Cancelled due to people having poor reactions :DF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter berty1979

What is your preferred race distance for this series?

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I would want to do this but qualifying is too early for me due to work every other Wednesday, would it be possible for me to qualify before race day every other week? So I set my Q1 time, then Q2 and Q3, compare my times to the other drivers on race day and see where I end up. Would that work?
30% race distance weather permitting should last around 35-40 minutes I presume, so as long as the race starts after 9:15pm then count me in.

Teams in order of preference:
Red Bull Racing (Because it's fast :D)
Scuderia Ferrari (I like Ferraris)
Force India (Cool paintjob and name)

Edit: I've been a complete turnip, I just realised the qualifying wouldn't work at all. Does the game allow people to join after qualifying and still enter the race? If so then I will have to start from the back of the grid.
Apologies for all the questions.
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Anyway this could be done on a different weekday but a bit earlier so Pagey can race?
Ooooh, sign me up, sign me up!

Torro Rosso

Please not Sauber though! I started a 5 year career and even though I won the championship in season 2 and 3, no decent teams offered me a contract so I had to drive a Sauber for 2.5 seasons after which I gave up due to boredom.
Management info.

Driver tracking numbers.

Rhyfelwr 01/20/0/00/0010
Artmann 02/20/0/00/0100
Sandman 03/20/0/00/0000
Worduphomes 04/18/0/00/0000
Jerry 05/20/1/01/0000
Spurgey 06/15/1/01/0000
Jcm 07/20/1/00/0000
Scalebreaker 08/15/1/01/0000
Pagey 09/21/0/00/0000
Mike 10/20/0/00/0000
Falcon 11/20/0/00/0001
Ronin 12/20/0/00/0000
Hazardous 13/15/1/01/0000
Tyrrell 14/20/0/00/0000
Indywolf 15/16/0/00/1000
Etid 16/16/0/00/0000
Jcm R2/20/0/00/0000
Socom R1/20/0/00/0000
Davey R4/20/0/00/0000
S.Heart R5/15/0/00/0000

1. Driver number according to roster
2. Reputation points remaining
3. Races dropped
4. Races missed without notice
5. Wins
6. 2nd place
7. 3rd place
8. Pole positions

Notes to update.
Any reserve promotions?
Who didnt turn up or inform absense or loses rep points for conduct?
Did anyone choose to drop this race?
Note who didnt show without notice?
Who won?
2nd place?
3rd place?
Who got pole?
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Wow I'm not cut out for this game, I tried racing on expert (couldn't find the professional setting) I was 5 seconds down on pole and then I wrecked my car. I couldn't even qualify faster than the HRTs.
Your better than me then :lol:
If expert is Legend then I am further behind than that mate.
Professional is much easier to beat the AI.

SM- Ok mate 👍

:nervous: I just read a lot of bad things about this game lagging. Should we keep it to 12 players? or the full 16?

Shall we use TC? I dont care either way but some people are saying its tough on a controller without.
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Well I don't know about anyone else but I'm finding it pretty damn tricky without TC. I keep spinning out at the final chicane at Spa even when I'm not on the throttle without TC. And I physically can't catch the spin. I vote race with.

Also I think possibly go with 12 people
When will this season start??
How many laps roughly will we be doing??
Will there be any driver aids, if so which ones will be off and which will be on ???

I am waiting to get my wheel back from Logitech sometime next week but i think i'll be able to make Wednesdays.

You can sign me up in the Vodafone McLaren, other teams if McLarens are taken are Williams and LotusRenault
Pagey- I will register your vote mate 👍

Artmann- :lol: all the things you asked are there in the OP. Have a read through, for now ill put you down as interested and wait for you to confirm 👍

TC on- 2
TC off -0
Bovvered- 1
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I vote for TC to be on! There are differnet levels of it I think? Low/med setting?
Driving with DFGT.
Can see RedBull space free and don't mind being Webber to Pagey's Vettel!:dopey:

Second Choice Williams
Third Choice Merc
Ill put you in the roster later mike, vote registered 👍

SM- Registered.

TC on- 3
TC off -1
Bovvered- 1
First choice would be McLaren, if not I'd be happy with Mercedes.

TC - On. Mainly because I hate how loose the car is in fast corners without it, that's why I've not really raced F1 2011 competitively in the past.

This should be good fun :)
I'd join if TC was allowed on full, though I'd still need to get the game. The joys of using X and [] for throttle and brake mean I'm either on full throttle or no throttle (same for brakes). I just can't get used to other buttons for them and don't drive as well when I do in any racing game.
I'd join if TC was allowed on full, though I'd still need to get the game. The joys of using X and [] for throttle and brake mean I'm either on full throttle or no throttle (same for brakes). I just can't get used to other buttons for them and don't drive as well when I do in any racing game.

It's a quality game Joe, well worth your money. I also used to use just X and [] and until I got my DFGT I couldn't use any other combination.

Just realised I've ticked over 3,000 posts, I only joined in September :lol:
Etid- Read the list at the bottom of the OP mate. RBR has gone, pick a different one (they are all the same performance and all have DRS/KERS).

Tom- Ill add you to the OP once Etid picks his car 👍

Joe- If TC on wins the vote and I can restrict it to mild it will be, if its unrestrictable (just on/off) it will be on up to the driver. Let me know what you decide mate 👍

TC on- 5
TC off -1
Bovvered- 1

I came last again in my 1 player career :lol:
I'd need it on full to not spin everywhere, so I'd probably have to give this a miss. (I'm guessing mild is the halfway setting between off and full. The mid-setting is called "medium" in F1 2010)

EDIT: If you want to see how it'd be for me, try going full throlle and full braking everywhere, with no inbetween. (either 100% or 0%)
Yeah, I think full is a bit of a nightmare on F1 2011, I tried it and the damn car wouldnt accelerate out of corners 👎
No worries mate, if you change your mind just let me know 👍
I'm very interested in joining.

Torro Rosso


I see the first race will be May 30th so that gives me time to prepare :D

With all cars being equal it really does not matter to me what I get. I'm really looking forward to this and thanks for organizing.
I see the season doesn't start till the 30th, I won't be 100% sure of whether I can participate for another few weeks at the most. I'll let you know ASAP if I can't make it; right now it's looking ok 👍

EDIT: Oh dear, all my exams in May and June are on Thursdays.... :ouch:
simBOOT- Ok, ill get you on the roster shortly with your first available car choice. They are equal so its just down to your favourite colour really :D

Tom- No worries I expect a few people to drop out and come in just try and be in 👍 Get your exams done before, its only about an hour mate.
Thanks berty1979

Ferrari it is! Even though I am red on the outside I still bleed silver for McLaren :)

Are you guys going to have practice runs at all? No worries on response it was just on my mind.
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