I hope I got them all in the right order for you. If not, let me know, it's really simple to rearrange the order. It's pretty hard to get that many albon covers in 20 KB, so here's what I madeSilverzoneokay heres the covers.
skip0110I hope I got them all in the right order for you. If not, let me know, it's really simple to rearrange the order. It's pretty hard to get that many albon covers in 20 KB, so here's what I made
1) Small, 75x75 px color version (20 KB)
2) Bigger, 90x90 px black and white version (19.3 KB)
Choose your chioce.
Whoops, I cut out 1/2 of the frames, but forgot to double the time each frame is displayed....AndertonWow, they're really movin' fast! I wish GTP allowed larger file sizes...like, say, 67 KB, for avatars...I'd pay money for it!
What does that mean?ultrabeatI see a red X.
I havent forgotten about you....I'm just very busy.AndertonAny progress? Is it do-able?
Sorry, didn't want you to think I was growing impatient. It's just that I was so psyched to have even FOUND this little clip, and the prospect of it being my avatar is making me giddy. I'll have the best avatar on all of GTP or any other message forum! (Well, at least in my eyes I will!)skip0110I havent forgotten about you....I'm just very busy.