The point is there are plenty of other bad things people do while knowing it's bad for them.
And? What does that have to do with anything? If he can do it, I can do it too? I'm saying this because it's a shame that, at your age, you are smoking.
One cigarette, I've smoked hundreds, and others many thousands, of cigarettes and I'm not one bit worse off then before I started.
True I may not be able to run as well as I used to
Quite a contradiction, right?
but I could really give a damn.
That you give or not a damn is an entire different thing. If you don't give a damn, then continue smoking, I have no problem with it. As long as you don't smoke near me, that is. Given our geographical locations, however, I doubt that will be a problem.
I know they're bad for me, and I'm well addicted, but I don't want to stop. It's something I enjoy doing, even if it is eating through my wallet.
And it brings me back to my point: I can't understand how people smoke when they know it's a bad thing to do to their bodies. I doubt you knew you liked cigarettes before you tried one.
If you want to compare one cigarette to one cheesburger, I smoke at least 28 a week and at the end of the week I'm the same as I was at the start.
Ask a doctor to prove you wrong.
Eat 28 cheesburgers a week, you'll be feeling very sick if not making a trip to the hospital. I've also ate many a cheesburger and felt completely awful or even sick afterward, no to mention the fact that they go through you faster than it took you to eat the damn thing.
That pretty much happens with anything you eat too many times in a short period of time. Stop smoking, then tell me if you continue to be "healthy". Withdrawal symptoms just kicked in, yo.
I've never once felt sick after a regular cigarette, cloves being the exception.
That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt your body.
I try my best to not smoke near people who don't, and I even warn other people about the dangers and consequences of smoking, but apparently I'm the evil guy giving everyone cancer and killing myself.
Me thinks you should follow your own advice. But by the looks of it, if you really are addicted, withdrawal symptoms are something you may not want to go through.
If you don't smoke, that's fine, but it shouldn't be such a crazy concept that other people enjoy it.
It's a crazy concept to stab your arm just to see if you enjoy it. That's basically what someone does before smoking a cigarette.
If it's the way you want to live your life, I respect it. But I won't understand why someone would grab a cigarette for the first time knowing it's a bad thing to do, not to mention addictive.
Every cigarette does you damage.
A burger you can walk off. I don't think you can walk off a cigarette.