Carrera GT challenge...

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Do you think it is possible to find a Carrera GT for sale for $110000? Looking to buy one if possible. I know it sounds impossible, but stretch you search legs and help me out. Can have slight damage...nothing that will affect drivability after fixed. Any color. Let me know.

Please no flaming, yes I know what blue book value is.
Maybe if Lewis Hamilton's dad is willing to part with a slightly beat-up CGT...

But I think a car like that is going to hold its value. I used to see a few of them driven around on Sunday afternoons, especially along A1A (a note to visitors!); I've seen a yellow, a red, and a silver one in these parts. To be honest, I haven't seen one on the road in a year or two, and we take a drive like that about twice a week. But I wonder if they're becoming garage queens, re-sold to millionaires/billionaires, or even "museum pieces", that are going to be locked away and only let out for rare occasions.

I think with that in mind, the rarity and sheer ability of the Porsche Carerra GT means its value won't depreciate much from its initial price, unless it's been used as a real daily driver (5+ days a week) or it was involved in a serious crash.

So...doubtful, but possible.
Yeah I agree but a dream is a dream right? I know a lot of people on here know a lot about exotics so I figured it was worth a try. Anyone know of some good websites besides the standard car seach sites to look for such a rare car?
Yeah, you must be having a laugh. If you found a CGT for that little, it'd likely be a near write-off, requiring hundreds of thousands to restore to its original state.
I doubt, with the depressed market right now, anyone is going to want to put their CGT up for sale... they're not going to get what they want for it, and they're not going to find buyers...

Thus low demand = no cars for sale. But if the opposite is true, and buyers are bargain hunting because new exotics are too expensive, then high demand = high price.

It's an interesting dream... hell, if I could find one for that much, I'd buy it and resell it for at least 200k... :lol:
No not having a laugh. I have already found a few with some slight damage for 150-180K. I know its a long shot but I am just asking for anyone who knows maybe where to look to point me in a direction.
Slight damage? How much is slight?

Regardless, I doubt you'll ever find one. The cheapest most go for is $340,000 and after that, some 2005 models are being sold for more than the car's original MSRP. This is a collector's car, so there's no way these will drop in value anytime soon.


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:lol: Hey, someone find me a "used" F40 for $50k while they are out hunting for a Carrera GT for this guy. :rolleyes:
Wow, you guys can't read...oh that's because your acting like your 3 years old. I have already found some a lot cheaper than you say I can...and as I said before this wont be easy. So please go clutter another thread with your worthless internet opinion.
Wow, you guys can't read...oh that's because your acting like your 3 years old. I have already found some a lot cheaper than you say I can...and as I said before this wont be easy. So please go clutter another thread with your worthless internet opinion.

Pretty much any saving you make on buying a less than perfect car will be quickly lost on the repairs that will likely be needed.
How about a 07 911 GT3? That would be a little more realistic, and just as fun (trust me, i've driven both cars...). I hate to burst your bubble, but unless you want a carrera GT thats been driven off a cliff, youre not going to find one for less than $300,000 if your lucky.... sorry man. :crazy::banghead:
Well, I found one. The good news is that it's not damaged in any way, but you will have to put it together yourself.


Don't worry though, it comes with the glue included.

Look, in all honesty, you're not shopping for a Ford Escort here - you can't just assume there's going to be another one at a rock bottom price around the corner. I dunno how many Carrera GTs have been sold, but if you've found one for that low of a price, the chances are that you're not going to find one cheaper.
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And after you're done, you can sniff the glue and imagine you're driving it down a twisty mountain road.
Wow, you guys can't read...oh that's because your acting like your 3 years old. I have already found some a lot cheaper than you say I can...and as I said before this wont be easy. So please go clutter another thread with your worthless internet opinion.

Come on your whole thread is a joke, if by some miracle you get a Carrera GT for 110K how in hell are you going to run it? if you have such a limited budget to buy the car in the first place how are you going to afford running costs IE petrol, tyres, insurance and most of all servicing?

A major on this car varies between 20,000, and 30,000 UK pounds so buying the car on your joke budget is not really viable is it?
Come on your whole thread is a joke, if by some miracle you get a Carrera GT for 110K how in hell are you going to run it? if you have such a limited budget to buy the car in the first place how are you going to afford running costs IE petrol, tyres, insurance and most of all servicing?

A major on this car varies between 20,000, and 30,000 UK pounds so buying the car on your joke budget is not really viable is it?

As many supercar owners say to potential supercar buyers, 'If you have to ask how much, you can't afford it'
I can think of about 20 great alternatives to a Carrera GT that are under 110,000 off the top of my head.... there should be some 90's supercars that might be around your price.
I've seen four CGTs out on the street, and while they're impressive, I wasn't stopped completely like I usually am for most (outstanding) Porsches. But as some have said, there are better alternatives:


...Which can be had for $110K fully loaded, has a pretty good warranty, and is otherwise just as fast.
Wow, you guys can't read...oh that's because your acting like your 3 years old. I have already found some a lot cheaper than you say I can...and as I said before this wont be easy. So please go clutter another thread with your worthless internet opinion.

Aww, did we hurt your feelings? What did you expect? You're asking for something that won't happen in a million years.
No not having a laugh. I have already found a few with some slight damage for 150-180K. I know its a long shot but I am just asking for anyone who knows maybe where to look to point me in a direction.
All right fine. How old are you? I'm guessing under 25. Have fun getting an insurance quote.

I'm 21 and got ridiculed by my insurance company when I asked about a < 250-hp Saab. Good luck with your supercar.

Also, if you were serious about purchasing a Carrera GT, why haven't you already contacted a Porsche dealership? I'm pretty sure the GT's are traded fairly close within the official network. You're so clueless it's barely funny.
Wow, you guys can't read...oh that's because your acting like your 3 years old. I have already found some a lot cheaper than you say I can...and as I said before this wont be easy. So please go clutter another thread with your worthless internet opinion.


Seriously, if you cannot afford to pay market price for one that is actually running and intact than you can't even afford 1 tank of petrol for the car--much less a service. One tire is probably your week's salary.
I can think of about 20 great alternatives to a Carrera GT that are under 110,000 off the top of my head.... there should be some 90's supercars that might be around your price.

How about I interest you in a Mine's BNR34 Skyline. The ultimate straight-six.

600hp and the most responsive vehicle ever. Watch videos in my sig to prove it.:drool:👍
I can think of about 20 great alternatives to a Carrera GT that are under 110,000 off the top of my head.... there should be some 90's supercars that might be around your price.

The only alternative to a CGT would be an Enzo. Nothing else in it's class is faster. Of course it is all personal opinion since a lot of people don't care about speed (I am kind of like that). For a $110,000 the only "real" supercars you can get is the ZR1 and GT-R. Everything else is going to be at least $30,000 more.

No I highly doubt you will be able to find one for $110,000. If you can't afford a (now) $300,000 car then you can't definitely can't afford the repairs on one.

There are Murcielagos for $80,000 but they have damage to the front bumper. That's a $25,000 repair.

The fron't lip on a CGT is $30,000.

So no you can't find a $110,000 CGT. Even if you did it would be damaged enough to make it cost easily $100,000 more.
If you can find a CGT damaged enough for the owner to drop the price to $100,000, expect to pay for at least $200,000 in repairs.

That, seriously, is how it's going to be. Brand new replacement parts for exotics can cost an arm and a leg. The Eddie Griffith Enzo? That was just a whacked front end. Cost $300,000 in parts. (Carbon Fiber is stinking expensive). If you're looking at "slightly" damaged CGT for $180,000, you're probably looking at buying $60,000 worth of cosmetic parts (at the very least) and the time and labor it takes to put that all together and respray it.

$100,000 is doable. But the car will be sitting in your garage for a hell of a long time waiting for repairs. Would be a great retirement gift to yourself in thirty or forty years, though... :lol:
The only alternative to a CGT would be an Enzo.


There are quite a few cars that have exceeded those benchmarks by now. Many of them costing hundreds of thousands less.