Three million...

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
Back at the start of February 2006, GTPlanet passed a milestone of 2 million articles posted.

Now, a little under 3 years later, we're on the cusp of rolling past our third million - just under 33,000 posts shy of the target at time of posting.

So, as is by now tradition with this sort of thing, I figured I'd start sweeps :D Please post what time (GMT) and date you think we'll roll over to 3,000,000 - I'll keep a track in this post, and I'll take your first guess only...

The list
01/12/08 - 0000 - Niky
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,976,000
02/12/08 - 0837 - I-ROC
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,977,000
08/12/08 - 1208 - Bee
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,982,000
08/12/08 - 1854 - Sprite
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,983,000
09/12/08 - 2017 - ty00123
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,984,000
10/12/08 - 1900 - Alex.
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,985,000
11/12/08 - 1200 - legendary724
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,986,000
12/12/08 - 1212 - Sureshot
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,987,000
12/12/08 - 1838 - Omnis
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,987,500
14/12/08 - 1658 - SolidSnake15
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,988,500
15/12/08 - 1200 - TopHat
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,989,000
15/12/08 - 1840 - Revheadnz
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,989,500
16/12/08 - 1500 - =drifting24/7=
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,990,750
16/12/08 - 1928 - TB
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,991,000
17/12/08 - 1337 - zoxxy
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,991,750
18/12/08 - 1500 - Stevisiov.
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,993,000
19/12/08 - 2100 - MINICOOPER120
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,994,250
20/12/08 - 2100 - eiriksmil
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,995,250
21/12/08 - 2300 - TheCracker
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,996,200
22/12/08 - 1425 - exigeracer
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,997,000
23/12/08 - 1700 - mafia_boy
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,998,000
23/12/08 - 2000 - Danachronism
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,998,200
24/12/08 - 0001 - Slick Rick
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,998,300
24/12/08 - 0333 - Milford Cubicle
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,998,400
24/12/08 - 1300 - Austin343
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,998,800
24/12/08 - 1522 - bergauk
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,998,900
24/12/08 - 1745 - Turbo Lag
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,999,000
24/12/08 - 2300 - Small Fryz
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,999,300
25/12/08 - 0000 - Dragonistic
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,999,300
25/12/08 - 0001 - daan
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,999,300
25/12/08 - 0600 - Keef
- GUESSFAIL @ 2,999,400
26/12/08 - 0802 - Klostrophobic
26/12/08 - 1045 - Car-less
26/12/08 - 1537 - Serge.D
27/12/08 - 2319 - Pupik
28/12/08 - 1500 - Mark T
29/12/08 - 0317 - Sharky.
30/12/08 - 1306 - Muzaffar Musa
30/12/08 - 1446 - Only_in_f1
31/12/08 - 2359 - FatAssBR
02/01/09 - 1702 - Jackington
04/01/09 - 2230 - Robin
06/01/09 - 1400 - ferrari_chris
07/01/09 - 0327 - Thiele
09/01/09 - 1638 - Richardrfo
11/01/09 - 0821 - mcsqueegy
14/01/09 - 1505 - Open Addict
16/01/09 - 1634 - T-Squared
22/01/09 - 0915 - Mine's_GTR
24/01/09 - 2315 - GTP_Donk
03/12/2355 - 1647 - Casio

Heartiest congratulations, of course, to Jordan, on the continuing success of GTPlanet - the internet's largest Gran Turismo resource!
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I'll say December 12th at 6:38pm. What do we get if we win? I mean, that would be random.
three million posts?? hmm, I'd have to say..,

December 16 at 3:00 pm..,
I have a strong feeling we'll reach 3,000,000 posts on the 2nd of January, 2009 at 5:02pm (GMT).
27 December 2008, at 11:19pm (2319 GMT).

It's my daughter's 2nd good as any guess I can come up with.
December 16, 2008 - 19:28 GMT

Son's third birthday.
Come to think of it, as of this moment, there's 99,773 threads.

I wonder if we'll reach 100,000 threads in the next week or so.
Come to think of it, as of this moment, there's 99,773 threads.

I wonder if we'll reach 100,000 threads in the next week or so.

Darn, you beat me to posting that. I've seen that 99,xxx number of threads for a while, but (thankfully) the number goes up rather slowly. I don't expect it to be before we hit 3 million posts.

For the posts: 24 December at 1300 GMT.