We understand and respect your schedule, n4ke.
Something else that is important to worry about also is that the "wheels only" thread have very few content so far, so i would suggest to find a way to globalize both threads in one, if possible. My suggestion for a complete and usefull layout for the list would be:
1 - Get the entire GT5 car list and only rid of the FF cars, for obvious reason. These lists already have a good organization for each car company and car models, alphabeticaly. Right now we have a master list for drifting cars.
2 - Here there are 2 options.
2.a: Car companies bigger font, bold, black. Cars with normal font, with spaces between each one. Tunes named for every poster, hyperlinked in common blue. If you decide to make a selection of "DS3 or wheels", put in front of the user´s name one * for DS3 and ** for Wheels.
2.b: This would be if each car with it own sub thread. Car companies bigger font, bold, black. Car´s names in red with hyperlinks for every thread. Below in common blue the name of every tuner, including the * for DS3 and ** for wheels.
Why put all driftable cars in the masterlist instead only the ones who already have been tunned inside the depot?
As more as we play GT5, more we realize that every car demands diferent tunnings. For exemple, the universal S-chassis requires diferent tunnings depending the car, the model and the year. The same happens for every RX-7 FD. So is not working to ask people not to ask for not request a setup when another "similar" car already have one in the thread. Its not how it works.
Why this freaking revolutionary "every car demands its own thread" nutty idea?
Reformation is the word. Besides, its how it should be since the start. Moreover, the drifting tune area should have it own sub forum.
First of all, the experience is showing that is not working to mix up requests and tunes in the same thread. You (n4ke) showed that only in the depot there are more requests than tunes, but you didn´t considered the whole request around the forum, outside the drifting depot.
The concept of thread-for-each-car is easier to discuss about it specificaly, and endorse or reprove if necessary. Would, for exemple, rid of any kind of generic preach of common sense, because people would discuss tunnings specificaly for that car. No more "stiffer rear springs generates more oversters always" yada yada... also, every user could edit it own post in case he changed his mind, by itself or following tips from another users.
Every official thread for each car would be tagged as (i.e.) [OFFICIAL DRIFT TUNE] Dodge Viper SRT10 06, with first page with pictures, description, stats for stock and fully upgraded tunes, posts with ultimate finetunes, disctussions around toe, powerband, cambers, and so on. After the whole structure be ready, would be a lot easier to menage and update the masterlist.
I know that is not a easy job. Also i know that even some experienced users here are against of "ready recipes", because they believe that know how to tune by itself makes part of the game knowledge curve. But if you (n4ke) decided to hold up the flag and embrace the duty, do it as better as you can. You have power enough to do it and even more, you even have power to debate with the mods to create a sub forum for the drift tunnings only. "With great power comes great responsibility."
Probably the whole idea will not results in nothing, probably the haters will put more effort to criticize than put energy in improve the community, probably most people here will not even read my post until the end and will speak bull****... but thats my 2 cents, and thats how it should be since day #1.