Wheel configuration (900 degrees)

  • Thread starter Patricko
Hey there.

I will get my copy of Gran Turismo 5 tommorrow.
But from what I have heard so far, there aren't any options to change 900 degree turn...
I was like "What the hell!" 900* in carts and f1 car...again?
Are they joking or what? Is that really true?
We have to play again with 900* in all cars?

I have DFGT wheel, and Im asking is there any option to change the wheel turn degree. And Im not talking about hardware lock, but in game.
And how about some high-power racing cars? I think 900* for them is still to much.
Maybe there is something in game like locking wheel for certain degrees for each specific car?
Hey there.
I'm getting my copy of GT5 this christmas and a Logitech DFGT along with it.
While I can't answer your question, I was wondering how the 900 degree rotation is. Doesn't it feel more realistic than 300 degrees? Or is it just too much to be able to react fast enough? If you have time could you please give a little bit of details? As for your question if I come along the answer somewhere in the forum then I'll be sure to let you know. 👍

Hey there.
I'm getting my copy of GT5 this christmas and a Logitech DFGT along with it.
While I can't answer your question, I was wondering how the 900 degree rotation is. Doesn't it feel more realistic than 300 degrees? Or is it just too much to be able to react fast enough? If you have time could you please give a little bit of details? As for your question if I come along the answer somewhere in the forum then I'll be sure to let you know. 👍


its 900° from lock to lock, roughly 450° left, 450°right
Doesn't it feel more realistic than 300 degrees? Or is it just too much to be able to react fast enough?

It's fine until you lose it - once you spin out it's much harder to recover, especially if you're trying to use the paddle shifters at the same time.
It's fine until you lose it - once you spin out it's much harder to recover, especially if you're trying to use the paddle shifters at the same time.

Yea I get that. How about the paddle shifters; what is easier to use, the 'shift-stick' (attached on the right) or the back paddle shifters?
Sorry for going off topic OP, hope you don't mind. :)
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I love my Driving Force pro, but I wheel locked all my NFS: Shift cars tightly. The game wheels dont recoil back to center realistically, and they are small as well. Since it doesnt feel right, I dont bother racing at 900 deg. But if this game wont let me set that like I want........
Yea I get that. How about the paddle shifters; what is easier to use, the 'shift-stick' (attached on the right) or the back paddle shifters?
Sorry for going off topic OP, hope you don't mind. :)

Over the last few months I've nailed Forza with the Xbox wheel, and that only has paddle shifters, so I'm very tuned-in to using them. I like using the H-box, it's fun cos it's like driving my car, and it's very very useful for selecting a lower gear during a spin, but 99% of the time I use the paddles because they're definitely easier. They've got to be, even if you haven't used them a lot.

What I REALLY wanted was a sequential shifter like the DFGT, but I decided that the FFB and smoothness of the G27 outweighted the sequential G25 and DFGT (plus the moveable peddles). Ultimately, I know I'm just going to be using the paddles in the long run anyway!
Experience of people I read:

I was like "What the hell!" 900* in carts and f1 car...again?

You are not able to chose, but it is imposed so small angle for carts and race cars and 900° for normal street cars.
When I had the Driving Force Pro, I seem to remember there being a certain button-combo on the wheel that toggles 900 degree mode on or off.
Think someone needs to put up a sticky pole on wheel rotation so theY get the hint that 900 is way to much, need a patch to give us a option.. Come on ain't like they ain't had the time to think this one over lol.
When I had the Driving Force Pro, I seem to remember there being a certain button-combo on the wheel that toggles 900 degree mode on or off.

Yes. I tried a kart race with my DFP on 360 degree mode and it fishtailed like crazy, totally undrivable. 900 degree mode was actually sort of like 360 degree mode and was playable. Weird.
I looked at the wheels at the cart when turning the steeringwheel (DFP). The wheels stops turning after about 60 degrees. But if you want a mechanical lock, I thinks it's something like "select+L3+Left Paddle" (or R3 or L3 Right Paddle). There's is at least two different combinations (one locks / unlocks the wheel, one increases / decreases the strength of the force feedback).
Think someone needs to put up a sticky pole on wheel rotation so theY get the hint that 900 is way to much, need a patch to give us a option.. Come on ain't like they ain't had the time to think this one over lol.
Exacly...that would be best to give us an option to chose if we want to drive 900 degrees or less. I prefer driving with maximum 300 degrees. I feel much more comfortable with it.
Not everyone likes to drive with 900 degrees...

I hope there will be some patch in the future that will give us option to chose. It seems that they didn't do anything with steering wheel options since GT5 Prologue.

DFGT unfortunately doesn't have this combo button option. It's only in DFP. Sad, because it's very useful thing :(
With a DFGT, the karts etc have a realistic amount of lock - the wheel stops registering after 200 degrees or whatever amount of lock the vehicle has. Even though you can turn 900, it doesn't turn the ingame wheels any more than the max amount that car has.

If that makes sense.
Yeah, I know now about cars and F1, but Im still refering to the normal cars.
900 degrees makes this game sometimes, especially on sharp corners, very unplayable.
Especially when Im doing licences, and there few where You need to turn very hard and fast. Of course it's doable with 900, but it would be a lot of easier with, for example, 300 degrees. And not all of us like to turn wheel like a wild animal, just to make two sharp corners :)

All simulators have options to change things like that...even NFS Shift had many useful things to change in wheel options, even wheel degrees.
Im wondering why one of the best racing games in the world doesn't have such a thing like Advanced Wheel Settings, and wheel degree change...

I don't know if there will be patch that will change this.
DFGT user here. I use the stick shifter as i find its more natural than the paddles.i find that i'm braking with my left foot and shifting down at the same time so its a bit like using the clutch, if that makes sence?
Isn't it very disappointing for people who have raced and practiced in Prologue a lot with 300 degrees of rotation and have gotten used to that and now have to switch to 900 degrees?
Normal users can't do the polls or in this category we can't make polls.

It would be nice if someone from "higher rank" would read that topic, and could do some poll if we want to have option to change wheel degrees, at least to something like 300 degrees, 450, 720 and 900, or manual setting.

People should read and answer so somebody maybe will notice that poor wheel settings in game like Gran Turismo 5 is huge mistake.
Thing is most road cars have at least 900 degrees of steering (my MX5 has bang on 900ish, most have 1000+) so it's a realistic feature... ;)
Im not talking that it's not realistic...but on race track, when every second counts, 900 degrees are pain in the a**...everyone knows where.
And everyone will agree, that less degree turn on race track is much more comfortable to drive.

And I'm also not talking about removing 900 degrees, but just give us ability to choose our favourite wheel degree turn. I think it's not so hard to do this for them.

Anyway, don't You think that Wheel Setting in Gran Turismo 5 are very poor?
I could say, that there isn't any settings for wheels :( I really thought that since GT5 Prologue it will be changed.
anyone knows why the ferrari thrustmaster does not work very well with gt5?
Maybe because of its limited turning angle (270 degrees)? :indiff:
Maybe they will make a patch so that all wheels work well. What exactly is the problem in your case?
900 is realistic...

If you oversteer then you should be pretty quick on countersteering

That is the real world

In formula 1 there is a precision in steering at the same time a bit of countersteering when you haven't gotten into a slide (running out of Tarmac)

So I do not think 900 should be lowered

Because in the real your going to have to
The problem with 900 deg is that these game wheels dont recoil realistically the way they should in real life. So, when Im taking an extremely tight corner, not only am I turning the wheel over completely to make the turn, I also have to simulate the recoil perfectly with the exact right timing, or Im face planting into the walls. That and the wheels are too small anyways. So, STFU about realism and 900 deg. When the wheel cant accurately portray realism, you need wheel lock options to compensate for that. PERIOD
The problem with 900 deg is that these game wheels dont recoil realistically the way they should in real life. So, when Im taking an extremely tight corner, not only am I turning the wheel over completely to make the turn, I also have to simulate the recoil perfectly with the exact right timing, or Im face planting into the walls. That and the wheels are too small anyways. So, STFU about realism and 900 deg. When the wheel cant accurately portray realism, you need wheel lock options to compensate for that. PERIOD
100% right! Im glad that somebody noticed that and is not afraid of saying it.

Im wondering if someone from PD know about this, and if they even thinking about fixing it somehow.
They said, there will be many updates, and etc. so lets hope we will se wheel steering improvments.

Am I wrong, or WRC cars also have 900 degree turn...