The almost annoying questionnaire...

  • Thread starter kanjifreak



1.- When you refer to the B-Spec driver, you call it "Bob". Is that some kind of acronym for "Robot"?

2.- When people say: "You need a setup" when they try to express that racing wheels should be the way of driving in Gran Turismo to accomplish "greatness", are they saying that the controller is useless? Is that some kind of "hardcore" argument or is it really true?

3.- When people say: "Go play (insert any other game here)" are they saying that GT5 should be some sort of deity that cannot be questioned in any way?

4.- When people say: "In real life..." are they saying that GT5 should be compared to an actual driving experience, and the fact that it is only a video game should be avoided at all costs?

5.- When people say what has been exposed in questions 3 and 4, do they really enjoy the pantomime cars in the game, or is it just the Deity being adored at all costs? (eg. X1, and the likes)

6.- When people say "Kaz did...", is that some sort of closeness to the programmer or something? Do they really know him?

7.- When a guy eventually "platinums" GT5, and doesn't run to the internet to post videos, sync the trophies, etc., will he lose something? Is hardcore something that comes from the recognition of other people, and not from the true satisfaction of accomplishing the hardest?

8.- This one is just out of a language issue: How do you call in English the things on the sides of the curves that are red and white and sometimes are like concrete with squares? Those that you really need to use in such an unrealistic and exaggerated way in the game as if they were "magical rails" to get the toughest golds in the game?

Thank you for reading.
It's usually called the rumble strip and I can not tell if these questions are genuine or if your are being sarcastic to make a point.

Thank you, I really couldn't find their name or the way they call them. On another concern, yes, I'm sarcastic too, but that doesn't mean that the questions are not also genuine in other ways.

That's the beauty of any well employed language... :)
Thank you, I really couldn't find their name or the way they call them. On another concern, yes, I'm sarcastic too, but that doesn't mean that the questions are not also genuine in other ways.

That's the beauty of any well employed language... :)
Okay then here are some answers...
1. Bob is a name that became popular for the A.I. in B-spec mode when it made its debut in GT4.
2. A wheel offers precision with steering, braking, and throttle input that a controller can't match.
3. Some people love GT so much and are so attached to it that they get offended.
4. Most would like to think that the game is and should be as realistic as possible.
5. Diety being adored
6. Due to attachement to the franchise many do indeed feel attached to Kaz and greatly admire him as a professional and person.
7. Yes, the hardcore do seem to have the need to be recognized by others as such.
8. Already answered.
Okay then here are some answers...
1. Bob is a name that became popular for the A.I. in B-spec mode when it made its debut in GT4.
2. A wheel offers precision with steering, braking, and throttle input that a controller can't match.
3. Some people love GT so much and are so attached to it that they get offended.
4. Most would like to think that the game is and should be as realistic as possible.
5. Diety being adored
6. Due to attachement to the franchise many do indeed feel attached to Kaz and greatly admire him as a professional and person.
7. Yes, the hardcore do seem to have the need to be recognized by others as such.
8. Already answered.

Short and sweet on your part. Much appreciated. (Now, I'll wait for the conflictive guys to reply as in a rant)

Only question still unanswered in my opinion is the "Bob" nickname.

Why did it become popular?

Why Bob?
Short and sweet on your part. Much appreciated. (Now, I'll wait for the conflictive guys to reply as in a rant)

Only question still unanswered in my opinion is the "Bob" nickname.

Why did it become popular?

Why Bob?

Yes Bob is a nickname. I guess it stuck because it starts with a B as in "B-spec".
Short and sweet on your part. Much appreciated. (Now, I'll wait for the conflictive guys to reply as in a rant)

Only question still unanswered in my opinion is the "Bob" nickname.

Why did it become popular?

Why Bob?

Someone from GTPlanet came up with that nickname when GT4 came out and it just stuck. That's all there is to it.
2 - I'll give you a specific example from my GT5 experience. I couldnt do better then Bronze in the Nascar intermediate challenges using a controller. With my new wheel I golded all of them within 5 attempts. It was MUCH easier to hold the driving line.
2 - I'll give you a specific example from my GT5 experience. I couldnt do better then Bronze in the Nascar intermediate challenges using a controller. With my new wheel I golded all of them within 5 attempts. It was MUCH easier to hold the driving line.

I'll try to get one to experiment. I've played with a controller for all the life of the GT franchise.

It may help me too. The only golds I just can't get now are the Vettel Challenge ones and one from the expert AMG driving academy.

Maybe that'll be the solution because I just find them really hard now. Almost impossible.
Well, that is why I said "SOME KIND" of acronym. Rob, would be the acronym, but with internet guys, you never know...

Ok, so if it's a nickname, why Bob?

So you didn't read the definition at the link? The acronym for B-Spec Bob would be BSB or BSR (if you want to go with "B-Spec Robot"). Acronyms come from the initial letters of the words involved. i.e. Nation Football League = NFL.

Anyways, I saw a thread on B-Spec Bob and I believe Scaff said that it came about from GT4 when B-Spec drivers didn't have names like they do on GT5, so they just gave him the first generic name to pop up. I'm guess that there may be an alliterate connection with it it being B-Spec and Bob. The name stuck ever since.

I could be wrong, but does it matter? Don't worry, I'm just giving you a hard time about the definition of acronym. All in good fun, mate. :)
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1 - No, it just sort of happened. Also, this news post used the term (coined it, even).
2 - Wheels generally give much better times in the long run. However, you can get extremely good using a controller if you have enough experience.
3 - No, but when people are saying "GT5 SHOULD HAVE THIS AND THIS AND THIS" and they are all in another game, it sure seems like they would be more interested in said game.
4 - GT5 is designed to simulate real life, so yes (a bit).
5 - It's an escape from the frustrating nature of the rest of the game, you could say.
6 - Most developers don't have connections with their players. However, we know all about Kaz, which creates some sort of artificial relationship between him and the players.
7 - Not a bit. It's a great accomplishment for him, and if he chooses to post it all across the interwebs in a respectable way, so be it.
8 - Rumble strips.
1) Bob stuck because it is one of the most generic male names in the English language. It also begins with a 'B', making "B-spec Bob" sort of alliterative.

2) Racing wheels allow much more precise, analogue inputs for steering, throttle and brakes. Controllers nowadays do have analogue buttons (as well as dual analogue sticks) and are not useless by any means, although wheels will always be more accurate.

3) Sometimes people get offended personally when someone else questions a game they like and enjoy spending time on. This makes them feel that the person who does not like the game should not be allowed to play it, and should therefore go "play something else".

4) GT5 is marketed as "The Real Driving Simulator", and it should play as such. Although most people do not understand that GT5 is also a piece of entertainment media, designed for fun and playability. Only focusing on the relatively niche market of pure sim racing fans would not give the game the incredible sales Sony and PD both need.

5) It changes from person to person. I personally enjoy the 'pantomime cars' like the X1 and the Nike 2022 concept from GT4. Others spit fire and hatred at them for not being realistic enough - this sort of refers to the point above.

6) 'Kaz' is the face of Polyphony Digital. People don't know him, they just want someone to blame for things in the game they don't like, or someone to praise for the things they do like. And people would rather type "Kaz" as opposed to "Kazunori Yamauchi" because it doesn't take as long and we're all lazy :)

7) Being hardcore does truly stem from the enjoyment of knowing you are among the best, but of course most people do not feel like they have gained anything unless the world knows of their accomplishments.

8) Kerbs or Rumble Strips. I believe both are correct. :dopey:
So you didn't read the definition at the link? The acronym for B-Spec Bob would be BSB or BSR (if you want to go with "B-Spec Robot"). Acronyms come from the initial letters of the words involved. i.e. Nation Football League = NFL.

Anyways, I saw a thread on B-Spec Bob and I believe Scaff said that it came about from GT4 when B-Spec drivers didn't have names like they do on GT5, so they just gave him the first generic name to pop up. I'm guess that there may be an alliterate connection with it it being B-Spec and Bob. The name stuck ever since.

I could be wrong, but does it matter? Don't worry, I'm just giving you a hard time about the definition of acronym. All in good fun, mate. :)

Oh no dude, you are the one not getting my post, I said:

"Some sort of acronym for Robot."

Never said: "A full linguistically compliant acronym for B-Spec Driver."

While acronyms technically cannot be formed from one word terms, nerds tend to do whatever they want when it comes to their "passion".

Internet freaks, geeks, nerds and the likes tend to create terms, but anyway.

Have a great year! :crazy:
1 - No, it just sort of happened. Also, this news post used the term (coined it, even).
2 - Wheels generally give much better times in the long run. However, you can get extremely good using a controller if you have enough experience.
3 - No, but when people are saying "GT5 SHOULD HAVE THIS AND THIS AND THIS" and they are all in another game, it sure seems like they would be more interested in said game.
4 - GT5 is designed to simulate real life, so yes (a bit).
5 - It's an escape from the frustrating nature of the rest of the game, you could say.
6 - Most developers don't have connections with their players. However, we know all about Kaz, which creates some sort of artificial relationship between him and the players.
7 - Not a bit. It's a great accomplishment for him, and if he chooses to post it all across the interwebs in a respectable way, so be it.
8 - Rumble strips.

All right, thanks a bunch.
1) Bob stuck because it is one of the most generic male names in the English language. It also begins with a 'B', making "B-spec Bob" sort of alliterative.

2) Racing wheels allow much more precise, analogue inputs for steering, throttle and brakes. Controllers nowadays do have analogue buttons (as well as dual analogue sticks) and are not useless by any means, although wheels will always be more accurate.

3) Sometimes people get offended personally when someone else questions a game they like and enjoy spending time on. This makes them feel that the person who does not like the game should not be allowed to play it, and should therefore go "play something else".

4) GT5 is marketed as "The Real Driving Simulator", and it should play as such. Although most people do not understand that GT5 is also a piece of entertainment media, designed for fun and playability. Only focusing on the relatively niche market of pure sim racing fans would not give the game the incredible sales Sony and PD both need.

5) It changes from person to person. I personally enjoy the 'pantomime cars' like the X1 and the Nike 2022 concept from GT4. Others spit fire and hatred at them for not being realistic enough - this sort of refers to the point above.

6) 'Kaz' is the face of Polyphony Digital. People don't know him, they just want someone to blame for things in the game they don't like, or someone to praise for the things they do like. And people would rather type "Kaz" as opposed to "Kazunori Yamauchi" because it doesn't take as long and we're all lazy :)

7) Being hardcore does truly stem from the enjoyment of knowing you are among the best, but of course most people do not feel like they have gained anything unless the world knows of their accomplishments.

8) Kerbs or Rumble Strips. I believe both are correct. :dopey:

Thanks a lot!
As I recall from the GT4 days, "B-Spec Bob" began with this thread, which asked about the "personality" of your B-spec driver (first reference on second page). "Bob" became the popular choice (for alliteration, as mentioned), and began appearing in other threads, like this post no more than a month later.
As I recall from the GT4 days, "B-Spec Bob" began with this thread, which asked about the "personality" of your B-spec driver (first reference on second page). "Bob" became the popular choice (for alliteration, as mentioned), and began appearing in other threads, like this post no more than a month later.

Top info there. Thanks a lot!
I'll try to get one to experiment. I've played with a controller for all the life of the GT franchise.

It may help me too. The only golds I just can't get now are the Vettel Challenge ones and one from the expert AMG driving academy.

Maybe that'll be the solution because I just find them really hard now. Almost impossible.

Dude, then I have to say

If you have never played GT with wheel therefore you have never played GT yet.

Try one of the official wheels and post a reply telling us your experience.

See you
"3) Sometimes people get offended personally when someone else questions a game they like and enjoy spending time on. This makes them feel that the person who does not like the game should not be allowed to play it, and should therefore go "play something else"

It happens because people just say things and don't prove the things.
NO NO you have it all wrong.

Ever since the banana slushy has been invented people have been racing aroung Nurbrgring in their normal every day cars like the prius and one day some racer went around the 'ring in a lambo.

This driver was given fame and fortune for having made life less horrible. He was only 13 at the time so he was doing it illegally but that is what made it epic.

When he was 16 he got his license and became the test driver/team racing driver for Top Gear.

At the time he was named Bob because the Top Gear crew didn't know what else to call him. (Team racing drivers have very small brains)

Hence the name Bob was invented. Bob is another term for a mindless racing driver that has much to learn. After a while on Top Gear he got skillz and became known as the Stig.

So, in summary Bob is a noob version of the Stig. So you must train B-Spec Bob to become a Stig and fufill his dream of being a professional team racing driver for a popular car show like Top Gear. Although both bob and the stig don't have brains, just racing instincts, they still want to become celebrities in the car racing world so they can reveal they're secret identities and ruin everything and flee to the depths of boredom encased around Fith Gear.

If you stuck through and read the whole thing you are:
-Extremely bored
-or you just wanted a good lol. :)

So that is why he became know as Bob. :)
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