Expert Level: Ferrari Challenge @ Fuji Speedway F :00 :15 :30 :45

  • Thread starter Patrik
Why aren’t you people race here?

Just curious, cos this event on suzuka was much more popular. Are you bored with the Ferrari or is it Fuji.
Why aren’t you people race here?

Just curious, cos this event on suzuka was much more popular. Are you bored with the Ferrari or is it Fuji.

If I had the time I would be racing here a LOT. I'm very happy to see an interesting event which isn't on Suzuka (which I still loathe. I've loathed it for years, so I don't think that's going to change anytime soon!).

As it is, I just haven't had much time. I did make it in for a few races the other evening after wasting most of the afternoon trying to get the Ford GT to stop understeering around Daytona Oval...
If I had the time I would be racing here a LOT. I'm very happy to see an interesting event which isn't on Suzuka (which I still loathe. I've loathed it for years, so I don't think that's going to change anytime soon!).:lol:

As it is, I just haven't had much time. I did make it in for a few races the other evening after wasting most of the afternoon trying to get the Ford GT to stop understeering around Daytona Oval...

Ditto :banghead:
I had some fun last night with GTP_Panjandrum, GTP_LinPark, GTP_Drama_Kyd, JapanElite, toracer32. Using the Live Chat make it easy to co-ordinate. I posted some videos of the action in the Racing Videos (Online / Offline) thread / Post.
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1'46s and 1'47's with S3's and some drift... (only last 3 corners due to low gear)

I keep getting rammed and lated braked...

Its the fact that Im not drifting and still getting rammed.
THE STRAIGHT... what is everyones problem...
Why do people use each other as pads...

Im back to be cautious around [ES]... its just way too many times now... theres an odd GB idiot too...

On that note. WHERE IS EVERYONE? lol I go to the times and have only seen one GTP today :indiff:

Must be having fun at the Death race :)
I was tonight first time racing in this new Ferrari-event, and it was very fun. Not so much ramming than I was afraid. Ofcourse those few tight corners are problematic, especially lap 1 and 2, but after that there is not so much traffic and everything did go quite properly.

Difference between cars like 430 and 599 causes some situations. 599's passes many cars on straight, and after that they are much slower and causes traffic.

Sorry to somebody whose ID I dont remember. I thought you will go wide and took my chance, but you got control back and closed the door... and I had already foot there.
I had some fun last night with GTP_Panjandrum, GTP_LinPark, GTP_Drama_Kyd, JapanElite, toracer32. Using the Live Chat make it easy to co-ordinate. I posted some videos of the action in the Racing Videos (Online / Offline) thread / Post.

Good set of races last night. Thanks for posting the videos, cool to get that perspective.

See you guys out there soon.
Hi everybody,

I sort of started organizing a Ferrari Fuji online meeting last night for next Saturday night. The list of people here, where active on this threat at that moment (, some of you already committed for participation and some of you don’t. if you want to participate let me know by sending me a PM.
This is open for everybody. The more people participate the less punters we have and that’s why I started this. I noticed that there weren’t any GTP-ers in this event and a lot of punters/cheaters. By reading this threat I notice that more GTP-ers where complaining about it. Without being to Harvard, everybody will know that were on this event on different times. And it isn’t the most popular event since the No Mercy event. Also GT5P is a bit of dying off, now there are a lot of releases coming out at the moment. But there are a lot of Die Hard fans how still wants some good races, now and then.

GTP_DaddyVDUB Cancelled, might pop up late at night
GTP_SteveO1965 👍
GTP_Fujiwara-kun 👍
GTP_einar Cancelled
GTP_Roomboter 👍
GTP_Blitz187 👍
GTP_ledhendrix 👍
.......Hiyanu 👍
GTP_Marchbrown 👍 New participate and confirmed
GTP_fairplay_plz 👍 New participate and confirmed
(👍 will participate)

Start at 9:00p.m GMT till 00:00p.m GTM.​
Off course you can come earlier and quite before the end because it’s just for fun. But the highlight will be in this time frame.​

Rules are very simple:
We gonna do this for a FUN, CLEAN and FAIR night of racing. Means you will enjoying yourself and be a gentleman on the track. No punting and cheating.​

Any idea’s, let me know and post them on the this threat.

I hope this will succeed. Because I haven’t had a good night off racing for a long time.
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I have Schummy-night today with small group of my GT-friends. We are using same schedule with you, so there should be lot of decent racers few hours. We start 8pm.

Watch out SLO_aleska. (if she can come tonight) ...maybe fastest lady in GT-world.

ps. when She beats you, dont worry. It only hurts few months, and then you get used to it.
I have Schummy-night today with small group of my GT-friends. We are using same schedule with you, so there should be lot of decent racers few hours. We start 8pm.

Watch out SLO_aleska. (if she can come tonight) ...maybe fastest lady in GT-world.

ps. when She beats you, dont worry. It only hurts few months, and then you get used to it.

LOL i am used to being beaten, i am thinking of changing my name to GTP_Roadblock :lol:
That was tough, a Spaniard in a break dancing California and me with a bullseye painted on the back of my car :nervous:
tell me about it,i had to pull over for a sec to let them past.i thought the good drivers dont cut corners too,you know who you are haha 👍
we are starting to get a full grid 👍

GTP_SteveO1965 👍
GTP_Fujiwara-kun 👍
GTP_einar 👍 Just conformed by PM
GTP_Roomboter 👍
GTP_Blitz187 👍 New participate and confirmed by PM
GTP_ledhendrix 👍 New participate and confirmed by PM
.......Hiyanu 👍 New participate and confirmed by PM
GTP_LP2K 👍 New participate and confirmed by PM
(👍 will participate)
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Today I was hosting first time ever! Tell if you see any lag if I host again.

I changed my canal+ to 5M dsl...