RVV Motor Works - White Knight - 10/02/10

Hmm, I'd wager that slightly stiffer rear springs would help, especially with full weight.

Something around 7.5-8 kg/mm should work.
I've never really ventured into the tuning arena, being a stock-car guru and all ;), but I've recently achieved my last GT4 goal, and now have lots of spare time to start hooning around in some other rides and events.
That's how I came to start driving for RVV in the "Tuning Garage Challenge", so I thought that having driven an RVV car I'd offer my own thoughts and a review here.

Starting with the stock BMW M5 that was left in my garage, having been driven only in a few of the Supercar Challenge races for 200 point success, I pootled off down to the BMW garage to have the car stripped of a few excess kilos and to add the parts to turn it into an RVV ///M5 GTS...

They created a monster. :eek:

It's been christened "The Beige Rage!" (:mischievous:) and it narrowly won the first week's race, by a little over 1/10th of a second.
Without a wing fitted it looks like the sort of thing you'd laugh at being driven at 55mph in the slow-lane by a 70-year old duffer in an tasteless cardigan, but add in the adjustable spoiler (can't recall which type as it's only the 2nd car I've ever fitted one to!) and some vaguely beige looking RAYS020 wheels and you'd be wrong. Very wrong...
Unleashing it's stock power through new S3 tyres, and with some added downforce, the crash-dieted Bimmer is surefooted and stable, but with a predisposition for nicely controllable oversteer. True it does plow a little under heavy braking while turning in, and I feel that a touch heavier front brake bias and less stiff front stabilisers may assist this, but I am to tuning what Peter Griffin would be to a 400m Sprint Relay team, i.e. useless!
It's handling the tracks I've tested it at so far pretty well, Seattle Reverse and Infineon Stock Car Course and I'm looking forward to giving it a shakedown at the rest of the venues we visit.



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BMW M5 - 711hp - 1423kg - 2.001 WPR

Parts List
Racing Brakes
Brake Balance Controller
Triple-plate Clutch
Racing Flywheel
Carbon Driveshaft
NA Tuning Stage 3
Port Polishing
Engine Balancing
Racing Chip
Sports Exhaust
Stage 3 Weight Reduction
R1 Tires
FC Suspension
FC Transmission
Rear Wing

The Setup

Spring Rate:-------9.6/6.2
Ride Height:-------79/79
Shock Bound:-------6/6
Shock Rebound:-----8/9
Reset to default settings. Autoset to 1, then set ratios and final.
Ratios of: [4.812/3.600/2.816/2.277/1.917/1.647/1.327]
Final of 2.500.

LSD/Downforce and others:
LSD: 8/35/5

Brake Balance: 5/10

Ballast Weight: 0kg

Ballast Balance: 0 (neutral)

Downforce: 30/30

Aids: N/A, this isn't a normal M5.

Called the M5 for a reason that has nothing to do with Le Mans.

Last Minute is more like it. It can and will kill you, but you get a chance to plead your case first.
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- The car may understeer when you're drifting and you will face the rumble strip in front of you, if you're not careful enough.

So in other words, it spins out?
@Smallhorses: in behalf of RVV, I would like to say thanks for the excellent review!

Oh and RJ, I did too laugh my *** off when I saw Rockits' post. I mean, is he serious? :P

sure rj.

surprised you're still at it, two years later. thanks again, to you and vince for putting all that bs on my head alone a couple years ago, class act by you guys. i had forgot the details but i looked back through the thread, and i gotta say, two years later im more convinced you guys were cowardly jerks then when it happened. :yuck:

but that's history.

came back to gtp because i remembered a couple tuners were highly successful, and i never tried their stuff. and while the tunes seem to be unconcerned with tire wear, they really are different and great.:)

good work grey and leo, still the original, still copied by hacks:yuck:, still the best, big props to MFT.👍

while i know grey and leo still do this cause they love it(and because they generate the traffic of a small forum in one thread alone) i was surprised to see you, rj, still TRYING to be them, and still measuring up quite short.

hopefully after this lil buzz dies down, it wont take rvv (or rrv or rtv ultra copper, whatever the acronym is now) multiple weeks for it's next reply.

caio, rockit.

Claiming we're just a bunch of copycats of MFT? Dude, seriously we have our own style here, our own clientele. We were just trying to compete with MFT to keep their heads up, to keep them interested. As a result a lot of good tunes would be made for the GT4 community. We just tried to contribute, as is quite normal on a forum.
That we'd become better GT4 tuners in the process is just beneficial for us, but never has been our main goal here at RVV(Or how the name was at that time).

Friendly advice:
Just don't run at people blaming them of something you don't know for sure/don't have exact proof for in the future mate, that's the stuff we've learned from this. Sure we had our suspicions, but we didn't have no proof of anything. Seriously how can you expect us to react different to that situation than to apologize to the guys you blamed for spying on our private forum. All that 'bs we put you trough' was done so you wouldn't do such thing again.

The best thing we could have asked for their IP-addresses and compared them with the mr-x IP-address on our private forum, and then conclude to take action or not. But hey, we didn't and the rest is history.

It might seem harsh, but even without you, Rockit the tuner god, we did manage to tune a car here at RVV. :)

Oh well, I am glad we quickly got rid of that guy. It probably wouldn't have worked anyway.
I just did a test drive of one of your older tunes. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. I drove the ABT Audi TT-R Touring Car "Annihilator". It does just as you advertised. Very neutral steering, the gearing will let it keep up with the cars that should overpower it, pretty easy on tires (I really like the fact that they wear almost perfectly evenly)
If you get the right lineup you can win the DTM with it in B-spec mode with stock power just like you set it up. It all depends on who holds Bob up and allows the Merc CLK the big head start. I put Bob on overtake and 5 and the tune is so good that even Bob can't run off the road. Give Bob a little horsepower and he will win every race by 20 or more seconds.

Outstanding tune. Most likely the best I have ever used.

Thank You
Well, what RJ does is cropping of parts from the original image of the car and resizing the whole image. Then he adds a black box next to that smaller picture and then the text. Please correct me if this is wrong.

Can this all be done on photobucket?Also don't you do this also??
Well, what RJ does is cropping of parts from the original image of the car and resizing the whole image. Then he adds a black box next to that smaller picture and then the text. Please correct me if this is wrong.

Nearly correct; I crop down an image, resize it to 100 pixel height, paste it into a blank 600x100 picture, fill the remainder in with white or black, then add text.

Also, I simply use GIMP, it's free and works plenty well.
Oh ok thanks,I'm gonna start reposting my old tunes and do new one's,hey later on would you mind requesting a tune from my garage?
Thanks for the Audi TT DTM tune. I'm new to the 'planet but have been loggin the mile in GT for years. Been re-playing GT4 this week and loving these tunes! It's like I just started it over again. You did a great job on this one. I'll be trying out your others.

Thanks again!! I know this stuff takes alot of time, which we all don't have enough of. But your efforts are appreciated!!!
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I was after a setup for a Nissan Skyline GT-R V-spec II Nur.

I'm new to this so I am not sure if it's allowed to request to ask you guys to provide me with a setup.

But if you can, will be highly appreciated.

If they read your post and don't just blow you off. See post 1059. No love at all.

Sorry bout that mate, didn't mean to blow off your post like that. Had a reply typed up, left it in another tab before posting, and promptly forgot about it. Don't take me as too much of an arse (even though I usually am).

That TT-R turned out better than a lot of cars and is actually older than most here seeing as it was from a previous venture. Same with the 787B I think. Both work very well and are two of few cars actually built for specific events seeing as I usually build for driving enjoyment or Tuner Challenges. If there's anything you want I'm most easily reached on MSN (should be somewhere in my profile) or by PM. Or profile message for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for the review; it's been too long without one that wasn't arranged with another garage. :lol:

At first glance the 261 horsepower Honda seemed underpowered. So, As alway's I decided to start off running basic machine test's. In the 400m, 1000m and Top Speed Challenge this car had somewhat proved itself.

400m:14.3 110 mph 1000m:25.0 140 mph Top Speed: 165 mph

So onto Test set Two, Trial Mountain, As I came through the Valley I noticed that the Lightweight made the Integra handle smoothe and controlled. Gliding Quickly through Corner after Corner toward's the straight all I could think was how Smoothe the turn in and exit's were. Finally the straight, My chance to Open her up. Coming on the straight at a staggering 85 mph I quickly grabbed third and was off, at the top of the hill I was upward's of 130 mph. Now for the downhill portion of the track, My personal favriot, I planned to approach with caution fearing terrible understeer, But to my surprise I flew through the corner's and down the hill as if it were child's play. Coming down the final straight into the "S" I didnt need to let off the throttle for the turn and crossed the line at an astounding 1'36.

On to Phase Two, The Touge, Cote 'D Azur. This is my all time favriot track and where I tune all of my own car's. It was at this point of my Review that I truly realized the remarkable way the Gearbox functioned, The gear's grabbed extremley quick and the Ratio's were tuned amazingly. There was no wheelspin through second gear which made the Low Speed Corner's feel as Smoothe as High Speed Corner's. The Transmission is simply put, masterful. Coming through this track I noticed that the braking was amazing being completley stock I was hitting the same Braking point's that my Tuned EVO take's. Not the fastest car I've taken around the track, but one of the smoothest by far, All through the tight corner's I expected some terrible wheelspin or Understeer and never had either. Now after laying down a 1'50 at my Home Track I was Impressed.

Now was Inferno Practical ? Well after entrance into the Type R Meeting, I can assure you It is, Practical, And,...Murderous. After Four Lap's on Motegi Road Course, Inferno had a 20 second lead over A '01 NSX and '02 NSX. I won the championship with extreme ease and will most definitley be keeping this tune in my garage.

Overall I would say the engine's low power rating mean's nothing, The way she can hold and pull speed off the corner's she can run with car's much more powerful. The suspension was tuned to handle low speed and high speed cornering exceptionally well. Often time's the car felt as though it was gliding corner to corner. Only a couple of time's did I experience Understeer, But it was never enough to the point that alittle Left Foot Braking couldnt correct the problem. The Transmission and LSD were as Stated MASTERFUL.

I would give an Overall Rating of 8.5/10.
Thank you
If you liked that, go take a run in the RSX TS-R. It's quicker and better to drive on lesser tires.

As well as doing certain things you wouldn't expect an FF to.

Anyhow thanks for the review mate.
Good to hear, each review means one request here and everywhere else except AMN who do 2 and say that it makes them "professionals".
Good to hear, each review means one request here and everywhere else except AMN who do 2 and say that it makes them "professionals".

Well, I shall think of a tune for you.
How would that make them professional ? Professionalism should be based on the grade of tune's produced. Not the reward you receieve for testing there car's.

Well, Looking over this car's spread sheet S3 tires mixed with 316 horsepower in an FF ? Sound's Disastrous, but, Once on the Track I was in for a major surprise.

Machine Test's:
400m: 14.4 115 mph
1000m: 24.7 145 mph
Top Speed: 169 mph

Being an FF at a 316 horsepower power rating I had expected to tear the tire's apart in wheelspin. The way the gearing was through the car limited wheelspin to only first gear, which is quite impressive. The acceleration of the naturally aspirated engine was quite smoothe and extremley quick.

Track Testing:
Trial Mountain: 1'36
Driving around the Mounain for the first few lap's I thought the car felt awkward, I didnt like the feeling in the turn's, but, it was exceptionaly quick. Being as quick as it was, I continued to drive for upward's of thirty lap's. After awhile I finally got a basic philosophy of this car, This isnt the type of car you act cautious with, This is the type of car you have to throw in to corner's at ridiculous speed's and red line all over the place. This lightweight monster was insane fun, It take's awhile to get used to, but, once figured out this car is a blast to drive.

Cote 'D Azur: 1'49
Driving along my favorite Touge track the RSX felt right at home. Through the low speed cornering the car stayed smoothe. The RSX felt absoutley glued to the track at all time's and felt amazing while flying around lap after lap. The tight corner's of Cote 'D Azur break most car's, but the RSX held in and was extremley quick, Nearly rivaling my EVO. While driving this car, not once did I experience understeer. There was an occasional oversteer, Which even in those time's I felt as though I had complete control over the car.

As for being Practical:
The RSX is extremley practical due to the S3 tire's. It is extremley Smoothe, Balanced and Powerful.

Overall, It took me 26 lap's of Trial Mountain to figure this RSX out, But, now that I have, I'm in love. The Gear change's were rapid, The steering and Suspension feel absolultey smoothe. The power was instant and insane, this car's launches arent the fastest, but, grab third gear and it's over. The car at all time's feel's extremley balanced and the downforce make's cornering speed's insanely quick. This was an amazing car and I will be keeping it in my garage.

I would give an Overall Rating of 9.5/10.
Thank you
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i think the main goal of this garage is to give other members setups they can enjoy. That we learn a thing or two, that's just extra.:)

and please, if you're writing a review, take your time!

i have a list of 17 of my favorites do u think u have them? They are,cr-x ballade sports,civic '83,panda super i. E.,z-act,n360/beetle 1100 standard,2cv type a,sports 800 '65, 500f,500l,500r,today-g'85,carol 360,life step van,and the suburu 360. Thank u so much.
I'm afraid I have to bring to your attention a section within our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) that focuses on the level of grammar that is expected here at GTPlanet:

No slang words that promote laziness, ie; “r”, “u”, “plz”, etc. will be tolerated. Decent grammar is expected, including proper usage of capital letters. Repeated violations will be grounds for suspension and/or permanent removal from the forums. All messages must be posted in English.

Thanks. 👍
i have a list of 17 of my favorites do u think u have them? They are,cr-x ballade sports,civic '83,panda super i. E.,z-act,n360/beetle 1100 standard,2cv type a,sports 800 '65, 500f,500l,500r,today-g'85,carol 360,life step van,and the suburu 360. Thank u so much.

We've got the Beetle somewhere around here, MFT has a Subaru 360 and I think a Fiat 500 of some description, and I've no idea as for the rest.