Cancelled due to people having poor reactions :DF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter berty1979

What is your preferred race distance for this series?

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Ok sim.
In answer to your question, what is a Bodner adapter and do you have 25 feet to fit on your 25 pedals? :sly:

(I dont know what your on about :lol:)

We need to decide a day to meet up and have a pre season. Wednesdays are out for me until the season starts so I would be looking at a Saturday Evening/Night or another weeknight about 830pm.
Cant do Mondays/Wednesdays/Sundays.
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OPPS! :scared:

G25 pedals. The Bodnar cable allows for the G25 pedals to work interdependently of the wheel so you can hook up the DFGT wheel and the G25 pedals "my preference for road racing" if you add another adapter you can have that cord work with the Thrustmaster pedals which I prefer for oval racing.

I don"t mind using the stock DFGT pedals if I have to but as we all know the DFGT pedals are the weakest link to that great wheel.

As far as a test, just say when and I'll be there.

I'll poke around in there I was just being lazy I guess.
Have a great weekend Guys.
G25, why didnt I think of that :dunce:

Ok well ill pick a few times for the preseason and we can see who can come 👍

All competitors
Send a friend request to my PSN (on the left) if I dont respond within a day you have spelt it wrong :lol:
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Great so far on the poll guys, if by a miracle we can all atttend both sessions we can have full qualification on Wed and the race on Sun. I realise that is a bit unrealistic but in a perfect world eh :)

Remember to get me added and I was thinking a nice fast track with plenty of straights for the pre season while we all get used to racing together. Maybe Canada or India, what do you think?
India's a good shout.

i just joined this, looks like fun and you dont even need to own the game!
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I don't think Sunday night would be a good time, as that would mean both championships would be on at the same time. Unless this one started before the other one, I would stay in that one as I prefer 50% races, no aids, and I'm already sort of commited to it.

If it started at 7:30gmt on Sunday it could work though :) (And I could race the whole season)
It is going to be a wednesday I was just seeing who was available on a sunday to see if we could qualify seperatley or maybe do a group practice so ill bear 730pm in mind as I can make that time no probs. Its good to explore more time slot possibilities in case we can all get together twice a week instead of one 👍
If you do make regular appearances after race 4 I could probably offer some bonus points so you could still have a chance at the title, I see from the gtp championship you are quick in these cars.
I think I'm really going to enjoy this, not because I'm fast and will win just because its fun.
Although having said that the cars feel really weird, its like driving an FGT with no aids and all the downforce taken off. I can't even take Eau rouge flat!
SM- Cheers for the info. Shame mang.

Pagey- This is the kind of game where you can have as much fun raacing for 10th as 1st
with so many cars on track all driving well its a blast. Looking forward to the start and the pre season :D
Betty, you doing any online racing right now?
Did you just call me Betty :lol:

Not tonight 'Pamela' but we will all meet up soon, I was thinking of sunday 20th for the pre season and meeting online every tuesday before that to do random GP's together, what do you think?
It depends when on tuesday. I work from 4pm-6:30pm CST .
And I typed Berty an it got auto-corrected
What is the time difference? I would look but I presume you have worked it out already :)

I guessed that you had been auto corrected 👍
Hi, please can I join?

I'd like the Mercedes.

I am available Wednesdays & Saturdays.

I'm using a DF Pro.

flooder- damn man :( do you work thursdays?

Hazardous- Nice one, ill get you in the OP soon. Keep your eye on the thread to see what day the pre season at India is 👍
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