I'll be staying tuned and will toss in ideas and help with things if I can. I'm fairly creative about video and video editing and am quite a Top Gear fan. I still watch it fairly regularly on BBC America, have a few DVD's and have seen all the new US version episodes too. I have a few on my DVR now that I'll be watching, I'll try to think of how the challenges can be converted to GT5.
Other ideas for segments or challenges could be; set a price limit like 15,000 Cr's (relitively low in terms of GT5) and all 3 guys have to find a car for that price and do a short race. Or instead of a price limit you could set weight/power/tire limits.
I wonder if there's anyway you could use the license tests for any of the challenges? It would be nice if you could pick the car you wanted to use in the tests.....running a Kubelwagen through the slalom cones would be great material! lol
I think most people have cell phones with pretty good cameras now, that could work for capturing the video maybe. Not sure if you have a capture card to get the video or how you're going to do it. The guy that runs the HSRL league that I'm in just got hardware that allows him to capture the race replays and anything else that's on screen.
Looking forward to see how this Top GeTa5r comes along!