I'm going to be honest here dj, I'm very disappointed with the footage. I can barely watch it. Let me please give some constructive critique:
1. Please try to not show one car for longer than a minute.
2. Please try at least to present the start of the race better.
3. Please do not concentrate only on the top 8-10. That is boring and unfair to those, who are in lower positions, like my teammate Webber=ENTERSANDMAN13.
4. Please switch more often between all cars.
5. Please show us what happened in case of an accident. The accidents are announced by the commentators, so you only need to quickly jump to that car or better: wait half a minute and then use the instant replay feature.
All in all I really get the impression that you randomly switched from car to car, while you were busy doing something else, at least in some parts of the race that was my impression. If that is the case, you should drop manual camera alltogether and use auto.
What you do with that critique is certainly only up to you. But let me please quote you here, as it is so fitting:
1. 5th place, yes!
2. My teammate out of points, damned.
3. So many fast cars out of the race, ouch!
4. How could Heidfeld=RACECAR still finish infront of me? Daym.
5. Who was that, whose engine blew up RIGHT before the finish line?

I think it was Villeneuve, still 7th.