NTSC Championship S2 - Round 2 of 8 - (Finished)

  • Thread starter Earth

TVR Tamora '02 @ Suzuka RWD 550pp expert

The Schedule for the OrangeR Cup Series

Saturday, April 18th
Race 1 - 9:35pm est - Suzuka
Race 2 - 9:55pm est - Suzuka
Race 3 - 10:15pm est - Suzuka
Race 4 - 10:35pm est - Suzuka

The Schedule for the Clubman Cup Series

Saturday, April 18th
Race 1 - 9:45pm est - Suzuka
Race 2 - 10:05pm est - Suzuka
Race 3 - 10:25pm est - Suzuka
Race 4 - 10:45pm est - Suzuka

Entry List For OrangeR Cup:
  • GTP_L_Hamilton
  • GTP_timeattack*
  • GTP_FLASH48*
  • GTP_CarlPKY*
  • rofajole*
  • GTP_KumaBar
  • GTP_Cudadude

Entry List For Clubman Cup:
  • bluearth
  • GTP_LinPark*
  • snakegt40*
  • GTP_Lyvan*
  • GTP_Drama-kyd*
  • GTP_mkay*
  • GTP_CANES51*

Entry List For Sports Cup:
  • open
  • open
  • open
  • open
  • open
  • open
  • open
  • open

pp settings per race for OrangeR Cup:


Row 1
546pp - GTP_KumaBar
546pp - EL_ZISSOU*

Row 2
547pp - GTP_timeattack*
547pp - GTP_FLASH48*

Row 3
548pp - GTP_CarlPKY*
548pp - rofajole*

Row 4
549pp - GTP_L_Hamilton
549pp - GTP_Cudadude


Row 1
546pp - GTP_timeattack*
546pp - GTP_FLASH48*

Row 2
547pp - GTP_CarlPKY*
547pp - rofajole*

Row 3
548pp - GTP_L_Hamilton
548pp - GTP_Cudadude

Row 4
549pp - GTP_KumaBar
549pp - EL_ZISSOU*


Row 1
546pp - GTP_CarlPKY*
546pp - rofajole*

Row 2
547pp - GTP_L_Hamilton
547pp - GTP_Cudadude

Row 3
548pp - GTP_KumaBar
548pp - EL_ZISSOU*

Row 4
549pp - GTP_timeattack*
549pp - GTP_FLASH48*


Row 1
546pp - GTP_L_Hamilton
546pp - GTP_Cudadude

Row 2
547pp - GTP_KumaBar
547pp - EL_ZISSOU*

Row 3
548pp - GTP_timeattack*
548pp - GTP_FLASH48*

Row 4
549pp - GTP_CarlPKY*
549pp - rofajole*

pp settings per race for Clubman Cup:


Row 1
546pp - GTP_LinPark*
546pp - GTP_CWR

Row 2
547pp - bluearth
547pp - GTP_Lyvan*

Row 3
548pp - snakegt40*
548pp - GTP_drama-kyd*

Row 4
549pp - GTP_mkay*
549pp - GTP_CANES51


Row 1
546pp - bluearth
546pp - GTP_Lyvan*

Row 2
547pp - snakegt40*
547pp - GTP_drama-kyd*

Row 3
548pp - GTP_mkay*
548pp - GTP_CANES51*

Row 4
549pp - GTP_LinPark*
549pp - GTP_CWR


Row 1
546pp - snakegt40*
546pp - GTP_drama-kyd*

Row 2
547pp - GTP_mkay*
547pp - GTP_CANES51*

Row 3
548pp - GTP_LinPark*
548pp - GTP_CWR

Row 4
549pp - bluearth
549pp - GTP_Lyvan*


Row 1
546pp - GTP_mkay*
546pp - GTP_CANES51*

Row 2
547pp - GTP_LinPark*
547pp - GTP_CWR

Row 3
548pp - bluearth
548pp - GTP_Lyvan*

Row 4
549pp - snakegt40*
549pp - GTP_drama-kyd*

* Denotes Rookie


SIGNUPS are now permanent, once you sign up you are good to go for the rest of the 8 week season.

- At the end of the race just write down your finishing position compared to the other GTP members. If you finish up front use the extra time to write down the finishing position of the others to ensure everything is recorded in case they don't see the results.

OrangeR Cup Standings

033 - GTP_FLASH48
025 - GTP_L_Hamilton
022 - GTP_CarlPKY
010 - rofajole
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the TVR should be a enjoyable car 👍 See ya guys on Saturday :cheers:

It would be nice to see some more NTSC guys competing...z06fun and Drama-Kyd...?
Hey Earth may you correct something on my name?? I'm not on the GTP registry, I'm just a free agent here.
Well I guess I'll come back to the series... How couldn't I? It is MY Cup LOL

I'll see you on the tarmac then!
Hey timeattack, what are your lap time with TVR? Just want to know how bad i'm getting beat this saturday!

Not sure bro...I'll do some practice laps later tonight and let you know. I'm not completely sure if I'll get around to it though, as I still have to do the ROC race by midnight tonight :nervous:
Rules Changes Likely for next round are:

- You must run the same tire compound on the front as in the rear. For example R3/R2 tire combinations is not allowed

- The different series, OrangeR, Clubman, Sports, will run different cars if the online events allow it. Faster, powerful FR/MR cars will be the norm in OrangeR, Clubman will mostly run FR/MR but not on the level of a Ferrari F430 but around the pace of 350Z. Sports will almost entirely consist of AWD vehicles.
Hey Earth, how are we going to start? Start from where you are put on the grid, or pull off and restage after the other cars leave? Also are we going to use 15to20 second restart, if we are restaging on this race?
Hey Earth, how are we going to start? Start from where you are put on the grid, or pull off and restage after the other cars leave? Also are we going to use 15to20 second restart, if we are restaging on this race?

Start from where you are on the Grid

No 15-20 second restart, once its green, just go.

Think of all the hacks as lapped down cars that must be avoided. And if they get you, well, that's racing. Accidents happen.
IMO, it's not very fair to say the least, having starting positions determined by the current lottery format. :nervous: Some folks may get the short end of the stick every time...
Possible Solutions to Random Lottery Grid

#1 I've been thinking about possible solutions to that timeattack, perhaps having everyone start at -5 pp or in this case 545pp.

#2 After the first heat race the top 2 finishers must add 1 pp to guarantee they start last for the next heat race. You only have to add pp once.

Or perhaps for the week leading up to the race we can run an open time trial with the car/track combo, and starting position on the grid will be determined by time trial position? (accomplished by pp tuning of course.) I like this idea. Time attack you are brilliant, thanks for the bringing up the issue

For example, if timeattack posted the fastest TT lap for a certain week's track/car combo, he would start the race with 543 pp which would guarantee him starting first every time

543 - timeattack - #1 Fastest TT time using car/track combo
544 - #2 fastest
545 - #3 fastest and so on

The above would also help lower the gap to drivers who are off the pace

I would really like to have the races feature different cars, but the pp would have to be different on each car to accommodate performance differences

An example would be

550pp - Ford GT
540pp - Ferrari F430
520pp - Nissan GTR

But if you do that then the Nissan GTRs would start first every race and some would say thats unfair.

I am interested in the participant's thoughts about the above
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is it possible to be included in the points standings, but not in the entry list?

The entry list is there to make sure more then 8 drivers do not try and show up at any given event, so if you left the list but still tried to race in the OrangeR Cup more then 8 drivers may try to show up for a race
I vote for racing from where you are put on the grid, and using full pp for the race! Even though i'm in the back 90% of the time!:)👍
My PS3's scheduled delivery...

This Friday!

So I should be set to go

I think I may have scared off some participants by making signing up permanent for the 8 week season, but they should know I don't expect them to show up every single race as life comes first.
Hey Earth! Drop me from the orange r cup. Just to serious for me, i just want to have fun! No qualifiers, just race know matter what grid position you get!!!
Hey Earth! Drop me from the orange r cup. Just to serious for me, i just want to have fun! No qualifiers, just race know matter what grid position you get!!!


Hey Earth! Drop me from the orange r cup. Just to serious for me, i just want to have fun! No qualifiers, just race know matter what grid position you get!!!

timeattack brought up a serious problem with the NTSC Championship.

If you're going to have a serious, or as he calls it legitimate points paying championship that involves actual racing, random grid starts are anything but fair.

I want a serious, legitimate points paying Championship, so qualifiers must be included. Even if it is shot down in the poll it will be implemented next season

But in the end, you do not have to run the qualifier. You can simply start from the back if you wish.

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But in the end, you do not have to run the qualifier. You can simply start from the back if you wish.

I agree 👍 If you're just looking for a leisurely Sunday drive in the NTSC Championship, then don't worry about doing the qualifier. Starting in last place shouldn't be an issue for the people who don't care about the problem of grid lottery ANYWAY 💡
Big update to the first post


- Time between races has been extended from 17 minutes to 20 minutes to give plenty of time for pp tuning

- For this round the grid starting order will change from race to race by pp tuning to give the most fair result possible until the poll is decided. Refer to the first post and make note of which pp you should use from race to race.

- Signups, pp level per race etc will be finalized Friday Night at 11:59pm est

- the rows were determined entirely at random