GTP_Registry Discussion Thread (GT5)

  • Thread starter EDK
Congrats to the Div 1 Gold Boys, awesome work there.

Personally im wrapped with Div 2 Bronze on my first WRS. Can't wait to get into some time trials.
To the steward:

Are the top qualifyers in each subdivision going to get PMed specific instructions on replay submissions?

I'm staring at mine, but don't know what to do with them. :D
div3 bronze, guess that's what you get for only running 2 or 3 passes at each one.

Will just have to work my way up to Div1 then!
WOW Division 1 Bronze, I never would have thought! Proud to be one of the 6 USA boys in Division 1 as well! With only 2 people behind me in division 1 lets just hope I can stay there!

Congrats to everyone who completed the qualifier and thanks to the organizers for putting on a quality series!

Week one will be my first since WRS GT4 and I can't wait!
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To the steward:

Are the top qualifyers in each subdivision going to get PMed specific instructions on replay submissions?

I'm staring at mine, but don't know what to do with them. :D
Do you think they're really going to check Div 4 and 5? I think if we were cheating we would've made up faster times. :)

I was hoping these early results (thanks Vaxen!) might lead to our first competition next week! But I guess if replays need to be submitted and watched it won't be so soon. Anyway I can't wait to get out of Division 4!
Fantastic - 7 of my team mates up in division 1.
No wonder i have a hard time keeping up!
Very happy
Thanks Admin's for the quick listings
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Well done to everyone who did the qualifier. 👍
A special congratulations to Nick for the top spot and all the D1G 'aliens'. :cheers:
I'm very happy with my placing, exactly where I was in GT5P.
Go TT-R, this is an amazing showing from all of you guys.
Thanks to all the admins who made this possible, and I'm really looking forward to the 1st WRS.
It feels like years since I've WRS'ed (it probably is?!?) pretty stoked to finally have at it again. Also, seeing folk have beat my submission by 2+ seconds I feel confident I'm in the right div :scared: Congrats to all who submitted :cheers:
Cheers to WRS admin for all of this, awesome work 👍
Nothing changed for me, pretty happy with that.
Roll on WRS Week 1 :)
Oh and :cheers: to all
To the steward:

Are the top qualifyers in each subdivision going to get PMed specific instructions on replay submissions?

I'm staring at mine, but don't know what to do with them. :D

Yes, we will send instructions to everyone that needs to send a replay.

I'm confused. How come the number one guy Niko isn't 0.000 on the handicap? I think I need the new system explained to me.

0.000 is intended to be a theoretical minimum possible time.

The handicap is calculated as follows:
step 1: take the fastest 50% of the submissions
step 2: find the mean and standard deviation of this subset
step 3: two standard deviations faster than this mean is the "zero par"
step 4: zero par is assigned a handicap value of 1.000
step 5: various multiples of the standard deviation are added to this zero par time to find 0.000, 2.000, 3.000, etc.
The handicap is calculated as follows:
step 1: take the fastest 50% of the submissions
step 2: find the mean and standard deviation of this subset
step 3: two standard deviations faster than this mean is the "zero par"
step 4: zero par is assigned a handicap value of 1.000
step 5: various multiples of the standard deviation are added to this zero par time to find 0.000, 2.000, 3.000, etc.

Oh, I see now why Maz was made Moderator... :D

For myself I really didn't expect Div 1. It's going to be tough going in WRS to keep up with my class and even the guys in Div 2.
Firstly thanks to the admins for getting the results up so quickly, huge job guys. 👍

Congrats to all who submitted and especially those (aliens) up the top, fantastic effort. 👍

I must say I'm very happy with my placing, Div 2 Bronze a jump from GT5P WRS of Div 3 Silver. This doesn't seem like a huge margin but I give all credit to the previous WRS.

Meaning my quali spot for the GT5P WRS was Div 4 Bronze, and to me that's how I gauged my improvement, just goes to show how running the WRS whenever you can will improve your skills.

So thanks again to all admins and good luck to all who compete in the upcoming WRS. 👍

Cheers Shaun.
Many thanks to the race mods for their swift work on organising the divisional rankings.

Thrilled with my result, certainly a personal improvement from my days in the GT5P Registry. Massive congratulations to my TT-R teammates on their outstanding performance.

Great to see so many drivers that took part in the qualifier.

Again, a huge thanks to the mods for their work on getting the GT5 Registry set up and I am looking forward to the GT5 WRS debut!

Must of been Karma that I left my previous Division on my sig.....D3 Gold again (breaths a sigh of relief he's not dropped any)

Good work from the new qualifier's 👍
Nice & quick job admins. 👍

I moved from division 4 (GT5P) to division 3. Which is a good way to start WRS. Let's roll. :)
I'm satisfied that I made it to that level since I HATE SECTOR TWO!! :yuck:

Going to have fun working my way up through the ranks and prove I can drive around corners, not just in a straight line. 👍
Thanks to Vaxen and everybody for the quick job on the qualifier!!!👍:) I'm pretty much where i expected to be. I do know there was .126 seconds in either one of the sections that i could have picked up.

ps. I will be back! To division 2 bronze!:D
Well done to the mods for publishing the qualification results so soon 👍

Div4 Silver is a medal colour improvement over my Prologue status which is nice. And as I was fastest in the Silvers it looks like there is room for a slight improvement :dopey:
Thanks for the quick results and nice (and a bit disturbing) to see that I got a 'free' promotion to div 2 gold (coming from div 2 silver). :cheers:
Thanks for your speed, admins! 👍

Moved from (GT5P) div3-silver to (GT5)... div3-silver :dopey:

At least, I'm consistent :P
Oh, I see now why Maz was made Moderator... :D

Oh I take zero credit for the maths, that's all the work of Vaxen and his genius statistics. If anything I just held the whole thing up :lol:

Congratulations to all on such a fantastic turnout and to those who've shown such marked improvement. :gtpflag:

All the best
wow can't believe how far down i was LOL guess there is still heaps of time left at the old green hell!

Guess i should have spent a few more days at it but at least this will give me something to work on :)

thanks for the getting the results up so quick.
My first WRS personally.

Considering I mis-read the rules and thought I had to have all 4 wheels completely on the track at all times and so eliminated any time with even the slightest puff of dust, D4 - Bronze isn't bad for the cleanest lap in history!
Thanks for the quick results, I stayed in the same division, only one category fell from gold to silver :)
Well done the admin team for posting results so quickly :cheers:

Awesome performances by the Aliens, as usual. It's evident that the cream always floats to the top 👍

Congrats to everyone who reached their goals :cheers:

I'm considering myself lucky here - hanging on to Div 2 Gold by my fingernails :lol: