VCRC 80s MX-5 & MR2 @ Nürburgring 24hrs - Complete - Results Posted

1:59.383 to be exact :sly:

But it wouldn't surprise me if someone is getting into the 1:58s, especially if they take liberties exiting turn 4. I was running in practice mode with tire wear and real grip. It takes 2 laps to warm the tires up and any lap that I went wide on turn 4 was invalid.

I haven't done any night testing though and only drove 1 lap of the full ring in each I'll be winging that part of the event.

I haven't done any test before the event...I got a 59:52x It was not a perfect lap so low 59 high 58 are definitely possible....

Tires are good on lap 3-4 (like you said) and they start to fade after that.

@IMZIZ I did a 11:25 yesterday (mr2)....the miata is probably around 10-15 seconds slower.
Whatever you're missing, I'm missing too. I haven't been able to get down under 2:00.x
But I assure you, in the qualifying before the qualifying race, on GP/D in the Miatas, the best qualifying lap set was, I believe, 1:59.5xx
I believe that was set by Nicktune.
I would be just a fraction of a second behind in sector 1, and then somehow at the end be 3-5 seconds more per lap. :boggled:

I don't know if we'll see a 1:58.x, but it would not surprise me at all, knowing some of the racers signed up, & their deftness with that particular track... to see a few people in that ballpark in the Monday event.
Now that will determine what division they're in for the races on 24hrs. I could probably predict that with some accuracy. But who's going to win the races in each division? I might secretly like to place bets :odd: , but I wouldn't imagine to be able to foresee the outcome, since several of the people are quite quick on Nurburgring... far far quicker than me! And with darkness, and the car switching... I'm sure it'll be exciting for everyone. ;)

Believe me, I'm not a 'wussy' driver, with the right car, I can get around the ring in under 7 mins, maybe even a mid 6 minish, we must be talking about different tracks, because my time is just no where near that, so it would have to be.

However, my GP/D component of the 24hrs, in the MX-5 was about that 2min mark, so I think I've found what people are talking about (god I hope so, if people can get around the full GP/D circut in under 2 minutes, they've been tuning, no questions about it.
Believe me, I'm not a 'wussy' driver, with the right car, I can get around the ring in under 7 mins, maybe even a mid 6 minish, we must be talking about different tracks, because my time is just no where near that, so it would have to be.

However, my GP/D component of the 24hrs, in the MX-5 was about that 2min mark, so I think I've found what people are talking about (god I hope so, if people can get around the full GP/D circut in under 2 minutes, they've been tuning, no questions about it.

HHAHAHAHAHA I'm such an idiot!

Luckily I scrolled back otherwise I would've missed it! I was practicing at GP/F thinking it was GP/D. I knew it! I knew I was at the wrong track, anyway, now, time for some more practice. phweffff. That's 3.6 kms vs 5.2kms, so you can guess why when my time was almost a minute longer I was like 'this is wrong'. Anyway.

EDIT: Suffice to say, I'm within a few seconds of the hottest lap here now, big relief, I knew there was 4X seconds in my lap time, so there we are, GP/D ≠ GP/F
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lol - I posted earlier when chuyler1 posted GP/F I said I really hope that F is a typo.
Because yeah I mean it's a mile longer I think?
lol - I posted earlier when chuyler1 posted GP/F I said I really hope that F is a typo.
Because yeah I mean it's a mile longer I think?

Yes, or as I might say, 3.6kms vs. 5.2kms (2.23 miles vs. 3.23 miles). I wish that decreased my 24hr time as well :P
Sorry, that was a typo. I ran a 1:59.3 in practice mode with tire wear on at GP/D.
58 is possible. I've had a best of 59.1 and not taken liberties as to the track boundaries - 2 wheels within line at all times.

Of course when I tried earlier today the best I could do in Molly was 59.7. But for me my best lap usually kicks in on lap 6-7 then i'm dropping off.
I'm definitely in tonight/this morning.

Refreshed after some power slumber, I'm just topping up the caffeine & nicotine levels to ensure peak performance.
Amazingly, I held off the my MX-5 ghost time for almost 6 minutes when I ran against it my MR-2 again, practice really does help especially with this track, there are a couple of difficult corners that you're forced to slow down for with the MR-2 that the MX-5 can just breeze through, however, the straight line performance edge is given to the MR-2, but the MX-5s performance in the corners completely outguns the MR-2s, so I think my 5 second difference between them at the moment, means I could probably get a 11:50 with the MX-5, and hold my 12:05 with the MR-2.

it all goes out of the water though when you're racing, one knock, or glitch, or lag, or person ahead early braking, its very hard to tell how this translates into racing (besides getting away and just driving consistently).
Racers may gather in the VCRC lounge for warm-up.

Right now I'm watching a practice race between Tb7 & Nap in MR2s, and looks quite close. :D

I've had some tea myself, but I lay off the coffee post 5pm, so I shouldn't be quite as sparkly as I was for yesterday's race. :lol: Or any race pre-5pm when I'm all jacked up on the joe. lol
^^The event is over, esh. There's one more tomorrow in the afternoon.

Had a strange occurence during race 1 when the screen went instantly darker on lap 2. I assume it's a problem with the bulbs as I've been getting a warning about old bulbs for a while every time I turn it on. It was a lot harder to see and a bit painful for the eyes. In between the races, I changed the in-game screen brightness to the maximum and that helped. But soon after the start of race 2, the screen got darker again after turn 1. It actually became more normal went it became night during the race.

As for my driving, I was way too uncomfortable with the MR2 today. Only had one spin, but was slow and had tonnes of tiny errors and small grass cutting sessions. I was far more comfortable with the Miata, but made an error right after letting Nic through and spun into the wall in a bad place so I had to wait for DQ to go by before reversing and continuing.

Congrats to Nic on winning all four races so far. He's just to quick on the nordschleife. Thanks to Melon and the rest of VCRC for organizing and running the event.👍
Sorry esh!! Pretty much after I post here that the lounge is open, I don't have time...
I've sent an invitation to the VCRC, and you may FR PSN: VCRC & be added so in future you can be ready if you're looking to race, and get a heads up on events which might interest you. 👍
You can find a list of scheduled events here:
If you subscribe to the thread, you will be notified in your GTP control panel when it's updated. 👍 :)
Look forward to seeing you on track in future.

NOTE: Results will be posted pending race reviews when I have time & access to the ps3 tomorrow (12+ hours), due to a race incident.
ANY AND ALL DISCUSSION about race incidents should be conducted in the VCRC Lounge thread:
Just as a reminder, public race incident discussion is frowned upon in the public forum by GTPlanet as well as the VCRC. 👎 👍

Thank you for your cooperation & patience.

And thanks everyone for coming out! :D
As for my driving, I was way too uncomfortable with the MR2 today. Only had one spin, but was slow and had tonnes of tiny errors and small grass cutting sessions. I was far more comfortable with the Miata, but made an error right after letting Nic through and spun into the wall in a bad place so I had to wait for DQ to go by before reversing and continuing.

I just watched the replay - all I see is smoke so I kinda aimed for the middle of the track, and crikey, it seemed like I missed you doing all of 0 and me doing 130km/h by a few inches!

Congrats Nic on the double, again...!

Anyhoo here are some photomodes from me...




























Excellent pictures, DQ.
I just watched the replay - all I see is smoke so I kinda aimed for the middle of the track, and crikey, it seemed like I missed you doing all of 0 and me doing 130km/h by a few inches!


Wow! Yikes! That was incredibly close. :nervous:
I'm glad you avoided me, I would have felt horrible had you hit me.
Race #1

Turn 1: Looked pretty clean. I tried to turn in a little harder and ended up trading paint with harm no foul though.

1:16 - a rather risky pass on Johnny. I actually didn't think I was going to stick the inside at the time but Johnny left room for me.

3:10 - after trading a little paint entering the Nordscheife, I eventually got around NC as he went into hot into Hatzenbach

3:30 - the MR2's superior acceleration got me around DitQuois on the approach to Flugpatz

4:08 - Schwedenkreuz is where I messed up. I typically don't brake in these cars on entry and that gave me a ton of speed leading up to Aremberg. Trackbound looked to me like he was going to veer to the right so I went further to the right and picked up some dirt on my tires as I was braking. Snap oversteer. I probably should have just hit the brakes early and waited for another sector to make a pass. I stopped and let all the affected cars pass before re-entering the track.

5:00 - NC spun out in front of me and I managed to sneak by unscathed.

6:15 - I got a good run out of the hairpin but Johnny closed the door as he was passing Trackbound. We both managed to get by.

7:00 - A good corner exit plus a little draft got me past Johnny on the straight. He gave me a few bumps so we could catch the rest.

8:50 - I hit the brakes early betting that DitQuois would miss the apex and I was able to squeeze by on the inside.

9:30 - I had a fast run through Eschbach and I pulled to the righ to pass Conza. Right when I was about to nose past he darted in front of me and spun himself on my bumper. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to pull over for a rookie mistake like that.

11:18 - Draft pass on Sargasmic

12:30 - IMZIZ got lost and thought he was on TypeV/GPF/GPD, LOL! :dunce:
Race #2

1:40 - Somehow I managed to pull on Trackbound through the Schumacher S. He must have lifted.

1:46 - Jack was a bit slow through the left turn and started cutting over to set up for the right while I was attempting to still track out. A little paint swapping but no harm.

1:52 - Jack hit the brakes hard and I punted him. Whoops, I use very little brake here so I wasn't ready for that. To make up, I have him some bumps down the straight so he wouldn't lose any positions.

2:50 - Jack lifts heavily for a turn the Miata can take flat out. Nic and I squeak by on the outside.

3:15 - Johnny spins the tires enough for me to get beside him. We trade paint for a bit but he wins the battle.

3:25 - Up ahead in the video Conza is weaving and blocking. This continues for the next 30 seconds.

4:53 - I get lucky with the draft and get by Johnny

5:15 - Conza is very slow through the left hand turn. DitQuois heads to his left, and I head to his right.

5:20 - I get punted by Conza

5:26 - After hitting me, Conza exits the turn in the middle of the track instead of tracking out to the far left like one would typically do. It appears that he cuts even further to the right (possibly due to spinning the tires) and turns into Johnny. Johnny eventually gets pushed into the dirt and they both spin out.

6:17 - A view of the same incident from DitQuois POV shows things a little differently You can clearly see at 6:17 that Conza is on the left of the track and Johnny is on the right, however it looks like Johnny may have consumed a little too much track in an effort to pass Conza. If Conza were on the rumble strip like most cars that exit that turn there wouldn't have been an issue. It also appears like Conza's car is not pointed down the straight, like he's already spinning his rear tires. I really can't tell who is at fault.

The rest of the race was pretty clean. I spun out on the carousel and fell back about 3 seconds. It took all of the next lap to make back the time as Nic battled up front. The video is cut short but Nic and I had a great end of race battle. He eventually passed me near Kesselchen and I couldn't maintain the same pace. Might have been tires...but more likely it was just my lack of practice and the fact that I'm slow between the gas and brake (I use right foot braking). He pulled a good 2 seconds on me through the final sectors of the course.
Thanks for the pics & vids guys! :)
Hope you'll post some of those pics to the VCRC photomode gallery thread. 👍 :)

Racers signed up for Tuesday event may now gather in the VCRC Lounge for warm-up.

Qualifying will begin on the hour. 👍
Thanks for organizing this event Watermelonpunch.

My apologies to Nic for backing back up on the track in front of you on the second race. Poor judgement on my part.

I wish I had more to challenge you guys with but was a poor race for me.
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Who says we do it again?

Same format different cars.


Although having driven those two, I seem to have forgotten braking points for faster cars round the ring... Guess I'll stick to the clapped out old rust buckets classic cars.
I'd be up for a repeat. I had zero time in either car before qualifying last night and I liked both of them so I'd give it a second go for sure.👍
A combination of these cars on, basically normal road tires instead of sports or racing tires, (and let's be honest, its tantamount to suicide driving on this track with non-sports tires, if it were real life) made them too unstable for proper racing, as a result any nick or light bump (or anything worse of course), results in catastrophe, so I'm not interested if it's on this track, or if it's comfort tires I've decided, minimum sports hard for any future online racing I do, with some exceptions for pre 1980 cars perhaps.

I also think, myself included admittedly, through either accident, or intentionally 'defensive' lines, (which I've been advised to take in the past), the number of racing incidents was immense in the first lap of the races I participated in, and while I didn't experience any lag, some of the other players replays that I recorded looked virtually un-drivable.

Appreciate the effort setting up the race regardless of what transpired. I'm sure they'll be opportunities for different types of races in the future.
I dont believe the incidents to be to blame for the comfort tires. The VCRC have been running on comfort tires on all sorts of tracks. It takes a different level of ability, focus, and patience to race with them. We have had many races with cars going 3 wide on a 2 wide track and keeping everyone straight and clean.
I think review of the replays I raced in, showed 33-50% of the time, the lack of tire grip resulted in an accident, or lead to someone else causing an accident as a result, but there is definately room for undue behaviour too, by basically everyone, in both of those races.

Should be an interesting, and large steward review.
Monday Event RESULTS

Division 1

Race #1
  1. Nicktune / Nic-KL / white MR2 /
  2. chuyler1 / chuyler1 / dark green MR2 /
  3. Johnnypenso / Johnnypenso / Purple & Gold MR2 /
  4. SagarisGTB / sagarismic / Estoril Turquoise MR2 /

Race #2
  1. Nicktune / Nic-KL / silver MX5 /
  2. chuyler1 / chuyler1 / blue MX5 /
  3. SagarisGTB / sagarismic / Estoril Turquoise MX5 /
  4. IMZIZ / IMZIZ / Classic Red MX5 /
  5. Johnnypenso / Johnnypenso / Burgundy & Gold MX5 /

Division 2

Race #1
  1. Zorrin / DitQuois / New Sherwood Toning & Speedlab Yellow MX5 /
  2. TrackBound7 / TrackBound7 / Metallic Lime Green & Reflex Spice MX5 /
  3. jackargent / jackargent / Inca Gold Pearl & Red MX5 /
  4. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Iris Red Pearl MX5 /
  5. johnnynebraska / J-Neb / British Racing Green MX5 /
  6. Conza / Conza_No1 / Silver Stone Metallic MX5 /

Race #2
  1. Zorrin / DitQuois / New Sherwood Toning & Speedlab Yellow MR2 /
  2. TrackBound7 / TrackBound7 / Metallic Lime Green & Reflex Spice MR2 /
  3. jackargent / jackargent / Inca Gold Pearl & Red MR2 /
  4. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Iris Red Pearl MR2 /
  5. Conza / Conza_No1 / Blue Metallic MR2 /
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Tuesday Event RESULTS

Division 1

Race #1
  1. Nicktune / Nic-KL / white MR2 /
  2. gippone / gprili / havanna MR2 /
  3. Zorrin / DitQuois / New Sherwood Toning & Speedlab Yellow MR2 /
  4. gazelle68 / gazelle68 / super bright yellow MR2 /
  5. Naptown25rs / NCemtB / white & gold MR2 /
  6. the_saint8 / Kenley-Canuck / Super Red II MR2 /

Race #2
  1. Zorrin / DitQuois / New Sherwood Toning & Speedlab Yellow MX5 /
  2. Nicktune / Nic-KL / silver MX5 /
  3. gazelle68 / gazelle68 / competition yellow mica MX5 /
  4. gippone / gprili / havanna MX5 /
  5. Naptown25rs / NCemtB / white & gold MX5 /
  6. the_saint8 / Kenley-Canuck / Mariner Blue MX5 /

Division 2

Race #1
  1. geeky30 / geeky30 / Electric Orange MX5 /
  2. turbogeit / turbogeit / matte light blue MX5 /
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Iris Red Pearl MX5 /
  4. jammy21 / GTP_Jammy / Amaranth Metallic MX5 /

Race #2
  1. turbogeit / turbogeit / bright green MR2 /
  2. geeky30 / geeky30 / Electric Orange MR2 /
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Iris Red Pearl MR2 /
  4. jammy21 / GTP_Jammy / Blue Mica MR2 /
  5. jackargent / jackargent / Inca Gold Pearl & Red MR2 /
