All Avatar Related Items Here....

Is this it?


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Hello everyone. As you may have noticed, I am a big fan of the Matrix Trilogy, and most of my avatars have been Neo-themed. What I would like to know is if anyone can make a moving avatar (i.e. animated) from a particular part in Matrix Revolutions.

In particular, I am wondering if a short clip from the beginning of the final fight between Neo and Smith (when they're fighting in the street right after they run at each other but before they do the big "double-punch" that sends each flying backwards) can be made into an avatar that I could use on GTP. Or maybe even just a clip of that double-punch...

Does anyone know if they could do this for me? Thanks a lot!
Well the first link has some good shots, but I want an actual MOVING clip from the movie, even if it's like 1 or 2 seconds long, of this "double-punch" scene. Also, when I tried the second link, it said not a valid URL and cannot be loaded...

Believe me, I have tried looking for such an avatar, and so far I haven't had any luck.

I guess the first thing would be to tell me if it can even be done at all and used on GTP?
Could anyone make me an avatar with Drusilla (played by Juliet Landau) from Buffy The Vampire Slayer in it?
Well the first link has some good shots, but I want an actual MOVING clip from the movie, even if it's like 1 or 2 seconds long, of this "double-punch" scene. Also, when I tried the second link, it said not a valid URL and cannot be loaded...

Copy and paste the URL into your browser...
Then look at the 7th picture. It is a short movie, not the double punch but a fight scene. It needs to be compressed and I knwo that is possible because someone did it with the Dancing Stuey avatar in the 'best avatar' thread.
Oh, sorry master and king of the whole universe ever. They pale in comparison you your attempts.:irked:
:( So I've been abit high and mighty today. I'm sorry :(.
I was just trying to find some images so someone with photoshop or something could 'do their stuff'. Just trying to help.
Exige, the link still does not work. It does end in an (=) which leads me to believe there's something missing from it...Anyway, I get sent to a Netscape search page instead of any websites.

Ultrabeat, those are cool, but from the wrong movie. I want the end fight from Matrix Revolutions, and that's the fight from Matrix Reloaded. Thanks anyway though!
could someone please help me out with my avatar???? it looks like crap, but I was wondering if anyone could fix it. please?
Post up the album covers and I'll have a go this weekend or sooner. Edit: oh yeah, let me know the order you want them in...
for Danoff


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okay heres the covers.
the albums are in this order:

Kill 'Em All, Ride The Ligthning, Master Of Puppets, ...And Justice For All, Black Album, Load, Reload, Garage Inc., S&M, then St. Anger. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: and just in case of confusion, the first is Ride The Lightning, the second is Kill 'Em All the third is Master Of Puppets the fourth is Load the fifth is S&M the sixth is garage inc. the seventh is Reload the 8th is black album the ninth is And Justice For All the 10th is St. Anger.

This is the order of the pics as they appear in this post, not the order they should be in in the avatar.


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