The almost annoying questionnaire...

  • Thread starter kanjifreak
I always thought that the 'B-spec Bob' naming was inspired by 'Baghdad Bob'. The release of GT4 was only 1,5 years after the Iraq war and at that time many people still remembered this guy's hilarious interviews.
It really was just an easy name beggining with B. If PD had called the mode something else we would have had

A-Spec Alan
C-Spec Charlie
D-Spec Dave
E-Spec Edward

Re #7

How do you know, that there isn't a million guys that "platinumed" the whole game twice who didn't post it all over the web.
1.- When you refer to the B-Spec driver, you call it "Bob". Is that some kind of acronym for "Robot"?

It's an alliteratism that seems to have started right here at GT Planet... it just sounds 'right'.

2.- When people say: "You need a setup" when they try to express that racing wheels should be the way of driving in Gran Turismo to accomplish "greatness", are they saying that the controller is useless? Is that some kind of "hardcore" argument or is it really true?

It's not true in all cases but it's true in many. Whatever you're best on is what you're best on. Unquantifiable.

3.- When people say: "Go play (insert any other game here)" are they saying that GT5 should be some sort of deity that cannot be questioned in any way?

Some are, some aren't. I'm beginning to wonder if you're actually extending your own agenda.

4.- When people say: "In real life..." are they saying that GT5 should be compared to an actual driving experience, and the fact that it is only a video game should be avoided at all costs?

'The Driving Simulator'. We've all heard that a thousand times. Some people would like it to be much much more accurate hence the comparisons.

5.- When people say what has been exposed in questions 3 and 4, do they really enjoy the pantomime cars in the game, or is it just the Deity being adored at all costs? (eg. X1, and the likes)

Ah, the agenda I mentioned in 3?

6.- When people say "Kaz did...", is that some sort of closeness to the programmer or something? Do they really know him?

Yamauchi-san's publicity machine never stops - people feel they know him because that's how mass-market media works.

7.- When a guy eventually "platinums" GT5, and doesn't run to the internet to post videos, sync the trophies, etc., will he lose something? Is hardcore something that comes from the recognition of other people, and not from the true satisfaction of accomplishing the hardest?

You want a simple definition of hardcore? It's all things to all people. What do you think? That's as valid as any answer you'll get here.

8.- This one is just out of a language issue: How do you call in English the things on the sides of the curves that are red and white and sometimes are like concrete with squares? Those that you really need to use in such an unrealistic and exaggerated way in the game as if they were "magical rails" to get the toughest golds in the game?

Curbs or Kerbs. Have you raced in real life? Hooking a wheel over the hump can really help - I don't see any difference in GT5. That's my personal un-deified opinion, of course...
3) Sometimes people get offended personally when someone else questions a game they like and enjoy spending time on. This makes them feel that the person who does not like the game should not be allowed to play it, and should therefore go "play something else".

Very true. Ever notice product reviews by consumers? If it blasts something someone else likes they give the review a thumbs down, regardless of how accurate the review is. It's not a popularity contest. It's one person giving their opinion of a product they've used, such as on Amazon. The review is for people who haven't used it to judge whether the review was helpful. The comments section is where you're disagreement should go! There should be a ban of people who've used the product from giving a up/down vote on someone elses review.
Thank you, I really couldn't find their name or the way they call them. On another concern, yes, I'm sarcastic too, but that doesn't mean that the questions are not also genuine in other ways.

That's the beauty of any well employed language... :)

Good job on that part. Most attempts at sarcasm fall flat in an email or on a forum. I thought you would be flamed for sure, but since the humor did show through you got some good answers back.

1- Naming Bob is definitely a good invention of the GTP community. It is much better to say that Bob is racing and making me money than to explain to my wife that the PS3 is still on because I have the computer racing itself. I also like it when my son asks if Bob is winning, and if Bob got to race because he was being a good boy.

4- Now it makes sense, IRL = In Real Life! See I thought when people mentioned IRL in posts they were talking about some Indy Racing League game. I figured I had to get it since it was clearly superior to GT5. Never could find it at GameStop though...
1. No;
2. Wheel is always better than DS3/SA. GT5 is very wheel oriented, it's impossible to match a wheel by using a controller;
3. Fanboyism is bad. No game is perfect - including GT5;
4. Yes, I look at GT5 as a simulator - not as a video game;
5. Well, no - people don't enjoy X2010 (I don't), it's a great car I just can't enjoy driving it;
6. No;
7. Well, for me - satisfaction comes from accomplishing the hardest. I don't care about trophies;

Just realised that's from Dec '10. Whoever is bumping these old topics should just **** off.
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