Ford Flex Challenge

  • Thread starter Fangio


Galactic Gadfly
Greetings All Ye Of The Creative Mind,
I hath indeed been intrigued as of late by Ford's new Flex. With fuel costs rising into the stratos, it wouldst seem a most suitable replacement for one of the Range Rovers, allowing us to travel en masse instead of convoying in two vehicles.
What I find however, ist that said vehicle doth lacketh character. I found myself musing as to some cosmetic improvements. Mine own design wouldst iclude faux wood grain side panels, a wood grain roof rack, and the requisite white sidewall tires. Not being skilled with photoshop or other similar programs, I am unable to illustrate mine dream Flex.
So I doth propose a challenge, to design and post illustrations of the Flex designed by this esteemed membership. No prize, just the admiration of thine peers.
Beith creative, and knoweth no limits to thine fertile imaginings!
Be Off! And Grabbeth Thine Crayons!
You can with the "Tools" drop down menu in the upper right, or a Mod can move it.


Whilst "Admiration of Thine Peers" is a fantastic accolade, I'll purchase a year of GTPremium for the best entry. As decided by a vote. If the winner already has GTPremium (annual) they can either add the year, or pass it on to another member of their choice.
You can with the "Tools" drop down menu in the upper right, or a Mod can move it.


Whilst "Admiration of Thine Peers" is a fantastic accolade, I'll purchase a year of GTPremium for the best entry. As decided by a vote. If the winner already has GTPremium (annual) they can either add the year, or pass it on to another member of their choice.

My Leige,
Thine offer be most generous! I care not what the rest of the mighty moderators sayeth about thee, (attempt at humor)Thou art a gentleman and a scholar.
Trembling In Thine Shadow
Ah, but Der Alta is one of the kings of this planet. He is the magic maker, not me.

That is a great idea that you've done there Mr Alta. I hope they won't let Fangio down.
While mine own Photoshop ability ist also lacking, I will make this humble contribution to thine endeavor.

Rear quarter

Front quarter

I pray the fair members of the 'Planet are able to surpass your wildest dreams, Good Sir Fangio.
Holy crap those pictures are huge!!!

Sir Loon,
Methinks those photos were 3/4 scale! Come gentlemen! The first volley hath been fired! Let thine fertile imaginings loose! Radical, mild whatsoever doth please! This unfortunate vehicle suffer mightily for lack of character! I hath witnessed such artistic genius when applied to avatars and the like. Give this beastie the face lift it fairly cries out for! A full years premium membership be at stake! A prize fit for a king! So flame it, chop it, channel it! Showeth the miscreants at Ford what real imagination is!
Loose The Dogs Of Design!
It appears that Ford might be offering you an option for wood grain on the side Sir Fangio in the near future.


Whatever the case may be I'll attempt something for you when I get a spare minute (hour) in Photoshop.
It appears that Ford might be offering you an option for wood grain on the side Sir Fangio in the near future.


Whatever the case may be I'll attempt something for you when I get a spare minute (hour) in Photoshop.

Sir Joey D,
Thats the spirit! I am most intrigued by thine discovery, it hearkens back to ye olde Country Squire.


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Good Sir Fangio, I gave it ago although my photoshop skills are a big lacking compared to most. When I get another minute (or hour) I'll make some additions. But without further ado I present to you what I have so far so you don't think we've forgotten about you.


How do they say? I gave "ye olde college try"?
Nicely done, Joey!

I decided to have a go at this as well.



I'm very surprised that there aren't more people doing this. Maybe they're all working on them and then they'll dazzle us with something spectacular.

I've changed my sig to try to direct more traffic to the thread. :D
Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
Thine efforts hath exceeded mine wildest imaginings. I bow down to thine remarkable talents! The renderings beith absolutely exquisite!! This will prove to be a most difficult decision. I doff mine cap to you all for your contributions so far! I shalt close this contest August 2, 2008 in the interest of fairness. I waith with anxious anticipation for what lays ahead!
In Awe,
Your Servant
Sir Fangio,

My photoshop skills be equal to that of a peon housefly.

I say that thine potential Ford Flex be nigh on beautiful with a set of Astro Supremes or chromed reverse steel wheels. Wood grain be a must, along with wide whitewalls. Would it be necessary to have a new grille for thine Flex? Methinks something of the bellflower style would be most resplendent with general badassery. (the bullety thingies in the grille) Thou shouldst paint thine car a most conspicuous shade of kandy color. Thine friendly locals deserve fair warning when Sir Fangio, Sir Edgar, and Sir Baird be approaching.


A grille such as this, with bellflower tips for thine exhaust.

Again, I say that mine photoshop skills render me ineligible for thine noble endeavour. :dunce:


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Squire High Test,
Methinks thine endeavor be most noble! Wouldst there be anyone here to collaborate with Sir High Test to bring his Flex to visual fruition? I wouldst be most anxious to see said car in colour. I doff my cap to thine imaginings Good Sir!
Sir Fangio, thank thee for thine response.

I hath some misgivings on my choice of round shiny things.

Methinks that these full polished E-T Vs in a large size be a better alternative to fill thine tires. Plus, one can order them in any bolt pattern and offset. The only catch is that there has to be a certain amount of back and front spacing. Alas, Astro Supremes are no longer made. Thus, finding a set would be most difficult. And like the Radirs of yore, they only come in 14 and 15 inch diameters.

Mine mind runs wild with imaginings for thine propsition, sir Fangio. Tis a shame that I lack skills to bring it to fruition.

I hath found thee a set of suitable tires for thine steed.


This whole idea brings a smile to my face.

EDIT: the Radir cheater slicks be only available in 14 and 15 inch sizes. :irked:
Best I can muster in between "real" work. Yes, I know it looks incredibly choppy. :indiff:

Good Sir Fangio,
Methinks thine troope should hath the appearance of menace, in lacking of the Rover-Range Convoy.


Ah Good Artistic Squires!
Methinks the competition hast been heated up!The latest entrants hath shown a new slant! Most impressive! Execution be not as important as concept, so be ye not worried of "choppiness". If I may be so bold, I have yet to see a spare tire, roof rack, running boards, or even a radical chop. Let thy imaginations runneth to the extreme. Visit ye the creations of Barris, Roth, Foose, Von Dutch(the original) for thine inspiration! Remember, a years worth of Premiummembership beith at stake! Tally Ho! The Game Ist Afoot!
Excitedly Yours
Squire High Test,
I am intrigued by thine thoughts! Most entertaining. Perhaps Cutting out the rear wheel wells and tubbing said beasty wouldst allow for a set of full racing slicks. Mounted on a set of Center Line or perhaps, ye olde school Weld Wheels?
The mind beith boggled at such possibilities!
Trudge on ye fertile imagined Earls of the drawing board!
Exuberantly Yours
Squire High Test,
I am intrigued by thine thoughts! Most entertaining. Perhaps Cutting out the rear wheel wells and tubbing said beasty wouldst allow for a set of full racing slicks.
It would, however, come at the reduction of rear seat room, which (given my understanding of the design brief) is among the chief reasons to propose acquisition of said Flex in the near-to-mid-term strategy model.

Sorry, I do corporate better than medieval.

And UnoMOTO, since the signing of the Magna Carta, peasants do indeed possess the legal authority and power to relocate their own threads. Squires of the premium variety may open and close their own threads as well.

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