Cancelled due to people having poor reactions :DF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter berty1979

What is your preferred race distance for this series?

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Ok well half these guys race on a Wed until the season start so ill suggest a Monday 14th May at 845pm for the pre season, hope most can make it 👍


We now have a sponsor and (real) prizes to be won. Further details will be in the OP within a week. OP is almost finished too so have a peek if you havent already, we may be full too I am just waiting for a confirmation on the last 2 spaces.
I am going to need some staff to help out with some of the small jobs on race night, this wont involve replays or anything so volunteers will be appreciated.
What are people's fastest times at India?
Also what level is traction control allowed at?
I've got a 1.25.6 with tc on medium, it's a god damn awesome track :D
India is my favourite so far too (its fast and uncomplicated :D)

TCS- This will be on the lowest allowed setting mate, whatever that is. I think I got a but that was with a Williams car in my first season of 1P the cars we are using online are much quicker.
:lol: no, but I reckon you are just saying that. On the day you will destroy us all!!!

Basically, I am marking off who has sent me a Friend Request so I can keep tabs on who has and hasnt. I will consult this list a week before the pre season and exclude anyone that hasnt (after messaging them) as no longer being interested. FRR stands for friend request recieved.
Thanks bro 👍

Ill PM you with the details next week, I need to do some testing first 👍

Did you get the game yet? Have you tried it?
Ill be at my house on Saturday, but so far I've been playing my friends copy, Albert Park is my fave so far
Yeah thats a good track. When you first start you will like the simple ones first (well I did). India and Canada are good and Brazil is AWESOME, totally old school :D
Brendanevans- No problem, a few questions.
What time zone are you in?
What type of controller do you use to drive?
Does anyone know if people can join halfway through qualifying and still be allowed to get a lap in?
Pagey- You will always make the race but will miss quali half the time. Once we get online together I will chat to all the competitors and see how they are for the timing. If it doesnt cause hassles I can start quali at 915.
I have to be careful not to run too late or I risk losing drivers but will do my best to get you into quali 👍
That's cool 👍

I'm really going to have to brush up my racing skills on this game, one slight knock could give you a puncture or take your wing off.
Also practice in the wet, Malaysia in particular in the rain is a true NIGHTMARE!!!! You go slow into the corners taking it easy so you don't spin, so then you don't have enough air passing over the car which equals no downforce so you spin anyway! It's a vicious circle :(

Also I timed how long it takes me to get home from work today, I was home by 9:04pm. So I could be in the room and ready to qualify by 9:06-08 to be precise :D
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How you planning on doing Bahrain like you said in the OP for round 4?
Haitch-I havent checked the schedule properly yet, if its wrong it will get corrected when I do. Its still under construction but thanks for the input.

Pagey- I am sure we can hold off until then mate, this game is tough in the rain for sure :nervous:
Bahrain was cancelled in 2011 and thus is not in the game. Just so you know.

I found a picture of Mike and Me :lol:
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