VCRC 80s MX-5 & MR2 @ Nürburgring 24hrs - Complete - Results Posted

but however in the last lap after i having an accident, i got passed from sagaris again and while we keeped driving i saw him having a accident right in front of me, i was feeling so bad for him that i stoped my car and waited till he back on the track and i let him pass.
At the time it was getting properly dark, I had made some mistakes so Gprilli was some 5 seconds up the road in front and the gap behind to you was similar. I was watching the gaps to both of you and while looking back towards you, I put some wheels on the grass and spun. I waited on the side of the road for you to get pass me and to give me a safe space to re-enter the track, but you almost came to a complete stop. We both lost loads of time and culturalsnow caught up. No one has ever before given me position on track because they felt sorry for me. You shouldn't have, but I'm glad you did. That last lap was fun lapping with you and cultural snow in the dark.
At the time it was getting properly dark, I had made some mistakes so Gprilli was some 5 seconds up the road in front and the gap behind to you was similar. I was watching the gaps to both of you and while looking back towards you, I put some wheels on the grass and spun. I waited on the side of the road for you to get pass me and to give me a safe space to re-enter the track, but you almost came to a complete stop. We both lost loads of time and culturalsnow caught up. No one has ever before given me position on track because they felt sorry for me. You shouldn't have, but I'm glad you did. That last lap was fun lapping with you and cultural snow in the dark.

well that is me, in the 2nd race i was not aiming for the win or anything. also me waiting for you caused the last lap to be more interesting, me you and cultural had kinda like a little fight there. Also even if this is in a game, game or real life... if i would catch a driver crash like you did on the ring, i would always stop and wait for him, even more at night.
Crickey less than 12 hours to practice in the MR2 (I think the MX-5 is a fairly easy car imo), better get on it!
In the dark in race 2, I got f'king lost so badly. I'd been running about 10s behind Nic most of the time, and then he had a bit of an off and the gap was now 2s - in the dark on a track where I learnt my braking points by using shadows. He got his 10s lead back shortly. It confused me more having his car 'light up the way'.

However, I had so much fun in those two that I'm going to try and join today's race!
The starts of both events was really hectic. There was nowhere to go in T1, but you also couldn't hang back and go through the field later because it was really hard to overtake out there.

Yes, I had problems with the early turns & darkness in both races.
In race #1 I had to hang back because I was just too dicey in the dark. But later when the sun arose, I was able to gain position.
In race #2 I could not stay ahead in the MR2 (not my car apparently)... and when it got dark, there was no chance at all for me. :dopey: :lol:

BUT, I will say, in watching the replays... Nicktune / Nic-KL started both races dead last on the grid, stayed way back in the pack of cars for most of lap 1 in both races. Yet, I think he was quite clever in staying out of the fray, and choosing his moments quite carefully. I saw barely a case of car contact with his car at all... save for him bump drafting Geeky30 (orange cars) on the straight. :sly:
It is very clear that Nicktune is not only quite a skillful driver and fast in both of these cars, but clearly very very familiar with the Nurburgring. 👍 Certainly far far more familiar with this track than I!! :dopey:

Though most would be more familiar with the Nurburgring! I rarely race on it! :scared:
Part of the reason is that I rarely host races on this track, because it is rather a dicey track, prone to many race incidents.
Overall though, I think these races might have been some of the cleanest Nurburgring races in the history of gt5. :lol: :lol:

It is expected turn 1 to be rather hectic, with 2 models and many cars together with different handling and varying drivers in Reverse Grid Order.
But overall, other than a few cases of over eagerness & some bumping, it was much better than I'd actually anticipated. :lol: :crazy:
Yesterday's races were some of the most enjoyable times I've had on track. While I had raced the 'Ring 4-hour race on Saturday morning, it was in a higher hp race car and the racing lines were different. Also I have to admit that this was the first time I had ever run the 'Ring at night time and luckily the inky darkness didn't last too long. Knowing the track certainly kept the lawn mowing moments to a minimum but you had to be on your toes the entire time.

Had a great battle with ID_Racing for what felt like days, each of us gaining and then giving up a position. Sadly I think I was too ambitious while going flat out side-by-side (on the outside!) with Geeky down through Fuchsröhe which ended in tears. The last lap with SSX and Sagaris was insanely fun and when I drafted down the back straight to gain position in front of them, I thought this is probably not gonna end so well...and so it didn't with me once again dipping a wheel on the grass and giving up my place just before the finish line.
Videos always welcome of course.

Though here's hoping that it doesn't wind up revealing to all for all posterity my most humiliating perpendicular moments.
Seriously?!? 2:00 in the Miata at the GP/D?!?

I still can't get it under 2:02 even with manual shifting and with a wheel.

This will likely be my first and last VCRC event.
Seriously?!? 2:00 in the Miata at the GP/D?!?

I still can't get it under 2:02 even with manual shifting and with a wheel.

This will likely be my first and last VCRC event.

:( :( :( :(
You're kidding right?
YOu notice that some of us are not posting our times. :lol: :guilty:
In fact, in the Miata, I don't think I ever got under high 2:02... even in the actual qualifying race with drafting!! :dopey:

In the MR2, I think I got a 2:00 in practicing. But never reached below certainly.
Seriously?!? 2:00 in the Miata at the GP/D?!?

I still can't get it under 2:02 even with manual shifting and with a wheel.

This will likely be my first and last VCRC event.
1:59.383 to be exact :sly:

But it wouldn't surprise me if someone is getting into the 1:58s, especially if they take liberties exiting turn 4. I was running in practice mode with tire wear and real grip. It takes 2 laps to warm the tires up and any lap that I went wide on turn 4 was invalid.

I haven't done any night testing though and only drove 1 lap of the full ring in each I'll be winging that part of the event.
I was running in practice mode with tire wear and real grip. It takes 2 laps to warm the tires up and any lap that I went wide on turn 4 was invalid.

Practice mode meaning............ on or off line???
Hey...I'm another non time poster. & 2.02 & a bit was the best I could manage. Still had a great night's racing with some fun battles towards the rear of the field.

Seriously?!? 2:00 in the Miata at the GP/D?!?

I still can't get it under 2:02 even with manual shifting and with a wheel.

This will likely be my first and last VCRC event.

in fact I enjoyed it so much I may just try & sneak into the second event. Although it is at 2.30am here, I am off work tomorrow so if I can get a bit of sleep first you may just see me. if that's ok with u melon ....need to avenge my Miata humiliation!
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offline...but physics are similar when you put tire wear on.

Yes, I find that to be the case. With tire wear on and grip: real, I don't see any real difference... at least in any of the cars I tend to poke around tracks with. (ie: vintage road cars). I won't try to speak for modern touring cars or race cars, simply because I almost never race them anywhere.

in fact I enjoyed it so much I may just try & sneak into the second event. Although it is at 2.30am here, I am off work tomorrow so if I can get a bit of sleep first you may just see me. if that's ok with u melon ....need to avenge my Miata humiliation!

Oh you are most welcome. *rubs hands together*

Maybe I can avenge my MR2 embarrassment with someone who is tired.
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I must disagree a bit with the online vs offline. I haven't done any real comparitive tests, but do feel the grip is different even with tire ware and grip real. Bottom line saint, don't fret too much about the time. I have had races where I was the fastest in qualifying but couldn't get out of my way in the race and other races where I was middle or towards the back but pulled of a podium. The biggest focus is consistency and minimizing mistakes. I had done a little more practice and still can't break the 2.00.000 mark. I can get some low 2.00's with warm tires, haven't even had the splits to do more. The big key with the lower HP cars is to keep momentum by being smooth. The harder I drive the higher the lap time is. Rolling out of the gas early and letting the car take the correct line really pays off in exit speed and maximizing the little speed the car does have. Really looking forward to tonight. No expectations other than a cool night of multi-car racing on a great driving track with some nice time change added to it.
The biggest focus is consistency and minimizing mistakes.

👍 very very true

I would say if someone were 8 seconds off the best time :eek:, then perhaps it would be time to be seriously worried. :odd:

But as jackargent said... this race has divisions, and there was plenty of excitement, even in the race I came in last & just barely made it over the finish line before the end timer ran out. :dopey:
That happened because I was completely NOT consistent in the MR2 in the dark. Indeed, I spent a great deal of Race #2 Lap 3 in the dark & perpendicular to the track. :yuck:
Hopefully I will improve now that I've had some serious practice. Yet, I'm not holding my breath to somehow suddenly be the picture of consistency & speed in the MR2. ha ha

I must say, it was still fun. :)
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I worked my butt off to get the Miata to 2:01.4xx. I mean a serious 2-3 hours worth of practice, with a wheel, with pedal mods, with manual trans, with a good knowledge of the track and the car. I don't see how sub-2:00 is possible. Not saying I'm the best driver out there - far from it - but I don't know where that much time can be made up.

BUT, I didn't practice with tire wear on. Will warm tires get me there?

And I also agree with TrackBound7 - hot lap times are pretty meaningless with other (gasp) real people out there. But either way I'm looking forward to another heated battle for next-to-last with Watermelon! ;)
Well I feel a bit better with some of the recent comments.

I race in another non-GTplanet league and most of the slower guys like me have disappeared and so just the fast guys keep running and it just isn't much fun tooling around by yourself.

I can keep it consistent in the 2:02's but have not raced against most of the people running in this event.

I'm after just some fun, clean racing. Not really caring to win just people to race with. Hope we have a good event tomorrow.
Johnny, you want to make sure tire ware is on. The car is actually faster with it off. It almost acts like they are at the optimum stickiness the entire time.

Saint, you have the right idea. Some of the races where I had the most fun was when I was more in the back of the pack but I was with 2 or 3 other drivers and having a good race going. While winning and running on the podium is great, the most important thing to me is actually know around other cars ;).
Well I feel a bit better with some of the recent comments.

I race in another non-GTplanet league and most of the slower guys like me have disappeared and so just the fast guys keep running and it just isn't much fun tooling around by yourself.

I can keep it consistent in the 2:02's but have not raced against most of the people running in this event.

I'm after just some fun, clean racing. Not really caring to win just people to race with. Hope we have a good event tomorrow.

So far my best lap is 2', racing from cockpit view with a H shifter, I might attend tomorrows race. In case it makes you feel better.:)
The biggest focus is consistency and minimizing mistakes.

If you are running 2:01, there is no way for someone to run a 1:59 if you are in the way, especially through sector 1. The only place you are vulnerable is with a draft pass. So hold your line and ignore your rear view mirror. Make them pass on the outside and stick to a pace you are comfortable with.

I strongly urge everyone to load up practice mode from your GT Life screen and chase your own ghost around the track. You'll find places where slowing down will set you up for a much faster exit. Just remember to turn tire wear on and grip reduction to real (and turn off all aids).

With tire wear on, you won't set a fast lap until you've put at least 2 laps on the tires. After that you've got maybe 3-5 laps before tire wear slows you down. Hit the pits for fresh rubber and you'll shave off some more time.
I'm probably getting home a half hour before start time, so I'll hop in if there's room. :)
offline...but physics are similar when you put tire wear on.
I would normally disagree and claim there is a 1-2 second difference most of the time, but that 59.3 is a time that I would expect from you. Pole on Sunday was a 59.560 (Set by Nic, presumably DitQ was close as I was third with 59.91x), and I was over a tenth up on that time after the second split on several laps (but lost it all in the last sector, which I never figured out), so a 59.3 for a fast guy like you seems realistic.
I don't want to stray off-topic, but I suspect the difference between online & offline depends on an individual's ps3-to-internet connection.
chuyler1 & I aren't the only people claiming they get no real difference between. But I do hear some people say they experience a noticeable difference... even since the upgrades (which I think honestly made the comfort tires more grippy than before).
Considering that chuyler1 and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum in regards to general speed. I think that's telling that the problem does not lie with an individual's experience or ability, but perhaps with the connection hardware somehow.

Bottom line is, if you see a noticeable difference, then you ought not use practice mode to prepare for online races.

However, I will say that tire wear OFF is a bizarre thing. I never use it. It's strangely different in the way the tires behave, from what I've experienced... I actually hate when people turn tire wear off. And I can usually tell right away without looking because it just feels wrong somehow.
It's more than tires that don't wear out... They don't wear at all. Which means that if a car is prone to wearing out its rear tires... all tires will remain optimum always. I could see the potential for being quite unprepared for having rear tires wear quickly if you've not practiced with them behaving that way.

And, I have to say, battling for next-to-last place in some races have been the most enjoyable at times.
Of course I think for most people not being soooo lonely on the track is what makes a big difference.
That's why I think this 2-class divisioning idea works on a big track like Nurburgring 24hrs. A 1-make race or a mixed model PP race makes for more ways you can wind up without another car in sight. And nobody likes that very much. It's boring. At least in the practice mode you can drive with your ghost or AIs. :lol: We race with each other because that's more fun! 👍
Qualifying Race:
3 laps @ Nürburgring GP/D
All: Mazda MX-5 Miata (NA) '89
Race #1
3 laps @ Nürburgring 24hrs
Division 1: Toyota MR2 1600 G '86
Division 2: Mazda MX-5 Miata (NA) '89

10 minute break
For switching cars & personal pit stop

Race #2
3 laps @ Nürburgring 24hrs
Division 1: Mazda MX-5 Miata (NA) '89
Division 2: Toyota MR2 1600 G '86

Just a quick clarification, if it isn't too late, Nürburgring 24hrs ≠ Nürburgring GP/D, so right now I'm unsure as to how to practice, are we using both tracks? At the moment it looks like qualifying at GP/D and race at 24hrs?

Just did a practice lap at the 24hrs, and was wanting to check if my time was any good (no crashes in the MR-2, can't believe it!).
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Yes... qualifying is being done on the short track because of how long it would take to qualify on the 24-hour version. It gives an idea of how you handle the car, and will set the tone for the full race to follow.

Out of curiosity, what was your lap time for the full track? I ran the Miata around it once, but not the MR2... so I'm curious.
Yes... qualifying is being done on the short track because of how long it would take to qualify on the 24-hour version. It gives an idea of how you handle the car, and will set the tone for the full race to follow.

Out of curiosity, what was your lap time for the full track? I ran the Miata around it once, but not the MR2... so I'm curious.

I would give a high reccomendation to running the MR2 atleast once. I did a 12:15ish whilst being very careful, the Miata will easily get under the 12 minute mark after 1-2 laps, if you were made of fire, maybe even a 11:30, I'll have to see how I go.

But back to the GP/D - it is not possible for people to be going around there in 2:0X.XXX - not possible, not with these cars, am I missing something here? are they talking about the GP/D component of the 24hr race? That would make sense.

I hope my total time is good, I'm not sure how much of that I could keep with other cars inevitably bumbing into me, but, we'll see.

EDIT: Yep MX-5 about 12min dead, I think that would be a sustainable race pace too, assuming tire and fuel degredation (which I had), I tihnk by the end of it, if the MX-5 could pull laps like the MR-2 does at the begining, you're doing alright.

1:45 til I'm pwned, :P
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But back to the GP/D - it is not possible for people to be going around there in 2:0X.XXX - not possible, not with these cars, am I missing something here?

Whatever you're missing, I'm missing too. I haven't been able to get down under 2:00.x
But I assure you, in the qualifying before the qualifying race, on GP/D in the Miatas, the best qualifying lap set was, I believe, 1:59.5xx
I believe that was set by Nicktune.
I would be just a fraction of a second behind in sector 1, and then somehow at the end be 3-5 seconds more per lap. :boggled:

I don't know if we'll see a 1:58.x, but it would not surprise me at all, knowing some of the racers signed up, & their deftness with that particular track... to see a few people in that ballpark in the Monday event.
Now that will determine what division they're in for the races on 24hrs. I could probably predict that with some accuracy. But who's going to win the races in each division? I might secretly like to place bets :odd: , but I wouldn't imagine to be able to foresee the outcome, since several of the people are quite quick on Nurburgring... far far quicker than me! And with darkness, and the car switching... I'm sure it'll be exciting for everyone. ;)