Kazunori Yamauchi nterview(Import tuner magazine)

please no
Q: Where did you get the inspiration for Gran Turismo?
A: I've always liked cars and I would play video games that had cars, but none of them were what I wanted to play. I was 15 years old and I couldn't drive yet, that's when I started coming up with the idea of GT.

Q: What kind of cars were you into?
A: The Skyline GT-R, Mazda RX-7...and pretty much all the Japanese sports cars.

Q: How about tuning?
A: Tuning was something I was very much into. I used to read Options magazine.

Q: What other games did you work on before Gran Turismo?
A: I worked on one game before, Motor Toon Grand Prix. It was also a racing game.

Q: What do you think made Gran Turismo so successful?
A: When you make a video game, you can make a rough video game or spend a lot of time and fine-tune it, which is what we did with Gran Turismo. That, in turn, presents a hidden allure to the game players.

Q: How has the game franchise evolved over the years?
A: Games always evolve with the hardware. When we made the first GT for the PlayStation we couldn't do everything we wanted to. It was impossible. But with Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, the hardware has evolved and we've evolved with the hardware, and a lot of it is obvious when you see the game.

Q: What were some of the hardware limitations that you were able to overcome with the PS3?
A: One of the major things is, now you can race with as many as 16 cars, instead of the original six. Another, of course, is the high-quality graphics. We don't have to pull any punches when designing the car graphics because now the machine can handle it.

Gran Turismo 5 Kazunori Yamauchi

Q: Can you explain GT-TV?
A: We've been wanting to communicate to our users through video since 2001 and it took this long to actually implement it into the game. GT-TV is a feature that I wanted in GT because when I come home from work I end up going through all the cable channels looking for car programs, but I can never find the ones I want to watch, and to go out and rent or purchase a DVD is too much trouble. So, I wanted a feature in the game where car enthusiasts can watch all the things I would want to watch, all in one place.

Q: In order to access GT-TV do you need to have GT 5 Prologue?
A: Yes, it is a service within the game. GT-TV will have Top Gear, Best Motoring, Video Option, Super GT, D1 Grand Prix, as well as original programming, in high definition.

Q: Is it going to be free?
A: Some of it will be, and others will have a small fee.

Q: What are some of your favorite TV programs?
A: BBC's Top Gear and drifting.

Q: Who's your favorite drifter?
A: I like Nomuken. He's a funny character.

Q: Did you hear that Blitz is currently building a new R35 GT-R for him to drift?
A: I remember hearing something about it.


Q: On the subject of drift, are you familiar with Formula D?
A: I'm interested in it, but you can't find it in Japan.

Q: Are there any plans to include Formula D content on GT-TV?
A: We want to contact them and see if we can set something up.

Q: As good as Prologue is, what can we expect in the full version of GT 5?
A: To be honest, I haven't given a lot of thought to GT 5, so I don't have an answer. And it's too early to talk about GT 5 because we still have updates coming out for Prologue.

Q: Is there an ETA on GT 5?
A: It won't be this year and nothing's scheduled for next. It may be out in 2010, but like I said, we haven't really discussed it yet.

Q: What many people don't know is that you've helped with some of the development on the new GT-R.
A: Yes. We were involved in the design of the Multi-Function meter, the information system that went into the R35 GT-R. I'm personal friends with a lot of the engineers developing the cars at Nissan, so we always have something going on. But that's not just limited to Nissan; we have contacts with other companies as well.

Q: I heard that you were involved with the design of the body kits for a few of the Nissans.
A: For the Z33 and the Skyline coupe (G35) we designed some of the aero parts, like the front bumper, rear wing, and the side skirts.

Q: How did you learn design?
A: I never studied design or anything, but I've liked to draw since childhood. It's the same thing for programming; it was something that I liked to do as a hobby.

Q: How do you like the new GT-R?
A: I have one. It's a very fine car, but I'm waiting for the Spec V to come out.

Q: What other cars do you own?
A: I have a Porsche GT3, a fully tuned Z33 and S2000, a Mercedes SL55 AMG, and a Ford GT.

Q: What have you done to the Z33?
A: Mainly body modifications. It has a rollcage and the body's been reinforced. The sheet metal in the front of the car is twice as thick to increase rigidity. The engine is normally aspirated and puts out 355 ps. What I wanted is a high-performance car that doesn't have body roll, but is very comfortable to drive. It took almost a year for all the chassis modifications to be completed.

Q: Did you ever take it to the track?
A: Yes, of course! I ran a 1:04 at Tsukuba in my fully tuned Z33, and a 1:01 in my carbon-fiber S2000.

Q: Wow. What's been done to the S2000?
A: A lot. All the body panels are now made of carbon. It weighs 930 kg (2,050 pounds) and puts out 280 ps, and is really easy to drive. Opera did all the work.

Q: So, will we be able to win a Kazunori-spec Z33 or S2000 in Prologue pretty soon?
A: The Amuse GT1 aero kit is in the game already. I designed that body kit. The body kit I designed for the Z33 is also in the game.

Q: Are there going to be any cars from Japanese tuners in the game?
A: We have plans for the HKS time attack car.That would be pretty damn cool.

Q: Do you have a favorite racetrack?

A: Nurburgring. It's the most fun to drive. I ran a 9:40 in the rain in the new GT-R. I want to go back in dry weather. I think I can knock off another minute.

Q: Besides GT, are there any other games that you play?
A: No, not really.

Q: Not even other driving games?
A: No. It's more fun to drive real cars.

Q: If you had one car to pick to keep in your garage what would it be?
A: The Ferrari F430 Scuderia was a nice car to drive. It was almost a full race car. It's hard to say, but I'd have to say the new GT-R.
That long for GT5??? and he's not even thinking about it??? Great... looks like were stuck with prologue for a LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG time...
nice find...thanks for that. in my eyes it means we will get tracks like Nurburgring and Le Sarthe even earlier.

Hmmmmm.... I think they will first gives us some of the classic tracks before we get a taste of those....
At first I was disappointed when I read this interview because to me it means GT5 will be out in 2011. However surely this means Prologue will recieve some new tracks because they won't leave prologue as it is.

Give me private rooms, 2 more tracks and I will be content until 2010/11. I will also have RacePro to keep me occupied.
Wow that's a great interview!:)👍 Nice details about the possible inclusion of more Tuner Car's!:D K.Y's S2000 sounds really really sweet, only weighs 930 kg...weight reduction is what it's all about if your really interested in track racing, So many advatages!;)
Thanks to Import Tuner Magazine for the great interview with ledgendary K.Y.👍
Also thankyou PatriotZero for posting this, appreciate it mate.
If GT5 is going to take that long, they better have a full slate of updates for Prologue throughout the year, the way they have been doing it is pretty sloppy. Once a month updates to the car list, I'd like to start seeing new tracks on a regular schedule as well. If they keep giving me content, I can handle waiting for big things like dynamic lighting and weather.

Nice find, thank you.
nice interview, looks like he is more about racing then making this game.. or as i would do it, let people work on the game and go racing myself^^

could this all mean that we will have a tuners thing going on in gt5? i hope so..
Meh. Is this interview recent?

Q: As good as Prologue is, what can we expect in the full version of GT 5?
A: To be honest, I haven't given a lot of thought to GT 5, so I don't have an answer. And it's too early to talk about GT 5 because we still have updates coming out for Prologue.

When the game is in development for this long already, and they still cant tell us what GT5 is going to be, i'd expect Sony to step in and do some serious reorganising within PD.
I'm a bit surprised PD are taking this long to finish GT5. Normally, the next game is just a year behind the Prologue version.

I guess they're doing it this way for research purposes. Find out what everyone likes to play, or not, and make changes to GT5.

I didn't want to pick up GT5P because I didn't want GT5 spoiled. I wanted GT5 to appear fresh and new, but it looks like that's not going to happen. I guess I'll pick up a copy of this game.

not a problem if kaz give us private rooms and some more tracks (NORDSCHLEIFE first of all);

whatever....my "idea" is PD ha no "ideas" about final GT5....


not a problem if kaz give us private rooms and some more tracks (NORDSCHLEIFE first of all);

whatever....my "idea" is PD ha no "ideas" about final GT5....


Judging by the number of times I read 'nordschleife' or 'Nurburgring' at GTP for the past month I think that it would be unwise for PD to delay the release of this much wanted track for GT5P any longer :scared: :)
2011 for GT5 is just mind blowing, by the time this game comes out we will be preparing for the release of the PS4.

I highly doubt that the PS4 will be coming out then... I read that Sony has a 10 year plan for it... and there are rumors the processor is only running at 50% or so... so it will become better overtime with updates and such.... so I think we will all have the PS3 way past 2011... Just more powerful and new functions...

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I still think that Prolouge is going to "evolve" into the full GT5.

But Yamauchi clearly stated it is what it is, a prologue.. few more updates and that's it.
The content they have in mind for GT5 will never go through DLC, since it's too much.. so GT5 will be released on blu-ray.

in.. 2011? did i just read that right? YIKES! might be not interested by then.. that's WAAAY too long of a wait.
Let me tell you my ideas,you bring a prologue game with ~70 cars and 6 tracks... and this for 40€! and now think about it how much work will the full GT5 is to render about 600 car models,60 tracks,events,maybe rally physics,intro movie,winning movies asf... and this for 55 - 60€... than i think with prologue they make a big deal and dont need to release the full game because its too much work... so they will bring some dlc´s maybe the nürburgring for gt5p for ~5€ and more cars also ~5€ and so far... so they will make much more money...

i know thats a bad idea from me but i see they don´t care about GT5 so they earned enough money with prologue and will earn more with DLC´s
I thought KY said the final GT5 release will be seperate and Prologue won't be upgradable to the full version due to the size restrictions of Playstation Network content.

Prologue will evolve in to GT5: Full Spec! Everything implemented successfully in Prologue will be applied to the full version.

I don't think KY does it for the money. I believe he does it for the love! Otherwise, why would they put such a ridiculous amount of effort in to it. Thinking about it, we should be grateful that GT games are still in development with KY leading.
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we'll i hope there be some great games from the competition, or why not a GT-killer, cause this game was supposed to come out last year, now it's gonna be end 2010 or 2011, they have a huge fan base, but it's like they don't respect them a lot, now if they announce some great stuff for the TGS in prologue, then no problem, but i want more then new cars, give us new tracks, damages, and rain!!!!
He is not even thinking about it:scared: PD should give us at least 5 tracks or even more,becouse 2011 is a long way to go.
Q: Is there an ETA on GT 5?
A: It won't be this year and nothing's scheduled for next. It may be out in 2010, but like I said, we haven't really discussed it yet.

Haven't discussed it? :dunce: I do like most of his answers but NOT THIS ONE! The main reason i got the ps3 is for gt5, when i picked it up and picked up Gt5p, i had no idea the full game was THAT far off. I'm loving prologue, especially the drifting and will enjoy it more with private rooms, but i would love some more cars (s13) just like my real car) and some more tracks.

PD Please start thinking about GT5! :scared::nervous:
Guys calm down, I think TGS will reveal a more certain outlook, possibly dates regarding the shift of focus from Prologue to GT5. As K.Y has stated before, Prologue will act as a testing ground for all things including Physics, Damage Weather Dynamics etc. So the main difference in GT5 will be significantly more Content, content that doesn't need testing or tweaking to optimize before the release, such things as Tracks and Car modeling. There will be large updates in the near future to enjoy so just try to remain calm until then.:D
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PD can test everything with GT5 full version,too...they have been working on it since 2005..Why don't they take away it? We need GT5 NOW! You can test them thanks to the updates..
KY if you respect us,Just think and do it..YOU ARE GAME PRODUCER NOT CAR MAKER.
they can test contents physics etc. in their office.Not in our game.3.5 years have passed guys wake up!
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At first I was disappointed when I read this interview because to me it means GT5 will be out in 2011. However surely this means Prologue will recieve some new tracks because they won't leave prologue as it is.

Give me private rooms, 2 more tracks and I will be content until 2010/11. I will also have RacePro to keep me occupied.

Why does it mean that to you? I searched using the find function in firefox, and you were the first person to mention 2011. If he said it in another way, not directly mentioning 2011, then I'm sorry, I didn't read that.

But unless he said it would be out in 2011, let's just stick to the 2009-2010 date, shall we?
We have plans for the HKS time attack car.That would be pretty damn cool.


The hypermax evo VIII, that would be a awsome. Maybe we will get it in the Spec IV update.