohibited. While I don't care to use them, I worry that one or more competitors may have assumed free driving aid settings and turned on the TCS or ASM. So please do check! I don't think anyone likes to see disqualifications.

Edit 2: Lancer, you need to delete some PMs - your inbox is evidently full, as vBulletin informed me when I tried to submit to you.
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Great splits Austin! Looks like you've got me beat gathering by you last sector comments. I may try again although might have to wait untill I can access a PS2 in order to experiment with the DS2.

Hey, I think it's time you accept my complement lol, the only reason why you're so far behind in the licences is for a start, you weren't there at the start, so you have yet to invest as much hours in them as I have, and secondly, you don't have a steering wheel, so there goes your chances in 70-80 percent of them (something like that, I'm not going to count).
This is a nice combo, but I'm having trouble from the 1st split to the 2nd split, that's where I'm losing most of my time it seems. My second split is usually of 54.0XX, so I will see if I can do something about it later. 👍 This car is one of the few that makes me want to drift like a maniac.

Amazing splits you guys have there. 👍
Time submitted. Splits were....

25.213 - 58.449

Left a good eights seconds out on the track. Not that I'll get them in this life. :lol:
sorry guys cant play for a while so Im out jost to say good luck to everyone and to mark and austin sick splits. this is very close green dudes
I won't be competing either due to time constraints. Results coming in a few minutes, after the deadline passes.

EDIT: Man, only 3 submissions? If no one objects, I'll extend the deadline a day.
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Thanks for that, I appreciate the extra time as I was at work and had misread the closing date :ouch:.
I will check my times when I get home and pm you asap.

Thanks again.