unlike most of you i usually use standard physics, this is due to on-line races. i hate seeing "matching UNsuccessful." i personally think this is a divide in our sport. anyone know why there are 2 setting? why do most use it, because its harder? anyone else see this as a problem, or bothersome at least?
I do not see it as bothersome. Because I like that online is split between PRO and STD Phystics modes.
Pro is the ultimate simulation in GT5P, and STD well really means Arcadish style.
It matter of choice, PD developed this for Both Hardcore and Casual Players.
For me I perfer SIM, so I go with PRO all the time, both offline and online, some people are not into SIM racing as much, don't have patience of spining out every few seconds they would choose Standard physics mode. Its all matter of choice.
I think PD did a good job with that.
In GT4 With controller, you could not choose if you want Standard or Pro physics, you were stuck with one, only thing you could change are driving aids. In 5Prologue you can choose between both so it's easier to access for both hardcover and casual gamers.
For me I prefer ALL sim or nothing. If I wanted ARCADE game I just go play Burnout, if I want to play SIM, I play GT5 or any other PC sim racers. But, everyone has different mind then me, they like to mix it out a bit, so they will play a sim game like GT5 on arcade settings, its fine with me.
So no it's not annoying or anything like that. It's perfect.
Good way to put it that way, you see less unexpectedness players now in PRO mode then in STD mode.
When I say STD I mean Standard, I am not talking about Sexual Transmitted Disease