Ford Flex Challenge

  • Thread starter Fangio
It would, however, come at the reduction of rear seat room, which (given my understanding of the design brief) is among the chief reasons to propose acquisition of said Flex in the near-to-mid-term strategy model.
My Lord,
Thou hast made a most salient observation, but in the interest of radical design, Edgar and Baird could trot alongside, much like the Secret Service!
Humbly Yours
My Lord,
Thou hast made a most salient observation, but in the interest of radical design, Edgar and Baird could trot alongside, much like the Secret Service!
Humbly Yours

Methinks they would make the Flex look very diminutive.
Methinks that a mesh grille be the most sensible aternative to the infernal "gillette mach three"

Alas, here is mine entry into this foray. PHEAR IT! I hast used the most cutting edge tools of Juan Manuel's day, the pencil and paper. I used them quite clumsily, I may add.




Mine humblest apologies. I do hope I have not caused damage to thine optical nerves.


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I've completed mine...what do I win!:dopey:

Good Squire Uno Moto,
My favorite design element is the a la 50's sun visor, and Esso Tiger tail, a most creative rendering, though methinks Squire Slicks may have a thing or two to sayeth regarding your design,
Amusedly Yours
Good sir Fangio, I hath taken a considerable time in ye olde Photoshope, and alas, this be all I can muster:

I proceeded to have thoughts of a second nature, and I began this idea, for such a noble member must certainly need a noble carrier of the highest!

I hope this hath pleased you in the highest!


Here's mine, i did it MUCH differently..I present to you...

2010 Ford FLEX

it's still a bit poorly developed but seeing as how so many entries have been submitted..
Mine may be a bit strong for some people, I can't say that it's particularly my taste either.

Final Entry

Good sirs:

Wouldst you allow a hand drawn entry into the competition? I do not have photoshop, Gimp, or the skills required to use them.
Good sirs:

Wouldst you allow a hand drawn entry into the competition? I do not have photoshop, Gimp, or the skills required to use them.
Beith creative, and knoweth no limits to thine fertile imaginings!
Be Off! And Grabbeth Thine Crayons!
I'm inclined to say yes as there are no crayon tools that I know of in Gimp. :)

Then I hast a little diddy to share about sir Fangio's Flex.

Cue the Minstrel! Where is Commander Cody, Anyway?

My wife said hon yer gonna drive me to drinkin if you don’t stop drivin that hot rod Lincoln.

Have you heard the story of the hot rod race where the fords and Lincolns were setiin’ the pace
That story is true I’m here to say, I was drivin’ the flex that day

It’s got a Lincoln motor it’s really souped up that ford flex body makes it look like a pup
Got six cylinders and uses em all, boost controlled. The thing don’t stall

Pulled outta san pedro late one night and the moon and stars was shinin bright,
we was drivin up grapevine hill passin cars like they was standin still

All of a sudden in the wink of an eye,
Cadillac sedan passed us by
Said boy’s it’s a CTS-V,
By then the taillights were all you could see

Now the fellas ripped me for bein behind,
So I thought I’d make the Lincoln unwind
Put my foot on the gas and man alive
I shoved it on down into overdrive

Wound it up past a hundred nineteen
The Lincoln was startin to scream
My foot was glued like lead to the floor
That’s all there is, there ain’t no more

Turned a corner, sideswiped a truck,
Crossed my fingers just for luck
my fenders was clickin the guardrail posts
Sirs edgar and baird were white as ghosts

Smoke was comin from outta the back
when we started to gain on that caddilac
Knew I could catch him, I though I could pass,
Don’t ya know by then we’d be low on gas.

He had flames comin from outta the side,
Field attention man whatta ride
I said lookout boys, I got a license to fly
And that caddy pulled over and let us by.

Now all of a sudden she stared knockin
Down then she started rockin
I looked the panel, red light was blinkin
A tire blew out on my hot rod lincoln.

We replaced the tire
And started to bail
The wife found out about our fail,
And she said hon yer gonna drive me to drinkin if you don’t stop driving that Hot. Rod. Lincoln.

I need to find a metallic orange colored pencil or two. That's one half of my final entry. It's been a slow day at work. :dopey:

I'll have the drawing and explanation bits up tomorrow or monday.
Lol I love you Fangio. Do you actually talk like that in real life?

Greetings Good Squire,
Alas methinks I have not a real life, that I be nothing but a figment of mine own fertile imaginings.
As to my communications with those at orbit in mine sphere, I do indeed communicate in the manner in which I write! 'Tis most vexing to the great unwashed, but most entertaing for this auld greybeard. Milady hath indeed the patience of a saint, and Squires Edgar and Baird, shaketh their collective noggins in mine presence. But I be of an age wherest I give not a rodent's rectum what those around me think! I be a harmless yet charming(in mine own mind at least) creature, that thinks our time on this orb, be best spent in mirthful pursuits.
Thine simple answer wouldst have been yes!
Your Long Winded Servant
Squire High Test,
Most etnertaining indeed a mirthful adaptation. But thou and thine minstrel shouldst not give up thine day jobs!:) As an aside Good Squire, this tune hath been burned it into my brain, and I shalt be humming this tune throughout the day, mine thanks:crazy: your Servant
P.S. Non computerized renderings are indeed welcome. Water colors, oils, charcoal, blood on a stick, whatsoever thine heart disireth.
Greetings All Ye Of The Crayon Clan,
Today I come before this esteemed assembly to announceth mine selection as winner of mine little contest. I wouldst first like to humbly thank all of you for your wonderful participation, most especially Lord Der Alta for his most generous prize. I didst not imagine that I would receive the response that I did, nor did I anticipate the width and breadth of the talent that resideth in this community.
But, without further adieu, Squire Joey D hath come closest as to what I envisioned when I first encountered the unfortunate Flex. The updated V8 hubcaps were a most interesting detail. Those along with ye olde skool wide whites, brought back memories of mine first tow vehicle. I must say however the HD edition wast a most intriguing concept, that shouldst be forwarded to Ford Design Studios. Wood trim, blowers, white walls and other ideas are to be commended. You are all to be congratulated. I bow down before this esteemed collection of designers!
So from this day forward, Joey D shalt be known to all as, Sir Joey D Earl of Crayola.
Mine Congratulations!
Your Grateful Servant
And I get points for not checking on it first...

You've already got GTPremium Lifetime. Who would you like to see benefit from the Premium features?
Congrats on the promotion to Earl of Crayola, Joey! 👍

Nice job to all the others who participated, as well. :)
:grumpy:👎 Aww... it's over already.

I guess I'll just post what I have then...

edit: Oh, I call it Flex SVT. :sly:

I'm amazed I can still draw everytime I try.
Lord V1P3R,
Thine creation doth strike fear in mine soul! 'Tis a most remarkable rendering. The sheer presence on the page indicates power and speed and is sophisticated in it's simplicity. A most talented artist thine be! I thank thee for thine submission, and tremble in awe of thine artistic bent,
Thine Artistically Arrested Servant,
Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
Thine efforts hath exceeded mine wildest imaginings. I bow down to thine remarkable talents! The renderings beith absolutely exquisite!! This will prove to be a most difficult decision. I doff mine cap to you all for your contributions so far! I shalt close this contest August 2, 2008 in the interest of fairness. I waith with anxious anticipation for what lays ahead!
In Awe,
Your Servant

Wait.. Didst I miss something?
Yeah, I'm still working, you know. And I don't have GTPremium yet. (that said, mine really doesn't differ much from Joey's... I just never had time to finish it, though I started on the first day... mine has kandy paint though :D)
My Good Friends,
I hath misread mine calender, meaning to close said this week I instead looked ahead. My appologies. I must consult with Der Alta for this is indeed a grevious error on my part, due in no small part to mine advancing years, and feeble eye sight.
I Shalt Return
Mine final entry into this foray:

'Tis a .pdf file. I know not how to post it as an image hither.


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