Praiano's Tunes: Waiting for GT6 & FERRARI ENZO FXX.

  • Thread starter praiano63
Formula i think i use a few for aspec but that's all ,for me formula and vettel have to be in another game , who kow one day after driving the other 1000, the Clk ,i would like but don't have it yet.

I could share the CLK-GTR Race car if you want.....
Hey Praiano, I'm jus wondering can you tune a Honda accord coupe '03 fully modded? Thanks I can send you mine so you can tune it or post it on here:) thanks! Btw what's your psn?

i have sent it back to you,tune ok !
PSA: I've editted the title to exclude the excessive '//'. We have to apply a consistent approach in that regard - otherwise we'll end up with an arms race to make ever more loud thread titles 👍
Have you done any of the TVRs?

I'd also love to see YOUR take on the Corvette ZR1 RM

Houps .. slowly my friend, i'll do those cars one day,the ZR1 RM of course. Speed 6 RM there is allready the perfect tune and i'll not do another one,i use the LDP non RM on my RM and it's perfect for me. I can't do better, so why. the CTR2 is ok, just finishing.


This car is 6’38” / nurburgring / 574pp / medium performance for this range but much better than stock.

Transmission how to process: “OK”
1- Select default
2- Select final gear at 3444 (stock)
3- Select top speed at 360 km/h = 223,7 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 2910
2: 1949
3: 1475
4: 1157
5: 0940
6: 0788

It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 340 km/h = 211,3 mph

Select and tune the final gear to adapt the top speed to the track. Don't touch the top speed again, if not you'll have to set it all again.

Tracks: All around

power 610 hp
weight 1214 kg
perf. Points: 574 pp

Downforce 00/00

LSD Front 35/40/08
LSD Rear 18/50/50

Torque differential: 35/65

Ride Height -20/ -15

Spring Rate 13.5/12.0
Extension 10/3
Compression 10/3
Anti-roll bars 6/7

Camber 0.9/1.2
Toe -0.08/+0.30

Brake Balance 3/0

TIRES : R3 // R3

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hello my friend , last night some friends decided race american old race cars 60 to 70 and I race a judd and some the marc 4 do you have setup for this old race cars
hello my friend , last night some friends decided race american old race cars 60 to 70 and I race a judd and some the marc 4 do you have setup for this old race cars

Judd ?? is it an old car?? don't kow.
Just those 2:
Pescarolo Sport Pescarolo C60 Hybride – Judd Race car ‘05
Pescarolo Sport Pescarolo-Courage – Judd GV5 Race Car ‘04

And ford mark4 i don't have no ! put it online i'll give a try laer after the libertadore game. Santos FC....👍👍
Sorry , yesterday when i sent it to you, i had pass my cote to send , and i forgot it in the garage again. now it's ok. sent. Enjoy it.

Thanks man, I will test it out 95% I'm going to enjoy it :D

In the 70's cool people use this bus to fly inside it and go to woodstock slowly. This one is for clean agressive pilot and it really fly like a jumbo jet.



I begin this tune just for the fun. When I buy the parts,i see that the turbo stage 2 give more power than stage 3, and after oil change it give all this 207 hp.
The peak HP is at 3400 rpm. So you have to shift at 4000 rpm to retake with 3000 rpm. The power is only there ,just at this peak , the gears are setted for this.
Before you race on a track, check the max speed and set the final gear to reach this speed with 4000 rpm. That’s all.
Check also the ride height to adapt online /offline /kind track ,till you feel comfortable (like i explain downthere)with it. Just set it to not oversteer in excess but just a few to carve the turns, controling with a light braking. Stay smooth.
It seems a joke but it’s not. Just try it. I’ve run 1’08” at eiger ,Honda integra DC5 with same 440 pp is 1’07”500 and I race online at trial mountain against impreza and others Toyota FT-86. Did’nt win but stay in good places all time.

Transmission how to process:
1- Select default
2- Select final gear at 4375 (STOK)
3- Select top speed at 280 km/h = 174 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 1619
2: 1089
3: 0828
4: 0653
5: 0531

It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 260 km/h = 161,6 mph

The only problem with this box is the start, very slow, but stay cool you'll pass a lot of people after that.

Tracks: All around / adapt with final gear to each track

power: 207 hp
weight: 931 kg
perf. Points: 440 pp

Downforce 00/00

LSD Rear 25/50/20

Ride Height -70/ -70 offline short tracks (eiger) If you have ovrsteer problems, raise the rear (bug), for example I ride -70/-10 for trial mountain online to control the monster with sport soft tires.

Spring Rate 6.0/6.0
Extension 8/4
Compression 7/5
Anti-roll bars 5/4

Camber 0.5/0.8
Toe +0.08/+0.12

Brake Balance 6/3

tires R3/R3 to S3/S3

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Tuned to the max .

Transmission how to process:
1- Select .reset to default
2- Select final gear at 3250
3- Select top speed at 270 km/h
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 3397
2: 2505
3: 1910
4: 1510
5: 1233

It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 245 km/h.

Tracks: All around / adapt with final gear to each track (if necessary) and do fine tune (if necessary)

power 416 hp
weight 1022 kg
perf. points 532 pp

Downforce 00/00

LSD front 8/38/10

LSD Rear 12/55/5

Front / rear torque split : 30 / 70

Ride Height -25/-22

Spring Rate 13.2/11.5
Extension 6/4
Compression 6/4
Anti-roll bars 5/4

Camber 0.8/1.0
Toe -0.00/+0.07

Brake Balance 2/5

tires: S3 / S3


Praiano, on this tune you dont mention the AYC Controller what setting do you use for this? Also there is no option for LSD settings when i go to drivetrain settings? I love your tunes any help will be appreciated.
Praiano, on this tune you dont mention the AYC Controller what setting do you use for this? Also there is no option for LSD settings when i go to drivetrain settings? I love your tunes any help will be appreciated.
PD removed with patch 1.1.0 the LSD for every AYC using Mitsubishi. It was possible before the update to buy one. And honestly, the LSD worked much better than the AYC crap. Even a value of 130 doesn't give you the same corner speed than a good LSD and to make matters worse, it begins to wobble on the straight. :(
AYC only comes on the Evo's.

Also a SambaBus tune makes my face go :D Will try it soon on my Matt Black one :D

Yes my friend ,it's very good, i like the pilot vision inside the cabin, when you brake or slam something, your head travel all along the cabin hahaha too much....
Hey man, I see you have been busy. :) Keep up the good work. I just found out using a manual transmission makes your method even better. I've gone and tuned all my cars and all of them explode out of the corners.
Hey man, I see you have been busy. :) Keep up the good work. I just found out using a manual transmission makes your method even better. I've gone and tuned all my cars and all of them explode out of the corners.

Thanks, yes i think my method have the advantage to be simple and eficient. Must have better "Einstein way" to do it, but i don't think the diference is big ,if there is some diference.
Have a good day.

Ride Height -70/ -70 offline short tracks (eiger) If you have ovrsteer problems, raise the front, for example I ride -70/-10 for trial mountain online to control the monster with sport soft tires.

.....You say: "raise the front, example -70/-10. But that's exactly the inverse! :confused:


How drives the street CZ-3 compared with the rally one?
.....You say: "raise the front, example -70/-10. But that's exactly the inverse! :confused:


How drives the street CZ-3 compared with the rally one?

dr_slump ..... you know why this !!!hihi.. i'm so acostumate with this bug, that when i raise the rear , i do efectively the oposit.
For the people that don't know and don't want to know about ride height bug and they are right, RAISE THE REAR TO AVOID OVERSTEER. Like this you will do the right thing. Any questions ,ask to PD.
Have a good day Slump. This idea of the samba bus, come from GT-hunter ,he ask me a garbox for his bus. But at this moment, i have remembered your bus you show me online last day... Awsome look. Bye

Edit: the cz3 is a good car but not very competitive in his pp . Fun to drive ,very good.
dr_slump ..... you know why this !!!hihi.. i'm so acostumate with this bug, that when i raise the rear , i do efectively the oposit.
For the people that don't know and don't want to know about ride height bug and they are right, RAISE THE REAR TO AVOID OVERSTEER. Like this you will do the right thing. Any questions ,ask to PD.
Have a good day Slump. This idea of the samba bus, come from GT-hunter ,he ask me a garbox for his bus. But at this moment, i have remembered your bus you show me online last day... Awsome look. Bye

Edit: the cz3 is a good car but not very competitive in his pp . Fun to drive ,very good.

You're right, but I think 95% of all users don't know that. ...

Sadly, I haven't got the CZ-3 street car yet. My question was how it is compared with the CZ-3 Rally Car. (I only got the rally one)

EDIT: Yeah, my bus is a little drag monster!
You're right, but I think 95% of all users don't know that. ...

Sadly, I haven't got the CZ-3 street car yet. My question was how it is compared with the CZ-3 Rally Car. (I only got the rally one)

EDIT: Yeah, my bus is a little drag monster!

Very similar of course,can't be another way, only less grip due to downforce, but same overall feeling.
Hey there :D
Thanks for the samba tune i just made the bus hight a 10+/- more ore less. But i drive with DS3 so i think thats it. :D:D:D But realy fast tune. Mine just need a bit more power :'( But i think it will come when i start use it :)

Also i tryed the Italia tune ( with spoiler ) on my 430S and its AWSOME :P The the gear is just not that that car haha :)

Keep up the REALY good work :D
Hey there :D
Thanks for the samba tune i just made the bus hight a 10+/- more ore less. But i drive with DS3 so i think thats it. :D:D:D But realy fast tune. Mine just need a bit more power :'( But i think it will come when i start use it :)

Also i tryed the Italia tune ( with spoiler ) on my 430S and its AWSOME :P The the gear is just not that that car haha :)

Keep up the REALY good work :D

Thanks my friend. Yes samba is cool. For the ferrari 458 italia it's ok now with the gears. Updated patch 1.10.

Have fun and enjoy the tunes.