@watermelon, it only does that if you set it to reverse grid based on previous race. Then you just get people who can stick on pole every time so it seems like a glitch
Okay... but here's the thing. "reverse grid" works even if you haven't had a race yet. For example, if you have it set to "reverse grid"... and people do qualifying laps in free run, their position when the race is started, seems to be based upon putting the person who made the worst lap time right up in front, and the person who did, is in last.
Or am I dreaming this and it's just a coincidence?
But I do know that no matter what it's set to - fastest 1st or reverse grid... If someone doesn't complete a qualifying lap at all, they will wind up positioned as if they made the worst lap time. That's why if you join a shuffle room right before the race starts & don't complete a lap, you'll be shoved on pole... unless someone joins after you, then they are 1st on the grid.
All this of course can be avoided by, as I think Stigshero described above, having qualifying laps and then everyone staying in the pit (not hitting drive), & waiting for the race to start there.
And well, people can make ridiculous comments making it sound like they think everyone ought to pop out of the womb knowing these things...
But for weeks playing online.. I didn't even know that worked. For awhile, I'd only participated in organized races where there was an actual qualifying race, so I had no need to know.
It's not like that means someone is stupid. It's not like I got all the answers wrong on an exam I studied for... since none of this is explained clearly in the gt5 manual!!! You can only find it out with experience or if someone else who's had experience explains it to you.
The additional benefit I have heard of having everyone stay in the pit & not hit drive, is that having all the cars in or around the pit (rather than scattered about the track), is reported to reduce the incident of "black screen" or other race start lag glitches. I have no clue if there's any veracity to this theory, as I think mainly black screen is caused by cache neglect. But on the off chance it might be helpful, I think it's worth it to just make it a habit in organized online races. In the effort to have fair fun races, why not just take a prophylactic approach as a matter of habit, even if it's only the off chance that it might prevent something un-fun from happening.