Which book are you currently reading?

last book i read, just finished it


i'm sure a few people here have also read it i hope, i dont do much reading but i loved this one

I wonder where you can get it. But
Is this the xxx hundred mile per hour wind that covers the entire planet and forces humanity underground?

I remember reading that, but I honestly can't recall anything about the story... so long ago.

Love old Sci-Fi... unfettered by the need for "realism." :lol: Wild stuff, really.

Yea that'll be it, tho Im just 2 chapters in.
Currently Reading "Lord Of The Rings 50th Anniversary Edition" but as an E-Book.


This is for illustration purposes, but I also own this copy too.

This read is also aided by

"The Complete Guide To Middle Earth By Robert Foster"


This is actually a very usefull guide and is a complete AtoZ of names, Place and Objects founf in Middle Earth and helps identify things as you read, recomended by a friend who has read the book over 40 times.
There are five (5) books required for private pilot ground school that I'm taking next quarter. Pick one.
I am currently reading a book from a finnish writer named Ilkka Remes's book called "Musta Kobra" and in english, it's called The Black Cobra.
Currently reading Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde. I liked The Eyre Affair a lot but his latest books have been lacking. This however so far (I'm halfway through) is very enjoyable. I seriously hope he is able to tie it all together in the because the setup of the plot so far is very good.

There are five (5) books required for private pilot ground school that I'm taking next quarter. Pick one.

Hey, you're getting a pilot's certificate? Are you planning to make a career of it or is it just for fun?
Currently listening to:


That is the third time in the last year, I believe. I blame Sage for enticing me to listen to it this time around.

And on iBooks I am getting ready to start on:


200-page biography on Soichiro Honda, fairly nice but written over 35 years ago, so this was when Mr. Honda was still living. It's for Round 2 of my History teachers' biography assignment and I couldn't pass this up.
After the great read that was The Feast of the Goat, I'm starting this:


Miguel Sousa Tavares - Equador

Not sure about it though... We'll see.
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Michio Kaku's Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100. I really enjoy his books and TV series so I figured I'd pick up his latest one. So far it is quite good.

Michio Kaku's Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100. I really enjoy his books and TV series so I figured I'd pick up his latest one. So far it is quite good.


Ha cool, I believe I see Clarke's proposed space elevator there!
The Art Of War by Sun Zte or whatever his name is, for the umteenth time. Great book/guide for a successful career, relationship and obviously fighting. A good guide used in the right context.
Just got done reading Catch Me If You Can, really different from the movie, especially towards the end.

I just started The Girl Who Played with Fire tonight, hopefully it winds up being as good as the first book.

Michael Moore - Stupid White Men:tup:

Was introduced to this book as part of one of my course readings, believe it or not...:odd:
I remember reading 1984 and completely loving it in Grade 11. I aced anything having to do with it, and I've read it at least a few more times since then. So many warnings in that book, and it's so deep and well-woven... it's on my short list of epically great books!

If you haven't already read it, I'd also recommend Animal Farm. It's also a great read, and it's short enough you could probably do it in one sit-through so as not to miss anything good!
Just finished reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. Its a book we're assigned to read in English class, and its really good. 👍 I suggest it, its short (226 pages).