TVR&FF's Photomode Zone - 29/12: My top 10 shots from 2013 | 26/12: Four Christmas requests

  • Thread starter Pebb
The GT40 set and SLR sets are nice, and that 4th GT40 shot is a just :drool:.
I just want to point out, that the car you are talking about is not the GT40.


GT40 Height: 40 inches
GT Height: Over 40 inches

Other then that, thanks for the feedback.

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#1) PMC - Week 62
#2) PMC 2.0 - Week 62
#3) Preview
#4) PMC 2.0 - Week 63
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#1) Preview 2/2
#2) PMC 2.0 - Week 63 (Moved to post 1327)
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I'm sad now. I wanted to save the first shot in a larger size. But it's not clickable. :( It's so beautiful!
I'm sad now. I wanted to save the first shot in a larger size. But it's not clickable. :( It's so beautiful!
Remember it is called a preview for a reason. ;)

Holy moly...that preview is stunning! :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
Incredible previews. That's among the best lighting I've ever seen.

Those previews are jawdroppingly beautiful! Great composition with the first shot. 👍
The Xanavi - Shot has an incredible atmosphere!
Just love that 2.0 entry !
Also that preview is fantastic and unique.
I just hope my PMC 2.0 entry, will make the poll this week.


C.C.C.L - Week 48

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PMC - Week 64

Click for the full size
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CCCL Entry is just mind blowing! The way it's shot, the effectiveness of the lighting and shadow play as well as the editing which compliments the shot beautifully! The sepia feeling really does give it that nice warm tone. 👍
CCCL Entry is just mind blowing! The way it's shot, the effectiveness of the lighting and shadow play as well as the editing which compliments the shot beautifully! The sepia feeling really does give it that nice warm tone. 👍
That CCCL entry is really really great 👍
Thank You :)


Click for the full size

#1, #3, #4) Photoshopped
#2) HDRI
No slowing down for you TVR, still producing good stuff. 👍

This track certainly looks well suited for images, gonna have to get it at some point.

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