GTP NASCAR Nationwide Series // Season Report/Points // Champions!

  • Thread starter Chqr

Should we race at SSRX this season?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • No

    Votes: 7 30.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dat wreck. Furinkazen and me made a mistake early on which cost me the contention for the win. It was mainly my fault for braking too early.

It's my first start, so I shouldn't have expected much. Hey, at least I finished!

I had an average setup. I didn't realize how powerful that it was until the final few laps. Of course I had to get used to it during the last laps where I had no chance of winning...

I will try to make it next weekend. Daytona should be much better for me (unless somebody puts me in the wall, which I wouldn't be surprised).
Looking at the replay, I saw at least one dirty block in the first few laps, but for the most part, it was pretty clean.
Other than my 3 spins due to worn tires.

Where exactly on the track was the block?
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Guys, been loving the racing even though I'm only mid-pack pace. Would love to compete in s2 if I'm offered a seat. I whole heartedly support Chqr's suggestion of starting an hour earlier if it works for you guys on the other side of the pond. For me thats a big deal, still got saturday night options after the race... And Try... congratulations on another ridiculous win, you must have been running on Hards!

Race Results @ HSR 40

*denotes driver's points are illegible towards the Drivers' Championship due to driving in the GTP Nascar Sprint Cup Championship.
DNS = Did not start
DSQ = Disqualified


Drivers' Championship
Your worst two points finishes excluding the season finale are dropped.


Owners' Championship


Gotta go for that 2nd in the owners championship boys, it's right there in front of us....
Are you sure the fastest lap wasn't me, not Litchi? I got a 1:04.3 as well, anyway, good race earlier, I know I hit amp, and Trynor, and may have been a bit too aggressive with Mule, sorry about that.
Are you sure the fastest lap wasn't me, not Litchi? I got a 1:04.3 as well, anyway, good race earlier, I know I hit amp, and Trynor, and may have been a bit too aggressive with Mule, sorry about that.

You were 1.04.349 on my screen replay.
Anyone that is caught blocking or deliberately causing an accident can be assessed up to a 30-second penalty

Well. The race wasn't very clean today. I've made some mistakes I admit but some guys were blocking deliberately during the race.

I'm a rookie in a Nascar series (my first race was with you, one month ago) so maybe i should just be quiet.
I'm certainly not the faster guy in the world. I'm modest anyway and if some guys say that i'm fast, I just answer that no, I'm just patient and careful.
Well, i'm not fast but i'm very experienced in the GT5 online world and I know how to do the difference between a driver who is blocking and a driver who is simply trying to stay in his line. And today, I've seen blocking.

All I can say is that when the rules tell that blocking is penalized, drivers affected should effectively be penalized.

Just my thoughts.
Well. The race wasn't very clean today. I've made some mistakes I admit but some guys were blocking deliberately during the race.

I'm a rookie in a Nascar series (my first race was with you, one month ago) so maybe i should just be quiet.
I'm certainly not the faster guy in the world. I'm modest anyway and if some guys say that i'm fast, I just answer that no, I'm just patient and careful.
Well, i'm not fast but i'm very experienced in the GT5 online world and I know how to do the difference between a driver who is blocking and a driver who is simply trying to stay in his line. And today, I've seen blocking.

All I can say is that when the rules tell that blocking is penalized, drivers affected should effectively be penalized.

Just my thoughts.

Depends though. In NASCAR its perfectly acceptable to pull out of line so you can bump draft the opponent along.
If any of it was me please say so (via PM) as I had no intention to purposely block anyone.
Well. The race wasn't very clean today. I've made some mistakes I admit but some guys were blocking deliberately during the race.

I'm a rookie in a Nascar series (my first race was with you, one month ago) so maybe i should just be quiet.
I'm certainly not the faster guy in the world. I'm modest anyway and if some guys say that i'm fast, I just answer that no, I'm just patient and careful.
Well, i'm not fast but i'm very experienced in the GT5 online world and I know how to do the difference between a driver who is blocking and a driver who is simply trying to stay in his line. And today, I've seen blocking.

All I can say is that when the rules tell that blocking is penalized, drivers affected should effectively be penalized.

Just my thoughts.

First of all, drivers can be assessed up to a 30-second penalty. If there were consistent blocking. i.e. shifting to the left or right after making one blocking movement is not deemed correct race conduct.

During the race, I felt for me anyway, it wasn't a case of blocking but drivers bumping and nudging sometimes divebombing into corners. Acceptable to a point.

This is NASCAR and drivers where consistently blocking others or blocked a driver for a considerable amount of time or caused a wreck would be penalised. No complaints of individual incidents have been brought my way so far.
I would only like to know if it's legal to do a blocking move just as the driver behind is about to make a pass.
I would only like to know if it's legal to do a blocking move just as the driver behind is about to make a pass.

One movement to the left or right is perfectly legal. Although, if you have not cleared the driver behind so the end up spinning yourself out or skidding off his bumper. There will be no punishment dealt to the driver who was being blocked.

Cutting across another driver's line is in theory unacceptable. If the car behind you has already committed to slipstream past, it will be frowned upon and if this is done consistently or to an extent that causes a wreck to the driver who was being blocked, penalties will be introduced.

There wasn't much in the way of wrecking but nudging which is again acceptable to a point.

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