Race of Decades - Round 4 specifics

  • Thread starter DGiant2000
Emerging from semi-retirement
I think not
Firstly, apologies to all competitors remaining in the Race of Decades for the considerable delay in posting the next round. Unfortunately, real life pressures such as work and illness combined with the Christmas madness and the release of the GT5 demo made it difficult to find the time to organise this event. Anyway, we're back up and running and hopefully everyone will be back fresh from Indianapolis to enjoy round 4 so without further ado....

The Title is Mine's


This round is a good old simple one on one battle around the famous Fuji speedway in the monster that is the Mine's BNR34

Vehicle Specifics:

Make: Mine's BNR34 Skyline GT-R
Power: Optional
Weight: Optional
Tyres: Optional
Aids: Optional
Tuning: Allowed
pp: 800

Race Specifics:
This round consists of 1 race at Fuji speedway in the 800pp online expert event. Please contact your opponent to arrange a race time and decide which order you wish to run the races in. Pairings can be fond here. At the start of the race, please move to the side of the track to allow the public race to start. Competitors should then proceed to the start/finish line and await the start of the race. The race should begin exactly 30 seconds after the start of the public race. Individual racers are responsible for getting their car to the start at the scheduled race time.
If neither competitor finishes the race due to the time limit, the competitor who was leading when the time ends will be deemed the winner.

Deadline for completion of races is Thursday the 28th of January 11:59 GMT in lone with the scheduled update.

Please feel free to discuss practise laptimes and setups and I would encourage people to do so.

Overall, we hope you enjoy this round and have fun!!

Phillip and Andy
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Yuhuu! It continues! :)👍 Great Stuff!

I missed out on that entire Pray and Predator thing :guilty:.... on the leaderboard http://www.eviemae.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/interest.htm we, Andy, are matched up next. Is that then still valid now for round 4?

Sorry if question seems stupid, it's just been a while....

No, sensible question Ren and you are correct, you get to kick my butt in this round now!!!
Yay I have a reason to stay home tomorrow night now :lol: So tired of going out now, sheesssss. Anyway looks good Mr Davies 👍 Can't remember where I am in the comp but I'll run it for fun :D
Nice page Andy, I think everyone will enjoy this race. 👍


Agreed :)

And another question: how are the start positions decided upon. As per original starting grid (e.g. like in Andy and my case if Andy would be matched 5th and I on 8th would Andy then start from 1st and I 2nd?)?

Here a idea (ok, I think I stole this somewhere): how about a qualifier lap like in real life? Again example: Andy and myself agree on a date (not to be misunderstood please :lol:), let's say day X 8PM. Qualifying is starts from 7PM until 7:45 (to give enough time to upload the replay) on that day X. Whoever gets and posts the better lap in these 45 minutes posted gets the pole.


Edit: Good grief! I must be talking about grammar lessons.... :ouch: Had problems understanding my own post just now! Good thing that Phillip could work it out obviously and has solved the question with a most simple and logical solution. 👍
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Ok pairing, good point Ren has made.

When you see who you have to race i.e. GTP_DGiant vs GTP_Ren831 who ever is the lower Div gets pole.


GTP_DGiant Div 3 Bronze Pole
GTP_Ren831 Div 1 Silver Grid 2

In the event of a pairing both being same Div same G, S, B then the name on the top of the listing gets Pole. Or same if their not in a Div i.e no GTP_Tag the name on top in the pairing gets pole.

Any members in their teens would like to take part in the final see
Discussion Thread. Post #90

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All I can muster on a hotlap using R3/R3



edit sorry cought out again on double post, I'll have to cut down on the meds.
Nice work Andy and Philip. I look forward to racing Chris again, and in such a sweet combo this time!

About the starting sequence, first I thought we were supposed to start from the s/f line together, but after the last posts I understand we have to use the grid, and that because I am mentioned first in the schedule I get to go from #1. Just checking if that's OK.

To start I will be using one of Paulie's excellent tunes who can be found here.
About the starting sequence, first I thought we were supposed to start from the s/f line together, but after the last posts I understand we have to use the grid, and that because I am mentioned first in the schedule I get to go from #1. Just checking if that's OK.

Yes Steven, as Andy has put

“Competitors should then proceed to the start/finish line and await the start of the race”

I leave that entirely up to each pair of competitors, if you think its more fair in the case of two D4B members to start side by side on the start line, that is up to you both to arrange.

I added post #7 so that where possible we were trying to make the start as even as we could, by not giving an advantage to a faster driver on paper the upper hand.

I think we are all gentlemen racers, none of which would like to take an unfair advantage in the case of D3B vs D1S on a straight H/H 10 lap race.

So recap, as your race is both D4B vs D4B the gentlemanly thing to do would be start side by side in this H/H 10 lap single race.

D3B vs D1S I would say use Grid 1 Grid 2.

Sorry for not being to clear and any confusion, so long as each pair is happy at the outcome of the race that’s all that matters.

Thanks for clearing it up Philip. I admire your work and attitude towards control vs. flexibility in your challenge 👍

I'll contact Chris and try to make an appointment real soon.
Got a 1'34.616 in Free Run.

Thought I might share the tune and replay to go with that.
I find the car is quiet stable with this and takes throttle rather early, but that's only my feeling.

I'm sure there's faster laps out there (very sure :lol:). Would anyone else like to share? Helps me improve the most chasing (faster) replays.

This is what I could do for now. Lap is boarderlineish clean only (exit onto straight, as usual). But theres no real advantage gained there anyways... On the other side I've been ahead of myself like a dozen times through T1 and 2, but .... you know the rest....
The exit of Hairpin 6 is also a big mess, at least a tenth lost there alone!

Ok, here the setup and lap (feedback on tune obviously also appreciated, surely helps to learn setting up right)

Power +6
Weight 85

Aero 20/33
Hight -14/-13
Springs 6/5
Damper 4/3
Toe -0,06/+0,09
Camber 0.5/0.7
Brakes 7/6

TA: 46
TC off
1st 3240
2nd 2151
3rd 1565
4th 1220
5th 1004
6th 0849
Final 3360


  • Mines 800 Fuji F 1'34.616.zip
    125.7 KB · Views: 9
Ok, here the setup and lap (feedback on tune obviously also appreciated, surely helps to learn setting up right)

Tried it Ren, drives well, dont make me any faster

My new hotlap is 1'35.709
Just finished my race against Steven where I defeated him by about half a lap. After the race, Steven told us in the chatroom that he spun out 3 times. I pretty much kept the car on track and turned some consistent lap times with the best being in about the 1'38.1 range. Some of the guys who watched the race thought the Mine's GT-R34 suited me quite well. I only brought the car last night and put in about 30 laps on it at Fuji before doing a pair of warmup races this afternoon.:D
The Stig, huh? Stealing seems to work a couple of seconds faster, so I'll stick to that :lol:
Well done Chris 👍 I had real trouble keeping the car on the track and even missed the braking point after the first lap completely :grumpy:
This makes you 3rd in the 40s group end results I believe :)
Well done Chris and commiserations Steven, 3rd place in Race of Decades goes to Chris and 4th place overall goes to Steven in the Forties group, not bad at all out of the eight in group well done. 👍

We now await the outcome of 1st and 2nd in group to see who goes through to represent the forties / over in the Race of Decades grand final.

Got a 1'34.616 in Free Run.

Thought I might share the tune and replay to go with that.
I find the car is quiet stable with this and takes throttle rather early, but that's only my feeling.

I'm sure there's faster laps out there (very sure :lol:). Would anyone else like to share? Helps me improve the most chasing (faster) replays.

This is what I could do for now. Lap is boarderlineish clean only (exit onto straight, as usual). But theres no real advantage gained there anyways... On the other side I've been ahead of myself like a dozen times through T1 and 2, but .... you know the rest....
The exit of Hairpin 6 is also a big mess, at least a tenth lost there alone!

Ok, here the setup and lap (feedback on tune obviously also appreciated, surely helps to learn setting up right)

Power +6
Weight 85

Aero 20/33
Hight -14/-13
Springs 6/5
Damper 4/3
Toe -0,06/+0,09
Camber 0.5/0.7
Brakes 7/6

TA: 46
TC off
1st 3240
2nd 2151
3rd 1565
4th 1220
5th 1004
6th 0849
Final 3360

Hey guys, do you still race this event on xx:15 and xx:45...???
I do a 1'34.228 in free run. It's very possible to get high 1'33s.
Best lap in free run: 1'34.001. High 33's are definetly possible. :)

Looking forward to racing Crazytortise,as he seems to be carrying some good pace with his best lap. 👍
Best lap in free run: 1'34.001. High 33's are definetly possible. :)

Looking forward to racing Crazytortise,as he seems to be carrying some good pace with his best lap. 👍

Not surprising, he is our alien in a amour shell :lol:

Impressive time there yourself Devie! Would you mind sharing setup and or replay? And I mean if you don't mind of course. Don't think I can get down to that kind of pace on my own, meaning without a replay I can watch and chase... :guilty:
Best lap in free run: 1'34.001. High 33's are definetly possible. :)

Looking forward to racing Crazytortise,as he seems to be carrying some good pace with his best lap. 👍

Holy 🤬 that's .6 faster then my best lap so far :lol: You sure you not running NOS or something :D I'll try get our race done tonight but can't really promise anything. Yeah like Ren asked would you mind sharing your setup.... only if you really want

Holy 🤬 that's .6 faster then my best lap so far :lol: You sure you not running NOS or something :D I'll try get our race done tonight but can't really promise anything. Yeah like Ren asked would you mind sharing your setup.... only if you really want


Phew Tortise... I must say I'm relieved to read that you are not also in that region already and are too the .6 off like me :lol:. I was quite happy to have topped your lap, if only by the blink of an eye.. principle you know LOL. That's why I posted :sly:. But .6 is quiet something!!! 👍 I was arleady quiet happy with my lap, one or two tenth to be seen easily, but 6? Not without a small miracle. Good thing I'm not up against Devie, good luck buddy :lol:
Those 1’34.xxx times are something else, I’m struggling into the 1’35.597, cant stop over braking myself and when I do I end up going to deep into the corners, so still lose time.

Good to see you guys still enjoying this small event and GT5p is still alive and kicking, keep up the good work. 👍

The unfortunate thing is Calcifer is out due to problems with his PS3 I believe, I’ve not heard anything from GTP_LP2K.

So this maybe your in group final to see who goes through to represent the Twenties in the Race of Decades Grand Final next month.

Thirties in group final GTP_DGiant2000 vs GTPRen831

Forties in group final GTP_Linpark vs TORC_vrrm

Unfortunately there is no representative for the Teens group, unless someone would like to put their name forward, if more than one would like to try we could run a Time trial and the fastest would go through to represent their decade in the Grand Final.

Phew Tortise... I must say I'm relieved to read that you are not also in that region already and are too the .6 off like me :lol:. I was quite happy to have topped your lap, if only by the blink of an eye.. principle you know LOL. That's why I posted :sly:. But .6 is quiet something!!! 👍 I was arleady quiet happy with my lap, one or two tenth to be seen easily, but 6? Not without a small miracle. Good thing I'm not up against Devie, good luck buddy :lol:

Dum dum dummm... I'm going full ball now. Using your tune at the moment, feels good just not sure about the gearing. Attempting to cut the time now 👍
Dum dum dummm... I'm going full ball now. Using your tune at the moment, feels good just not sure about the gearing. Attempting to cut the time now 👍

Yeah, the good old gearing... It feels fine to me, fiddled quiet a while till I had it where it is, but the past has shown me my "natural" approach to gears must be off a bit, was often quicker using other peoples gears than with my own, even though it didnt "feel" right. (???) Hope you understand what I mean.
Let me know what you think and what you can do! All the best pal 👍
GTP_Devie vs GTP_Crazytortise, GTP's very own episode of star wars!! I secretly hope you can't race tonight as I'm out and I really want to watch that one!!!