Pro vs. Standard Physics

  • Thread starter EERS4YEARS


unlike most of you i usually use standard physics, this is due to on-line races. i hate seeing "matching UNsuccessful." i personally think this is a divide in our sport. anyone know why there are 2 setting? why do most use it, because its harder? anyone else see this as a problem, or bothersome at least?
I use a Sixaxis controller as well as my old GT4 Logitech Steering Wheel, and on both I prefer Professional physics with low driving AIDS (ASM off, TC 1), it helps me feel what the car is doing. Understeer, oversteer, etc. I understand what the car is doing and I become a better driver.

I just got the game today, but have played the demo and at friend's houses, and I like pro much more. I have yet to play online, but look forward to it after I beat the events.
That's the big kicker with me... Pro Physics makes for much more challenging racing (and people aren't "drifting" in completely ridiculous areas, like the Daytona oval... :lol: ), but less people play it.

There's too few choices in rooms for pro... I'd like to do pro with lower powered cars, but that's not on the games tickets... :(
I think pro physics are better. Standard physics feels like you aren't driving the car, it feels like the game is driving it for you. But pro physics really challenge you, and it feels like YOU are driving the car, not the game.
Polyphony split the physics model because many fans were crying out for realism. However a realistic model also meant it was going to be tough which could potentially put of the casual fans (which makes up a large proportion of gamers) so instead of forcing gamers to using a semi-realistic but watered down to make it easy PD just created two game modes (the right choice IMO). My brother plays the games casually, now and again, he can't stand professional physics because he doesn't spend the time on GT to get the hang of a more difficult physics engine, hed rather just pick a car and go and drive it having fun along the way, standard is perfect for this. Others like myself find standard way to easy and prefer a challenge with more of a nod to realism. Professional does this really well, its a decent model in terms of realsim as far as I can tell, it also provides a challenge to drive some cars.

That's essentially why I think its a good thing you can pick and choose physics engines.
I don't think "Standard" physics should exist. Driving a Ferrari fast around a track shouldn't be easy to master. If its the real driving simulator then it should do just that - simulate.
i see standard physics as only for those who are less skilled

I guess that's me then, "less skilled", or maybe I'm not as elitist than some here, and therefore actually don't mind slumming it from time to time in Standard Mode. :rolleyes:
I wouldnt call it less skilled, i say less experience!.............the more you play, the better you get, just like in everything else; its all about practice.
Polyphony Digital got it absolutely right in having these two different physics modes in my opinion.

I use Sixaxis most of the time to play GT5P. With the Sixaxis I mostly use standard physics as I find professional physics too difficult with the Sixaxis spoiling the fun of the game, at least for me.

When I do get to use my wheel (G25) then I always use professional physics as I find that so much more fun and of course so much more realistic. Standard physics using a wheel is too easy.

If Polyphony Digital were to only have one physics mode, then it would have to be the professional physics. But as it is the current solution having two physics modes is perfect...
STANDARD is like it is in gt4
PRO is like it should be in the real car

Pro is way better if you're a skilled driver that understand the feeling of the car
example: i could use the handbrake in pro-physics in a u-turn, but this won't work as well in standard
Polyphony Digital got it absolutely right in having these two different physics modes in my opinion.

I use Sixaxis most of the time to play GT5P. With the Sixaxis I mostly use standard physics as I find professional physics too difficult with the Sixaxis spoiling the fun of the game, at least for me.

When I do get to use my wheel (G25) then I always use professional physics as I find that so much more fun and of course so much more realistic. Standard physics using a wheel is too easy.

If Polyphony Digital were to only have one physics mode, then it would have to be the professional physics. But as it is the current solution having two physics modes is perfect...

+1. This is my view as well. There's plenty of room for both modes.
Polyphony split the physics model because many fans were crying out for realism. However a realistic model also meant it was going to be tough which could potentially put of the casual fans (which makes up a large proportion of gamers) so instead of forcing gamers to using a semi-realistic but watered down to make it easy PD just created two game modes (the right choice IMO). My brother plays the games casually, now and again, he can't stand professional physics because he doesn't spend the time on GT to get the hang of a more difficult physics engine, hed rather just pick a car and go and drive it having fun along the way, standard is perfect for this. Others like myself find standard way to easy and prefer a challenge with more of a nod to realism. Professional does this really well, its a decent model in terms of realsim as far as I can tell, it also provides a challenge to drive some cars.

That's essentially why I think its a good thing you can pick and choose physics engines.

It's for this reason I always refuse to race my older brother. I hate standard physcis and won't race it, but if I race pro physics with him I know he'll quit before long so why bother in the first place? Lucky we have online.:)
Only used standard when I first got the game to get through a few of the more difficult events... Evo and M3 at Eiger for example.
Only used standard when I first got the game to get through a few of the more difficult events... Evo and M3 at Eiger for example.

I also did that, even though I wasn't happy about it. They should have made two separate times to achieve gold depending on which physics you use. As it is now in order to make sure people didn't get gold too easily by simply using standard physcis they made it impossible on pro physics.
I went back to get gold at all events today and I had to switch to standard physics. It felt like more of an arcade game in my opinion. It reminded me why I never use standard physics.

I think standard is there for the sixaxis users and pro is for the wheel users.
Yea i just recently tried wit the controller, pro physics and its so dam hard to control, once you drive with the wheel, you never go back.
I guess that's me then, "less skilled", or maybe I'm not as elitist than some here, and therefore actually don't mind slumming it from time to time in Standard Mode. :rolleyes:

Actually, I only ever bum around in "Pro" mode. I play free lapping on the Dual Shock in Pro... all aids off... it's quite fun to drive a car you can't ever completely control. I may be "elitist" in this way, but seriously, if I wanted an easy-to-drive racing game, I'd have picked up NFS. Standard is entertaining, but just a bit too shallow to hold my interest very long.

I'd rate Standard Physics as between Gran Turismo 3 and 4. It's more advanced than 4 in some ways, you can unsettle a car, for instance, by sudden left-right swerving... errh... sometimes... but it drives mostly like 3... you can hold lurid slides through any corner and it's much easier to take multiple racing lines and still be quick.

I only use Standard online, because there isn't much choice. If there were more dedicated pro rooms, I'd slum there.

At least in the Pro rooms, punters won 't be able to stay on after shoving you off, so easily... :grumpy:
I don't ever play the game in anything less than Professional mode. To me it's the only way to play GT5:P, given that Im after as close to a racing simulator as possible not an arcade racer.
I guess that's me then, "less skilled", or maybe I'm not as elitist than some here, and therefore actually don't mind slumming it from time to time in Standard Mode. :rolleyes:

Elitist is exactly the word that comes to mind every time I see the "standard physics is for losers and newbs" line or some variation.

The 2 different modes are necessary for the game to be a commercial success. The majority on this forum are dedicated players and play pro at least some of the time. I have raced many different pro races online and completed about 80% of the offline events in pro mode. I could go pro full time if I had to, but I don't want to.

But if the standard mode didn't exist this game would fail in the market because there are more casual players than "hard-core" players.

My only complaint is that standard physics are just a bit too easy when the cars are driven at 100%. If anything PD should slide the standard physics bar just a bit up the difficulty scale.
I couldn't stomache pro physics with the sixaxis, was flat out not fun in anything slightly ballsy. Now that I'm used to the DFGT standard physics is boring. But like many here have mentioned, a lot of races and online virtually require you use standard, plus a vast majority of the paying customers likely use standard.

So what will they do for GT5??? The same thing as prologue? Being able to choose standard vs. pro is great, but it's like dealing with 2 different games. GT5P feels divided enough and it's a tiny game... I don't see having two versions of GT5 as a good thing. But if we want pro physics to carry over to GT5, that is the only way we'll see it. And things will be complicated.
Pro physics isn't THAT hard if you have the aids turned up a little. I think GT5 would be fine if they had only the Pro mode, just turn down the driving aids as you get better.
I am glad that they do have both modes, it is a game afterall, so they try to please everyone possible.

Me, however, I never ever use standard mode unless it is absolutely necessary, or a requirement for certain online events. I use the sixaxis and the DFGT interchangeably, depending on how much time I have to play the game. Even when I use the sixaxis, I use pro mode with no aids, and still have quite a good time.

For me, it's just hard in my mind to go from each physics option interchangeably. Once I get used to one kind of physics, and then go to another, it takes some time to readjust. So I just stay on the hardest setting possible, and continue to learn what I can on that setting, no matter what type of controller I'm using.
Pro physics isn't THAT hard if you have the aids turned up a little. I think GT5 would be fine if they had only the Pro mode, just turn down the driving aids as you get better.

:eek:Oh no! A big no no for me.. please...:eek:Current pro physics is 'watered down' enough, which already has a lot of compromised simplification. If it is only going to be in one mode, there will be a lot more compromise to satisfy the market and it is going to be like GT4 and below again...'The true arcade simulator'

Let it stay as it is..Simple enough..beginners should start with standard first before graduating to pro...
Is the online multiplayer prediction software too primitive to handle two different physics modes at once? Beyond the extra challenge facing the player that chooses "pro," I don't see why you couldn't have a mixed field. The only things your PS3 needs to process concerning other players are A. where they are, and B. where they'll likely be next. The physics should really only come into play on the local machine.
Personally, I'm glad we have two modes, I agree with marky5244. And why would you eliminate the feature of 'Standard' if you, personally, only use 'Pro'? Isn't that the definition of greed and selfishness?

Sixaxis = Standard Physics, TC 2, ASM On

GT4 Wheel = Pro Physics, TC 1, ASM Off
There should be a third category called "ABS set to 0" :lol:
Or how about just calling it simulation.. standard physics feels like some cheap arcade game like gta and pro physics is a step up on that but there should still be ( with as much time and money they have invested into this ) a catagory that is alittle closer to rl racing.

Have it be as a driving test unless you pass the test you can not compete in sim class :D
unlike most of you i usually use standard physics, this is due to on-line races. i hate seeing "matching UNsuccessful." i personally think this is a divide in our sport. anyone know why there are 2 setting? why do most use it, because its harder? anyone else see this as a problem, or bothersome at least?

I do not see it as bothersome. Because I like that online is split between PRO and STD Phystics modes.
Pro is the ultimate simulation in GT5P, and STD well really means Arcadish style.
It matter of choice, PD developed this for Both Hardcore and Casual Players.
For me I perfer SIM, so I go with PRO all the time, both offline and online, some people are not into SIM racing as much, don't have patience of spining out every few seconds they would choose Standard physics mode. Its all matter of choice.

I think PD did a good job with that.

In GT4 With controller, you could not choose if you want Standard or Pro physics, you were stuck with one, only thing you could change are driving aids. In 5Prologue you can choose between both so it's easier to access for both hardcover and casual gamers.

For me I prefer ALL sim or nothing. If I wanted ARCADE game I just go play Burnout, if I want to play SIM, I play GT5 or any other PC sim racers. But, everyone has different mind then me, they like to mix it out a bit, so they will play a sim game like GT5 on arcade settings, its fine with me.

So no it's not annoying or anything like that. It's perfect.

Good way to put it that way, you see less unexpectedness players now in PRO mode then in STD mode.

When I say STD I mean Standard, I am not talking about Sexual Transmitted Disease :P

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