Colin McRae Dirt 2

  • Thread starter Pepsi0
Coming in 2009. I think it looks great, so much more variety from the original Dirt with loads of new cars, tracks and events.

The voting for a race system and there was hardly any people playing on the 360.
When I played it on PS3 there were plenty people online. But like you say, the online system really sucks (e.g. getting matched to a race that has just started, so you must wait 8-12 minutes before you can do anything).





Is it me or does it looks like they have NFS/GRID'ed up Dirt? With these heavy stylised tracks? Certainly looks pretty. From what I can tell it wont be rallying in the traditional sense. Watch the interview and you will see where the dev's are coming from.

Video Interview -

Oh and also I think it would be a nice touch if when you start Grid 2 it says...

Dedicated to the late Colin McRae

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It would me more realistic if it started with "The Late Colin McRae had nothing whatsoever to do with this game, but we're still pedalling it on the back of his name to make an extra buck but this time doing whatever the hell we want instead of making it about actual rallying".

It looks gorgeous, I'll admit that, but unless the stage rallying side of the game is genuinely brilliant, immersive and the handling is at least half realistic, it's not a game that's going to interest me at all. I mean... what's with that top image? The trackside furniture looks like something from Wipeout, or that film Death Race, or The Running Man or something.
Yeah it does seem they have given in to this 'younger' NFS audience phenomenon. They want it to be "extreme" and "badass".... :ill: This is just like what happened to TOCA Race Driver and then GRID! There might not even be one legit traditional rally stage in this game! However it does look great so it could go both ways.

I have a feeling that Colin McRae wouldnt have been proud of this and probably wouldnt have put his name to it (I dont even think this sequel carries his name). However any rally game after his death should really be dedicated to him for his commitment to the sport.

Thanks Robin, I forgot to update the thread when I saw the pictures and read IGN's hands on. You can see that here:

About the name: Dirt and Dirt 2 are just the American names of the game I think. I'm sure Codemasters will have 'Colin McRae' in front of the British name, like they did with the original Dirt, and America didn't.
What was so bad with online?

The Online version for PS3 was also Time based in that there were no other cars "visually" in the race except for their position on the race map. All the tracks/vehicles were not available for the online races either.





Is it me or does it looks like they have NFS/GRID'ed up Dirt? With these heavy stylised tracks? Certainly looks pretty. From what I can tell it wont be rallying in the traditional sense. Watch the interview and you will see where the dev's are coming from.

Video Interview -

Oh and also I think it would be a nice touch if when you start Grid 2 it says...

Dedicated to the late Colin McRae


Are those actual in-game pics? Because the graphics look truly astounding, makes me even more excited about F1 09
I haven't played a decent rallying game in years. The handling on CM DIRT was really bad.
In my opinion if this game does not have at least dynamic driving physics (does not have to Richard Burns Rally, although that would be amazing) then I think I will just rent it. The first one was a fun game no doubt but it was just too easy. I got first place in every race on my first try (I think one or two races I had to redo). Same thing with GRiD.

Its funny, Codemasters are sitting on some of the best racing games ever made but when it comes to the driving aspect of GRiD and DiRT they fall short. Every other aspect I would hazard to say they do extremely well. GRiD and DiRT really nailed the feel of racing and the look of racing but they just missed on the act of racing. If GRiD had GT's or GTR's or even something like NFS PS's physics and DiRT had RBR's physics I think we would be looking at the two best racing games ever made. Here is hoping to the future.

What I think game developers are missing is to give the hard core players THE OPTION to have realistic physics and the casual players the OPTION to have arcade physics. There is no reason the two cannot live together. By including realistic and arcade physics you are almost doubling your products appeal.
Dirt 2 apparently has a new handling model.

There will be rally stages and rallycross tracks, that's enough for me if the handling model is semi realistic.
Looks pretty cool, if its anything like DiRT the original then I'll buy it. Funnily enough I seem to be in the minority for the original and liked it despite the handling.
Pics looks great, but im 99 % sure the handling will be arcadey like Dirt :( We need a decent rally game to ps3, like Richard Burs Rally. Anyone heard more of Petter Solbergs rally game? Guess its done after he is no more in Subaru.
Looks pretty cool, if its anything like DiRT the original then I'll buy it. Funnily enough I seem to be in the minority for the original and liked it despite the handling.

I still enjoy playing DiRT and unlike many people, I actually like the Time Trial rules of online racing... as that is in fact how the WRC races are held. That said, it would have been even better if they had offered more options in terms of online gameplay, so that you could also race against others on the same track at the same time like a traditional non off-road rally race, and like the other race series featured in DiRT where you are racing against others and not just the clock.
I really enjoyed DiRT, it didn't last too long once I beat it though. I definitely would have prefered more weight in the handling but the game was fun.
The shots show are target renders NOT in-game grabs. I really wish they would bring back the great racing of the old CM and Toca games. the first of both franchises were the best by far, from then on they slowly went down hill.
I just want a decent WRC game on the PS3. WRC 2 Extreme was a fantastic game, I would happily pay full price for a newer, HD version of that with new teams and a few extra tracks!
Yeah as much as I like my Motorstorm a WRC game would be great. Well apart from the lack of the Monte rally and all the manufacturers....

Think that is the main problem, WRC has no terrestrial coverage in the UK at least, no one knows about so who is going to buy them?
Yeah as much as I like my Motorstorm a WRC game would be great. Well apart from the lack of the Monte rally and all the manufacturers....

Think that is the main problem, WRC has no terrestrial coverage in the UK at least, no one knows about so who is going to buy them?

Then think about us in the states. We don't even have a rally.
I can't wait untill this game comes out!:dopey: I love DiRT, the only thing that was fairly annoying, was the fact that when playing online, people would vote for paved road races 95% of the time...i mean if the name of the game is "DiRT", aren't you supposed to be racing on dirt??? They should have a lobby for non-paved road races, & paved ones...instead of just rally, & hill climb/rally.
I play DIRT, I did not like physics.. to arcade.. I really hope in DIRT 2 they will put 2 physics modes, One Arcade like Dirt 1, and another one for SIMULATION. Too bad no good sim rally game came out for console.

About the PICS.. They are CG. No way they will pull something like this especially MULTIPLATFORM. Even For PC it would be too much.

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