GT5 & PS3 Bundles?

  • Thread starter Delirious


I have decided to buy the PS3 when GT5 comes out, so it would be very convenient if I could buy them together :)
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Good news is, I think you could pretty much bet your liver that GT5 will come bundled with a PS3, and you'll probably make a decent saving too.

Bad news is that GT5 might not be out for a while, early 2009 at the earliest I reckon (which probably means a summer/autumn US release :ill: ). TBH, the GT5:Prologue/PS3 bundle is good value, but it depends on whether you'd get use out of the PS3 right now... if you're only buying a PS3 just to play GT5, then perhaps waiting is the best option - but it's a question of whether the saving you'll make by waiting is worth being PS3-less for another year...
Definately, considering the amount of money sony has lost so far because their flag-ship of a game is not out their. They will need to recoupe some sales. Also because i think their was a GT3/PS2 combo and their WAS a GT4/PS2 combo (gt4/PS2 combo was how i got mine).
Like the others have said, more than likely yes, since Sony usually bundles big titles with its console.
Good news is, I think you could pretty much bet your liver that GT5 will come bundled with a PS3, and you'll probably make a decent saving too.
Warning: Don't bet your liver. You may need it as a filter one day, and the transplant market probably pays more than as PS3/GT5 combo. The kidney thief market is so over-saturated in this day and age.

That said, I'll definitely wait for the combo. I'm hoping its at least 40GB because that's probably all I will need (and a second controller), since I play very few other games.
I guess I can bump a year old thread since mine was locked asking the same question.

I still dont expect GT5 until 2010 but hopefully they release a PS3 GT5 bundle pack. Thats something I would actually be interrested in buying for sure if the price was reasonable. Maybe even 2 packages. 1 with the PS3,wheel, and game. The other one just the PS3 and game.
Yeah PS3, Wheel and game sounds good. But I allready own a wheel so I would pick up the PS3 and GAME.

I hope there is also LIMITED EDITION bundle. Special Edition PS3 with GT Logos and colors with same design controller, as well the Special Limited Edition Game. (behind the scenes, and other extras)
Of course there will be a PS3 GT5 bundle, if the prologue managed to get one rest assured the full game will. Just now Infamous has a confirmed bundle here in the EU so yeah, Sonys biggest game will get a bundle and many of them.

Gonna say it.........GT5 is a system seller. :embarrassed:
-> If ever that bundle comes with an Emotion chip (from the PS2) like my beloved 60GB PS3. Other than that, no thanks. :indiff:
I am thinking a complete GT5 PS3 bundle with a good wheel like the g25 might cost a fortune think about it the game alone will be about +/- $80.00 the g25 +/- 250.00 a PS3 $400.00 thats a whooping +/- $730.00 US dollars. wow thats a lot of cash to spend all at once. I am one of those guys who cant afford a bundle like that I will have to purchase every thing one by one until I get every thing mentioned above. So a bundle might be a good idea for those guys who have the extra cash to spend all at once
I can't wait that long, GT5 could take as long as until summer next year, and i'm starving for entertainment since my ps3 died.
-> If ever that bundle comes with an Emotion chip (from the PS2) like my beloved 60GB PS3. Other than that, no thanks. :indiff:

I know whatcha mean, the main reason I bought my 80GB MGS4 bundle is because it was the last backwards compatible one made. And it came with a Dualshock 3 instead of a Sixaxis. And MGS4 is a great game anyways.
I know whatcha mean, the main reason I bought my 80GB MGS4 bundle is because it was the last backwards compatible one made. And it came with a Dualshock 3 instead of a Sixaxis. And MGS4 is a great game anyways.

I got mine for X-Mas last year, and mine came with a DS3.
Hi everyone. This is my first post, I've been reading threads here for a while and felt I should share an article I found. This didn't appear in a forum search so if it has been covered already I apologise.

The article covers the prospect of a GT5 250GB PS3 Bundle being made available in the near future. What do you guys think of this possible bundle? and the huge increase in memory size?

Hi everyone. This is my first post, I've been reading threads here for a while and felt I should share an article I found. This didn't appear in a forum search so if it has been covered already I apologise.

The article covers the prospect of a GT5 250GB PS3 Bundle being made available in the near future. What do you guys think of this possible bundle? and the huge increase in memory size?

Welcome to GTP 👍 I've merged your post into an existing thread on the general topic of GT5/PS3 bundles, since we get quite a few in this forum. A 250GB PS3 would be a logical next step, and I'm sure that whatever consoles Sony decides to manufacture, you will probably be able to find a bundle with GT5 in it. As for when you might expect to be able to buy one, I would hazard a guess that it will be sometime after GT5 is released (Sherlock Holmes would be proud of me), but since no-one knows exactly when that is yet, we'll just have to wait and see...
I was about to buy SLIM, but I'll wait for GT5 + PS3 slim Combo
So for now Ill still play my 60 (180) gig model.
Warning: Don't bet your liver. You may need it as a filter one day, and the transplant market probably pays more than as PS3/GT5 combo. The kidney thief market is so over-saturated in this day and age.


Someone spends alot of time at the docks...:lol:

Attention PD and Logitech, what would be a great bundle for existing PS3 owners would be GT5 with a wheel of choice DFGT, G25 or G27.

Or a Trio(aka combo in the states and elsewhere) Wheel Game System. Everything in one gigantoid box which you can cleverly mod into a toddler jungle gym, a cat sanctuary or a nice break dancing board.
I was about to buy SLIM, but I'll wait for GT5 + PS3 slim Combo
So for now Ill still play my 60 (180) gig model.

My launch day 60gig has just stopped reading disc's :grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy:

I'm in two minds either to buy a new PS3 slim (250gig) now, or wait for a bundle which will hopefully have a few exclusive goodies thown in.