Yellow/Blue Flags, Saftey Car and Failures????

  • Thread starter lucag120
I am wondering if anyone has heard about any of these features being included in GT5. Because they should. I am thinking because the inclusion of damage to race cars that you can write your car off (or the AI has a huge crash that renders their car undriveable and can't move) Will there be Yellow Flags with a safety car to clear the car or what?? interesting to see how Polyphony Digital Deals with it.

Also, With the move to the ps3 will they have engine failures during races if its too hardly driven and done a lot of kilometers.

If GT5 is to be one of the best racing games ever it must include the features of at least yellow flags and safety car.With that said it will probably be the best racing game on the market without these features and it will still be insanely awesome to play. :) CANT WAIT!!!
I am wondering if anyone has heard about any of these features being included in GT5.
No one really knows anything about the features in the game. ;)
But i hope too that we get stuff like that (especially for the NASCAR races) and we already had a Safety Car in GT4, they "just" need to implement that into the game mechanics. :D
No one really knows anything about the features in the game. ;)
But i hope too that we get stuff like that (especially for the NASCAR races) and we already had a Safety Car in GT4, they "just" need to implement that into the game mechanics. :D

Huh? really? Did we have a safety car in GT4?
i can't remember... What was its function then?
You could drive it and it was featured in a couple of license test (you need to follow it without overtaking).

EDIT: Bad quality but here it is:
A safety car isn't real important, although I'd love to see it. Most racing games just have crashed cars disappear from the track. I do think a flags system is important to keep people within the same set of racing rules, especially when racing online. I'd probably cause myself to get drive through penalties all the time (actually, I do that now when I gain a considerable lead) when racing the AI just to give myself a bit of a challenge! :lol: As for failures, I'd like to think failing a race due to mechanical problems will be included alongside visual damage.
Hey Jackington I'd like a flag system in place if possible, especially with 16 cars on track. It would have to be well implemented and easy to understand. As for mechanical failure, can you imagine that near the end of an endurance race? PS3 - Window - that order!

P.S. Enjoyed the fringe in your fair city this year! Saw some weird things in that Garden of Unearthly Delights!
Haha cool! Strange I can't remember that..
But okay, GT4 is such a longgggg time ago for me.
Dreams of GT5 suppress memories of GT4
flags and such i think will only be needed for le man's, and thats if they let us use 2 different classes (face it gt1 is dead) with say 4 lmp 1 and 12 gt2 car's i think flags will only be usefull there. i think with any other racing, if you are laping car's you need to up the defficulty, or you are using your 1080 HP car in the "rear wheel drive" race. anyways. i hope they allow us to have different classes racing in le man's races ( but i feel they wont do this :-/) but the safety car i would say isnt a must and i dont see it coming. i haven't physically driven behind a pace car for some time now, more than likely you will just be fast forwarded to the restart lap.
Different classes are possible through PP limitations.
4 800 PP cars, 6 650 PP cars & 6 550 PP cars or something like that.
it would be awsome if they used the skyline saftey car from gt4 in gt5 id love it if there were real yellow flag situations, ie an AI car crashes beyond repaire then there is a pre determined 3 laps behind the saftey car whilst its removed.. of course we dont see it remoived it would just disapear after 3 laps of sitting there.. but would add so much to the experiance..

same online if someone crashed out saftey car out whilst there kicked.. (unless host then your screwed lol) keep behind it for 3 laps could make it random i guess though anything from 2-6 laps.. with time penalties if you overtake.

would be sweet :D
Why would you want engine failures? Me and my friends were remarking on the fact that GT being a game means we can drive the cars as hard as we want without having to worry about damaging the car. To me, mechanical failures is just a masochistic feature for masochistic people. Meh
It has nothing to do with masochistic people. lol
They would make the game more realistic but yes, they should be some kind of predictable (like when you push the engine to often into the limiter or make false shifts etc.).
If PD were to implement mechanical failures, I think they would allow you to get back to the pits to repair it. Which is similar to "running out of gas" in GT4.

And yes, I'd like to have real racing rules & flag systems as well.
No theres no real difference, its just called "Pace Car" in the US motorsports for example because it controls the pace of the field but its basically the same.

EDIT: I hate to use Wikipedia as a source, but it is exactly like that:
In motorsport, a safety car or pace car is a car which limits the speed of competing cars on a racetrack in the case of a caution period such as a major accident or obstruction on the track.
Flag rules and safetey car is very hardcore. But I like the idea.

The only problem with this idea is that the AI in the previous GT's were actually AS! There is practically no AI, they are far from intelligent. They always drive the same way, make the same mistakes every single lap in a certain race on a certain track.

So unless PD has created the perfect AI for GT5, then is it possible to implement flag rules.

I think that flag rules and a safety car is out of the question when driving online.
It would be great... see a big crash from another competitor, lot's of parts all over the track... another car have a tire failure because a lost part from the other car, see the Safety Car and yellow flags in the track...

But I think it's only a dream...:indiff:
Online, safety cars would not work, as a lot of people will bew crashing out and short races will effectively be run entirely behind the safety car. Offline also, 2 lappers could get pretty dull with safety cars, not to mention a Nordschleife race...

Though I can see it being fun on 100km+ races, though I won't be devestated if this feature doesn't make it into the game.

Yellow flags are a must. When I was playing GRiD the other week, I was pounding down Mulsanne straight on the unchicaned Le Sarthe at night, at 258mph, and there was a car lying perpendicular to the track just after the Kink. It hurt. And about 5 seconds later I was struck with similar force even though I had already been totalled. So it would be good to see a warning system, and it would also be realistic.

Blue flags? I wouldn't miss them but if they're really easy to implement why not?
It has nothing to do with masochistic people. lol
They would make the game more realistic but yes, they should be some kind of predictable (like when you push the engine to often into the limiter or make false shifts etc.).
I've been letting my friend's brother use my G25 to learn driving with GT4 (he's 6), he's really improved a lot, only because GT4 let's you drive and forgives you if you crash and what not so he can keep going. Why would someone who just started playing want mechanical failures and damage and what not? It's just like playing a sim racer for the first time, as soon as you touch a wall, you inexplicably spin out and get stuck there.

As for mechanical failures, it's a game because it doesn't have the mundane micromanagement and pain-in-the-ass-ness of the real world, I simply don't understand why people would want that. If it is in, I hope you'd be able to turn it off, just like damage. Sim racers lose their awesomeness when they try to simulate everything and pretend to be real. To me, if the game simulates driving physics well, then it's more than good enough, damage is like priority number 9001 and mechanical failure is priority number infinity.
Why would you want engine failures? Me and my friends were remarking on the fact that GT being a game means we can drive the cars as hard as we want without having to worry about damaging the car. To me, mechanical failures is just a masochistic feature for masochistic people. Meh

Or it would make endurance racing actually require a different style of driving compared to ya know, endurance races would actually be a more worthwhile challenge?
I've been letting my friend's brother use my G25 to learn driving with GT4 (he's 6), he's really improved a lot, only because GT4 let's you drive and forgives you if you crash and what not so he can keep going. Why would someone who just started playing want mechanical failures and damage and what not? It's just like playing a sim racer for the first time, as soon as you touch a wall, you inexplicably spin out and get stuck there.

As for mechanical failures, it's a game because it doesn't have the mundane micromanagement and pain-in-the-ass-ness of the real world, I simply don't understand why people would want that. If it is in, I hope you'd be able to turn it off, just like damage. Sim racers lose their awesomeness when they try to simulate everything and pretend to be real. To me, if the game simulates driving physics well, then it's more than good enough, damage is like priority number 9001 and mechanical failure is priority number infinity.

Well i never said there shouldnt be an option to switch damage off.
i would like to see flags, yellow, blue etc... even black when chaos is compleet;) a safety car would be nice too but only on some races not every.. and i want to see more marshalls aside the track.
I'd like to see the Safety Car return again, not only for license tests, but for the races themselves. Failures are a great idea, it adds an even higher degree of realism to the race, as do flags
Online, safety cars would not work, as a lot of people will bew crashing out and short races will effectively be run entirely behind the safety car. Offline also, 2 lappers could get pretty dull with safety cars, not to mention a Nordschleife race...

Well, not every crash should require a safety car (i.e. NASCAR), localized yellows can do the trick.
I say bring on the yellow flags, blue flags, safety car and failures :cheers:

While all-out sprint races are definitely fun and have their place, damage/failures/yellow & blue flags will introduce a much-needed dose of reality into the GT series.

Hopefully *fingers crossed* PD are using the extra time they apparently have on their hands (now that GT5 is pretty much complete according to KY and they have--hopefully--finished with GT Mobile :yuck: ) to implement these much-needed gameplay features. One thing that has been lacking in the GT series since it's inception is the element of caution. Real-life racing is not all-out sprint racing all the time.

Damage and caution flags/safety cars will actually place a premium on smart, cautious driving :) This is not to say that people who are fast now will not be fast in a GT5 which includes damage and mechanical failures. I just think that it will really weed out that small element of poor (yet sometimes fast drivers) who lack the patience and skill set to adapt to more life-like racing conditions--which includes safety car periods, yellow flags and mechanical failures. Although I think the blue flags would be nice, they might be a bit redundant, as PD have already implemented the "ghosting" effect for lapped cars which I have grown to like. They can be a bit distracting at first (especially when you come upon them unawares sitting in the middle of the road or driving backwards at full-speed around the track :grumpy: ) but I think it is a nice solution for online racing, as it essentially takes the weapon out of the noob/punter's hands 👍 Really, the only driver who would benefit from the blue flag is the leader, who is the first one to lap the cars. As soon as they get lapped by the leader, the ghosting effect begins :cheers:
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