SSD v. HDD in PS3 for Gran Turismo 5 - A Comprehensive Look

  • Thread starter padadiso
Hey everyone, I'm new to the site but thought I might share a bit of info that I've collected in the past couple of days.

The title says it all: I've compared the Seagate 5400 rpm 80GB HDD that came with the PS3 and a Kingston 128GB SSD SNV425-S2BN for $175 after rebates. The reason I'm posting this is to hopefully get out to the public the information I've been readily seeking for after GT5 was released-- How much will and SSD improve the loading times? Is it worth it? I've seen in other small studies that say the speed increase isn't much due to the 2x limit of the Blu-ray drive. However, I've also heard accounts from GT5 users (specifically) that it does indeed seem faster, but we all know about the placebo effect. The reason I finally decided to back up all my data and transfer it over to the SSD and conduct this study was due to the fact that an 8GB install is allowed, which should, theoretically, allow for much faster loading times. Worse comes to worse and I just take the drive and put it in my laptop.

Now, after the first update (v1.03) and comparing the download times and install times between the two, I noticed that the game’s loading times for everything is highly dependent on how the server’s performing. Therefore, I disconnected from the internet during every other test for both drives.

Anyways, here is what I found:


Install times were 4x faster. Which was an awesome start to this study. Next, I thought the best improvement would be with the menus (I thought they would install the menu on to the drive…). I tested these by doing three runs each. Surprisingly, even with the me + stopwatch, they were almost always the same. Here are the menu results:


And to get back to the home menu from each of these items…


From the GT Mode menu to the other menus:


And back again:


I always thought buying a car took way too long, so I also tested that:


And finally, I was most curious about the loading times for races, which I expected to see very little improvement. I was wrong. Note: I had played and completed each of the races listed, along with the license test coming up (i.e. no install required).



Finally, the last test I did was on a Special Event I had not entered before this. Less improvement overall (as it likely had to install from the disc), but still substantial:


That was all of them- Phew!

So, what did I decide to do? Given that the races loading time was cut in half for the most part, I’m keeping the SSD in the PS3. I wasn’t expected such a huge difference, especially for the races. I hope this helps someone else decide whether or not it’s worth the extra money!
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Haha thanks. Just hope someone finds this useful. I kept finding info about how SSDs made the PS3 feel "snappier", but I figured quantifying it would help others decide if shelling out $150+ was worth it to them. I can't say I'm disappointed. If only they'd allow for the whole disc to be installed now...
Ditto, excellent first do know you have to keep up that standard now don't you ;)

I'm quite surprised an SSD made that much of a difference, obviously GT5 has a big HDD install so it probably has a greater impact than games with smaller or no HDD install.

Thanks for sharing 👍
Those Kingston Value SSDs are fairly slow compared to some of the newer high end ones as well.

Yeah; however, I believe the SATA1 connection likely slows down the drive enough already. I'm guessing a faster SSD likely has no impact on loading times, but who knows.
Nice to see the numbers. Surprised you figured the events that would require the most loading (races) would see the least improvement while the install benefited massively.

Still, I can't justify that kind of money to improve loading times for a game I've yet to purchase :P I also imagine a 7200RPM drive would make a notable difference as well compared to the 5400RPM drives.
I've got a 7200RPM in mine, and while the loading times are still slow they don't seem to be the agonizing things that most people are describing about the game. For example, my race load times are probably only a few seconds off the 20 second-ish times that are shown in the OP.

And padadiso is probably right. The PS3 is almost certainly more of a bottleneck than the drive itself is.
Oh you would definitely see improvements with the 7200 rpm. Do you mind timing one of the race's loading with it? I just timed it from when I first pressed 'X' on the race to when race menu fully loaded. I'm just curious.

The weirdest thing to me was the menu-- I thought it'd go much faster, but was only about 20% at best. It seems like they decided not to fully install it, but instead dedicate more room to the installing the courses.
I went to the Supercar Series race at Daytona. I had done it before as well, so no install needed.
26 seconds to load the race.
15.3 seconds to exit the race.
Very useful information, you may wish to tip of a few of the bigger gaming blogs. This information is substantial enough for them to post, especially with some of those load times.
With as much as I'm hoping to play GT5 in the future, maybe I'll buy an SSD just to save on loading time. Thanks for the info and what's an 'HHD'? May want to edit your title. :P

Good post. The HDD in the SLIM models are faster too from what I've read. I've moved from a 60GB(YLOD) to a 160GB slim and can see the difference.

Without TRIM or Garbage Collection for the SSD like you would get with a PC, the write speeds will decrease over time. A 7200RPM HDD is what I would use instead.

PS. My PC has 2 Corsair 256GB SDDs in Raid-0 and it loads NFS shift Nurburg with 16 cars in 7 seconds
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According to this test at tomshardware (,2308.html) , the kingston used in the test has the slowest read access time of all ssd's tested. If what DigitalFoundry says about ssd's having an advantage over hdd's in terms of reading many but smaller files, it's the average read access time that counts. Something like the Crucial RealSSD C300 64gb would be much more suitable in this case, as it has a high average read, good read access and still one of the cheaper ssd's on the market.
This means, there might be room for even shorter loading times. Judging from the chart, I would say a significant difference. I don't have a ps3 to test on atm, but if this hasn't been tested at the time I get hold of an ssd, I will post a throughout test in here.
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I have a question and sorry if it's noob but: If I now upgrade to a SSD, will I be able to move my save game and all files directly over to the new drive??

EDIT: sorry I did a search and it found the answer.
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As far as I'm aware, yes. Just follow the PS3 HDD replacement tutorial in the video game forum(I'm the one who posted it) and you should be able move the files to the new HDD.
Ha! 10 seconds is not enough change for me to put down that much for. (120GB)

It's not the 10 seconds that matters, it's the nearly 30% decrease in loading time that matters :sly:

I use the Intel X25M Gen2 160GB ssd in my ps3 (old 40gb model). I originally bought a Corsair Force Series 60GB but the PS3 refused to detect this properly. Most of the time it would just complain about no/wrong hard disk detected, cannot start. The X25 works like a charm though.
Stupid question but I am technologically challenged. How difficult is this install? Taking the console apart or a plug and play?

Plug and play pretty much since changing the hard drive is a feature from the release date. The only tool you need is a Philips screwdriver. Just check the PS3 HDD Upgrade thread, I created instructions on how to back up the old HDD and how to restore the data onto the new hard drive. It covers both slims and fat PS3's.
I have a question and sorry if it's noob but: If I now upgrade to a SSD, will I be able to move my save game and all files directly over to the new drive??

EDIT: sorry I did a search and it found the answer.

I have been searching for this answer as well, but couldn't find it. So, can you keep your save game or do you have to start again? Thanks!