Super GT TV coverage??

  • Thread starter paoloevans
United Kingdom
Fareham, UK
Have been advised to ask this question here. Does anyone know if any TV channel in the UK covers the Super GT series? Would love to know!! :)
The only SuperGT full race coverage I've seen have been on Japanese TV with Japanese commentary, and I'm not entirely sure what channel it was on. J Sports probably, as it is an official SuperGT partner.

Havn't come across any other race coverages. Well, obviously the GTtv race summaries.
Ok well I had hoped there would be some hope for getting it in the united states but I guess not. Is there any way to stream it over the internet? Even perhaps through a proxy server?
Motors TV (Sky 413) showed some races (or at least Highlights) last year.. but it's not on their website at the moment - I wouldn't hold out much hope to be honest.
This is the one major series that gets the least amount of coverage outside of Japan. If only it wasn't that way. Even D1GP gets aired here as highlights.
Probably not allowed to share links here, which is silly since linking to YouTube videos is allowed on this forum and this is technically just as illegal. Anyways, I would check sites like ustream and justin tv for streams when the races are on.... or Google "Super GT stream" and you'll find other people asking the same question and some decent answers. It's hard to find, but it's out there. It's too bad they don't show it on TV... there's a market here in the West, and this thread just proves it... it's hard to be a fan and show support out here...
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