My standpoint on "Separation of Church & State"

  • Thread starter rjensen11
Although this isn't outright about current events, it actually is, if you think about the whole picture. Anyway, back to the opinion:

When some British desided to stray away from England and call America their own, Separation of Chuch & State was a great idea. Hell, we get to go some place where we can practice freely however we want! We aren't required to be one way or the other!

But over a few hundred years, people become extremley lazy. We get so caught up in ourselves that we don't understand things and see them for what they are! Here we go, saying, "I worked all week, so I'm going to take the weekend off," and they don't go to Church unless it's an important Holiday. Somehow, they still consider themselves to be a certain religion.
Along with the Laziness came better public schools. Even 50 years ago, most private schools were better than public schools, so kids understood their religion, and in doing so, were more respectful of others, and not so much of themselves. Now our public schools outshine most of the private schools, and the kids, having lazy parents due to the society, are no longer able to go to Church and find what's right for them(If they want to be religious or not) and no longer see the difference betwix two religions(eg. I've seriously heard myself, one girl in a class as 'What's the difference between Jewish faith and Christian faith?') Because of this, we are going into a downward spiral, where society is starting to create new theories, and claim them as fact. These 'facts' are being distributed throughout schools, and in turn, the Separation of Church & State is being hypocritical, or just being broken for one group. Schools are trying to make people believe less in Creation, and more into scientific theory, and in turn, will forget everything that our religions have done for us(During the Dark Ages, it was the Church which saved all of Europe from damnation, and brought it back up to the intellectual level of where it was during Ancient Greece)

It is time, now, to say, "Hey, this isn't working any more!" We need to abolish this rule, or else we will live more in ignorance, and may never climb out of the hole. There are two solutions:

1) We completley abolish the Separation of Church & State


2) We all go back to Private schooling, where society is being devided up, and people are less able to meet new people, and network.

The choice is up to you, do the right thing.

Now what do you think?
yes, i agree with you very much, i go to a private school, and while i dont make church all the time, i still am in the search for God. I enjoy religion class, and i really like the private school atmosphere compaired to public. Im a sophmore this year, but i have much noticed lazyness which leads to immaturity. I really think that kids these days dont realize how damn good theyve got it. All i ever hear at school is, omg this dress code sucks, i hate this school. Im like, "ok" big fricken deal, so what if you have to tuck your shirt in, it makes you look nice, and you only have to do it for 8 hrs or so, its not the end of the world, not at all. You still can wear pretty much any shirt as long as the logo if there is one is smaller than 2" by 2". People make such a big fuss about this stuff when they dont think that
1.) they are lucky they have clothes.
2.) they dont need to worry about being shot or blown up by a suicied bomber or something.
3.)they arent starving

100 years ago we wouldnt be in school, we would be out in the fields or in a mine working to support the family. I really get sick of people complaining about diddly ****, i mean seriously alot of people need to take a look at the whole picture.. most people take it for granted that we live in america (england or whereever.) and not the middle east where you wonder every day if you will live to see the next. I think that if life was much more focused around religion and family (also an important thing) and alot less mtv and garbage like that, that kids now would be way better than they are. But not to rip on teens, we are growing up in a hard world, pornography and other bad stuff are everywhere. Its hard to make God or religion a priority, but this is the way it is, and giving god 1 hr of the 168 hrs that are in your 7 day week is not that bad. just my 2 cents.
Wow, I was expecting to get flammed right away, but I guess I wrote something decent, or I just got lucky.

Anyway, to touch up on the priorities thing you mentioned, here's what Vince Lambardi said, it went something along the lines of this:

"The list of important things in life are first God, then Family, and third, Football"

I don't think that's right word-for-word, but he's got it nailed.
Uh - so if you abolish the separation of chuch and state, what happens to you if you're a different religion to that of the church/state?

Also - which particular church are we talking about here? There are many variants on the basic 'Christian' concept, even before we take into account Islam, Buddhism and the countless other religious beliefs out there.
Originally posted by StevieMo
I'm agnostic ;)

As am I - so what happens to us if the separation of church and state is abolished? Are we to be forced to live a lie? This is not freedom as I understand it.
I really couldn't tell you. I'm sure this won't ever happen. And if it does it won't happen in Canada(Where I live) because were just too multicultural for that to happen.
let me rephrase all that, no i dont think we should abolish church and state, it wouldnt be good, look at the medieval times, it usually never turned out good. but i think we need to shape up our country with religion.
Heres one way to look at religion... it's been the reason for the a large amount of deaths that would never of happened if humans didn't beleive in something they have never seen nor do they have proof of it.
Originally posted by Codename 47
let me rephrase all that, no i dont think we should abolish church and state, it wouldnt be good, look at the medieval times, it usually never turned out good. but i think we need to shape up our country with religion.

Yeah, and in midieval times, they often had toilets in commons/family rooms. Soiled that argument.

rjensen: This country is built on freedom (religious or otherwise). Nine bucks says you drive an American car and live in a state and county that fell to George Bush.
Originally posted by StevieMo
I'm agnostic ;)

As am I, as far as I'm concerned; religion is a load of bull****. I'm not even going to bother to scratch the surface on why, as I could ramble on all night with my opinions ;)
i don't what rjensen meant that people don't know the differnce between two religions. but i know for sure know one knows what a sikh person is unless you live in canada because of the high population of sikhs. because that's what i am. my school and others offer comparitive religions classes that educated you on different religions. Religion should only be tought at private schools as it is now. Public schools are funded by tax dollars and so they should stay separated from the (r.c.c.) church. You can't mass market a religion to thousands of children. Religion is something that you can only believe in yourself so it's your job to find out. not the public schools. And by the way rjensen. the church was one of the reasons europe fell into the dark ages. and they would have kept in the dark ages if it wasn't for people who went against the church and started their own kingdoms because the pope wanted conrol over all of europe.
What I was proposing, wasn't just to teach one side, but, quite the opposite, actually. Right now, that's what schools are doing, only teaching the scientific theoretical side. Either they must stop teaching that, or they must cover all of the grounds, including the largest, if not all, of the religions we can touch. Otherwise, we will kick ourselves for living in ignorance.

M5Power, I'll be taking that 9 dollars, seeing that I don't have a driver's license, and ajs887, the deal with the Dark Ages, it wasn't the Church's fault, it was just that Rome had forgotten about the West part and focused on expanding eastward. Over time, they(Rome) just pissed off everyone because they had taxes so high and everything, and it became too massive, that they couldn't fend themselves from the barbarians(Germanics, Arabs, Anglos/Saxons, etc)

If you don't believe me, pick up a Euro book, I'm sure that if you get one that goes back to Ancient Greece, it'll tell you that.

StevieMo, about that never happening in Canada, aren't you guys trying to legalize Weed?

So I say once again, that rather than endorsing one religion, public schools must be required to teach alternatives, or things on addition to evolutionism, so we don't go 100% believing in a scientific theory.
Science is not a theory. Science is facts. Religion is there for people who want to believe they're being controlled by a higher power because they can't handle their own life completely. If you believe that, fine. I don't. It's nearly stupid to believe when the "theory" of evolution (as you would call it) is so cleary stated and backed up with clear facts.

In order to cover all grounds, they would need to cover all religions and all science. I'm not going to get into the different types of religions with you, but there are thousands upon thousands, along with many radical (and downright stupid) religions like the belief in The Force (yes, from Star Wars).
M5Power, what is taught in schools for Evolution is Darwin's Theory of Evolution. The only reason why he thought of it was because there were a lot of similar, yet different species of animals on the Golapiclos Islands(pardon my spelling, please)

So, yeah, the only real way we can fix the problem is to take it out. Other wise, and honestly think about this, even if you so far have been ignorant and havn't tried looking through the eyes of others, but just try thinking this:

Your parents are too lazy to take you to church(or wherever else one may go, I simply use church[note the lower-case 'c'] because it is virtually universal, being a place where people of the same faith gather) regularly, so you only know the basics of a book, story, or gospel. Therefore, you are like an infant who is ignorant and beleives much(if not all) of what is said.
You're going to school
You're being told by teachers and old text books about Evolution
The teachers fail to tell you this: You are being taught Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Therefore, the teachers fail to tell you that what they are 'preaching' in school is yet, another theory. Much like what you were taught before school, yet completley different(much like because it isn't "proven", yet different because it doesn't have anything to do with a higher being).

Therefore, isn't that a breach in the Separation of Church & State? Here it was, all along, the government being hypocritical, and trying to blind us from what we find as the Truth.
Darwin's "theory" of Evolution? It's almost stupid to waste my own time talking to someone who believes Evolution is a theory and not scientific fact.

I like it how you spin lies (spinning lies is one of the highest forms of idiocy - like Newt Gingrich) into, at the end of your 'statement,' deciding that evolution and church are the same thing.
They are the same in the fact that neither can be proven. God shows Himself when He wants to help, but Evolution just simply can't be proven. Can you go back into the time where Science believes the Big Bang was, to spark off the formation of Earth, and then following, the atoms which fused together to create organisms? And then somehow the simplest organisms get deformed, and spark off a new group which gets deformed?

Also, go here:
Ignorance is bliss. :D
Sorry just felt like posting it. In a way it has something to do with this thread(the religion part that is)
Thanks for posting, Stevie, but how are you 'supporting'? Ignorance, by saying that once you move on, "Hey, how could I have asked or known, if nobody told me anything?" or something else? I'm not trying to sound mean to you or anything, just go get that straight(I don't need another war going on)
Originally posted by rjensen11
Thanks for posting, Stevie, but how are you 'supporting'? Ignorance, by saying that once you move on, "Hey, how could I have asked or known, if nobody told me anything?" or something else? I'm not trying to sound mean to you or anything, just go get that straight(I don't need another war going on)
My post was more about religion in general. I wasn't replying really. Just stating something.
i agree with m5power. evolution is a part of science. it has been proven from fossils. that's why animals go extinct, like the giant crocodile, they weren't brought on noah's ark. but anway even if darwin's "theory" is accepted as fact it's not breaching the separation between church and state. No one worships evolution as they do religion. the thing is you can't take your beliefs and let them get in the way of what it is real. something that is right before your eyes. and how do you know god spoke to moses. no offense but may moses was insane and he was hearing voices. Religion is just a big custom. nothing more than that. it shouldn't be taught in school because school's teach fact. and by the way i have opened up a euro book. I was taught by a teacher who has 3 master's in that subject. My school district is rate one of the best in the world. Look it up district 203 in naperville illinois that way you can shut up about your private schools.

The opinions in this message do not express the opinions of gt planet or any other members part of gt planet
As much as I agree with ajs887, this listing of schools is pretty skewed. I lived in Denver, Colorado, for some time, and trust me, Arvada and Westminster (both Denver suburbs) are not "A+" grade.