Should most (if not all) cars be unlocked in Arcade Mode?

SrRd RacinG

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Should most (if not all) cars be drivable from day one in Arcade Mode?

Do you think it's a good idea to borrow this from Forza Motorsport 3?

Do you think we, as the drivers of the cars, would benefit from being able to test out each car? Wouldn't it make buying cars in GT Mode a little less stressful because we would have a lot of track/performance,etc knowledge of the cars beforehand? Note: many new cars have surfaced since Gran Turismo 4.

Would it be more fun to test out all of the new rides on day one?

Ladies and gentlemen, the floor is now open for discussion.👍
Either way I never use ARCADE Mode.. But NO.. whats point of Having GT mode then?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in GT4 or GT3 (the only two besides Prologue that I've played), you do get a few cars in the Arcade mode, even without starting a GT mode. While GT mode does unlock more (interesting) cars.
-> I used to remember back in GT1 that all manufacturers in the Arcade Mode were Japanese cars. But as I progress in the GT/Simulation Mode, more cars like TVR, Chevrolet, and Dodge shows up. Same thing with GT2, in a case you have to unlock all Class-S cars. :)

-> So I would think the system implemented in GT1/2 should carry-over in GT5. I just don't want all the cars to be unlocked when I play the Arcade Mode. I know its painfull for me to say this as a Vehicle Wish Lister, but save that in the GT/Simulation/Career Mode. :)
I would like GT4's system to make a return, although I would like to use my GT mode cars as well.
Simple solution: Just let us test drive the car on a track before buying it (GT Mode)

Arcade mode doesnt really bothers me, I will just complete arcade mode to have 100%.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in GT4 or GT3 (the only two besides Prologue that I've played), you do get a few cars in the Arcade mode, even without starting a GT mode. While GT mode does unlock more (interesting) cars.

Yes and I hope they make it similar again, because for me that was always the most fun part. Also I think you could play with tuned cars from GT mode in Arcade as well, which made it even better. 👍
I never touched GT mode again after I got all cars (only to buy/sell/tune the cars) :dunce:
I personally found Arcade mode in GT4 had a bit too little cars unlocked form the beginning.About half of all the cars would have benn better,but definitely not all.

Off topic:Bring back the arcade mode from GT3!!!
Yeah, hopefully they allow me to use my garage, and play friends through "arcade" but LAN and with not only my cars available but all or most of arcade.

I guess it depends on how avid the player is. I guess they should unlock all at the start because people might just pick it up and arcade play all the time. Idk why you would want to, but I imagine it happens.
For me, the whole point of GT mode is making decisions, and living with the consequences.

Its like that for what 5% of the game before raking in millions?

All cars should be locked in arcade mode, ALL. Tie in the PSP garage transfer and you get those cars right away in GT5's arcade mode. It would be cool to have the arcade be just like the PSP's game mode, it would almost feel like two games in one. The cars should time release into your GT mode garage instead of overloading on cars right from the get go.
No, they should not be. I rarely used Arcade mode in GT4, but I was right into it at the beginning of GT2. It gave me a feel for the cars when I didn't know what to buy so that I could find for myself something that wasn't out of my league, but wasn't a complete lemon. If the Toyota MINOLTA were available from the very start, people would make a beeline for it, and it would cheapen the gameplay somewhat. The cars should be unlocked en masse, which each new licence granting access to a class of car that is in keeping with a player's ability.
Should most (if not all) cars be drivable from day one in Arcade Mode?

Do you think it's a good idea to borrow this from Forza Motorsport 3?
No and no! :grumpy: I want a sense of progression and achievement when playing a game - that is, the more I play the game the more cars and tracks I unlock. 👍

I liked the system used in GT4 where you had only certain cars unlocked in arcade mode in the beginning, and you had to buy the other cars in GT mode to unlock them in arcade.

As for GT mode, I'd like to see the system used in the career mode of Forza 2 implemented, where you could only buy those high-end super cars once you reached a certain driver level. I thought that system worked well in Forza 2, too bad they scrapped it in F3. 👎
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in GT4 or GT3 (the only two besides Prologue that I've played), you do get a few cars in the Arcade mode, even without starting a GT mode. While GT mode does unlock more (interesting) cars.

I agree:tup:
A test drive before purchase would be nice.
And for arcade mode... I don't want cars to be unlocked until you own the car
I think in GT1-3 the arcade mode worked as a stand alone mode, in GT1 you did the races in the different classes of car on each track. When you win a track in each of the three classes you unlocked the reverse layout and then when you did the same on the reverse tracks you unlocked the new manufacturers. GT2 was similar, if you won a track you would open the reverse layout and in turn winning the reverse layout unlocked a new car but you didn't have to win in every class. GT2 was the frst GT game to link the GT mode to the arcade mode in that the tracks in Arcade mode were limited and gradullay you unlocked more tracks depending on how many licenses you had in GT mode. Also it was the first time you could use your GT mode cars in Arcade mode. GT3's was like a stage process. You started off at Stage one and you had so many cars and tracks to use. When you won at all the tracks (and I think classes) you unlocked the next stage which opened up more tracks and more cars along the way. Like GT2 you could use GT mode cars in Arcade mode but the tracks and cars native to Arcade mode were all unloackable through Arcade more.

GT4's was heavilly linked to the GT mode, you started off with a selection of cars and tracks and then as you worked through GT mode more tracks would open up and any cars you purchased in GT mode would also become available in Arcade mode in standard form. You were again able to import GT mode cars into Arcade mode.

Tob e honest I think I preferred Arcade mode as a stand alone mode. I don't mind there being a link to GT mode, like being able to use GT mode cars but I really enjoyed working through GT3's Arcade mode. It was a different pace of challenge to the GT mode but it still provided rewards and a goal to work towards. GT4's Arcade mode is probably the least used because other than multiplayer I don't think I've used it more than the odd few occasions.
No, this is not a poll thread. (this question requires more than a click of a mouse)


I see the point and benefit of test-driving the top end cars, but half of the fun is driving them for the first time. And that fun comes from having saved up money to earn that privelidge.
I don't want the arcade mode to have all cars unlocked. But i do want a good choice, maybe an LMP car to play around with in splitscreen (Maybe a 787B?)
I'm going to go the opposite way to what seems to be the majority here. I DO want arcade mode to have all the cars unlocked. I think it would be excellent.

In GT mode I want to have a small selection of cars that I tune and fettle into hard racing machines. I want focus. I want passion. I want to sit down and have to seriously concentrate on races. I want to fail and have to go back again. I want to have to think hard on every single car that I buy.

In Arcade mode I want none of this. I want a relaxed game that I can sit down, choose a track and a car and have at it. I don't want to have to spend time unlocking cars. I don't want to have to grind through GT mode to unlock stuff. I just want to think "I'll try a V8 Vantage tonight" to myself and be able to do it.

I don't see that having cars unlocked in Arcade mode as lessening the GT mode at all. To my mind, they're as near as can be to two entirely separate games. Clearly a lot of people feel differently, but were all the cars unlocked you could choose NOT to drive the ones you hadn't bought yet, if you thought that enhanced your gaming experience. It's simply a matter of choice.

I want to use Arcade mode for when I want a quick blast around a track, and unlocked cars suits that perfectly.
having certain cars in Arcade mode locked adds to the entertainment and a bit more of a challenge I think. So keep some locked ;)
Plain and simple NO!! Leave GT5 just like the others have been. Until you unlock cars
in GT Mode, they will not be in Arcade!!!

I think some cars should be availiable in arcade mode from the start-50 or so- about a few of each type(for great racing!) and the rest are added as you buy/win them in GT mode.
I think it would be very cool if you could test drive your car in gt-mode

In FM3 it's annoying switching over to the arcade mode just to make a decision what car I want to buy next
I would have to say no, the cars in Arcade mode should not all be available at the beginning, because that would absolutely cheapen the experience. :grumpy:
A better idea would be to have Arcade mode be an adventure in and of itself. Rather, a "Greatest Hits" of sorts, featuring the best and finest in history, up to and including the supercars of today (with an overall count that's in reason.) All carefully grouped into classes, of course, with nice reward pacing.
For me, that would keep me interested and maybe show me new cars to look for in GT mode. :sly:
Better yet, have a car that's unlockable only in Arcade mode, something really top-class, as a final achievement. That would get people to play Arcade mode, I bet.

If PD were to also target some of the casual audience, then all cars from Arcade mode must be drivable from day 1.

Being a GT fan, I want to see a sense of achievement and so you should have to unlock cars. GT5 has 1000+ cars, so I'm sure that there will still be plenty of cars in Arcade mode. If Arcade mode has starts off with 400 cars (which Forza 3's car count), then that would leave 600+ cars to unlock
C'mon! the winner formula, the GT4 formula!!! few cars in the Arcade mode, and
GT mode unlock more cars. SIMPLE.

Sorry my english.
Yeah I think the normal, a few cars in arcade mode, and then unlocking the best in GT mode. This is a game I plan to keep me busy for a long time, so what will the point be of having all the cars to drive as soon as you first put on the game...???
Same with gt5p, it took much longer to get bord with it, coz u had to race hard in order to get the expensive Farrari's.
Thanks to online racing though, i'm far from bord.
I'll answer by way of an example:

Me and my mate wanted to play GT5p split screen. He'd just got the game, so hadn't played it yet. This meant the only cars we could use to race was the first car you buy. This got tedius after 3 races, so we played on the Wii instead.

One of the biggest problems with the PS3 is lack of in-house multiplayer, restricting the cars in GT5 (Arcade) will only continue this problem.

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