LG Calls For US PS3 Ban ..

Doing this would cause LG to fall as a company.

Please follow:

LG manages to ban the PS3 but because of that, all Sony and Microsoft fanboys will go crazy. Sony fanboys will go crazy because they want Playstation. Microsoft fanboys will go crazy because they won't have any competition and no one to talk smack to. Nintendo fanboys will continue playing their Wiis. Sony and Microsoft fanboys will unite and take down LG by going to all electronic stores and smashing anything made by LG, including their dishwashers and washing machines. All the electronic store owners will realize that all LG products are a taboo and will never sell them ever again. While that is happening, all the ninja fanboys will sneak into the LG offices at night and destroy everything with airsoft guns and airsoft flamethrowers(if they exist) because they spend all their money on games and beer and have to settle with cheaper guns which just happen to be airsoft guns. LG will surrender and the president will go into hiding and never come back out unless he needs to use the restroom. Sony Playstation is back in the United States and everyone is happy. The Sony and Microsoft fanboys must split up in order to talk smack about each other again. All the ninja fanboys will become real ninjas and earn enough money to finally buy what they really wanted, guns(biceps) because they will join a gym.

In the end, fanboys will save the PS3.

The End.
2) Ebay prohibits selling illegal items, which is what the PS3 would be if LG were to win.

You can buy all kinds of copyright, trade mark and patent infringement items on Ebay. I bought a holographic sight that is an EOTech 552 clone and actually even says EOTech on it. You could never sell that retail in North America yet I can buy it off Ebay from Hong Kong so again it`s irrelevant to me what LG thinks.
You can buy all kinds of copyright, trade mark and patent infringement items on Ebay. I bought a holographic sight that is an EOTech 552 clone and actually even says EOTech on it. You could never sell that retail in North America yet I can buy it off Ebay from Hong Kong so again it`s irrelevant to me what LG thinks.

It's still against Ebay's policy, the fact Ebay doesn't enforce their own policies is a different discussion.
Sony- Make Believe (That Playstation profits will rise in Europe now)
LG- Lifes Good (Now that you made it tough and costly for people to get a product that you don't even compete with)
TBH I never liked sony, theyre overpriced and not that great.

But to destory would could equate to almost a million ps3s is rediculous.
Sony- Make Believe (That Playstation profits will rise in Europe now)
LG- Lifes Good (Now that you made it tough and costly for people to get a product that you don't even compete with)

Sony's Slogan thing is actually said "Make Dot Believe"
Sony- Make Believe (That Playstation profits will rise in Europe now)
LG- Lifes Good (Now that you made it tough and costly for people to get a product that you don't even compete with)

its sonys fault for suing them to get some money and a market share for phones.
Not really a GT5 matter but it seems Sony shot themselves in the foot there. I wonder where those seized PS3's will be disposed? If it goes to my local landfill I'll take the lot!
Good thing i live in America. Cant buy no more PS3 games in europe soon too probably. Cant juts buy USA games either. Wont work on Pal systems. Cant buy a USA ps3 to work in europe either because different electricity. Unless you rig it
If anyone can move the thread to an appropriate place instead of GT5 i would be more than happy. Sorry i put it with GT5 threads
Good thing i live in America. Cant buy no more PS3 games in europe soon too probably. Cant juts buy USA games either. Wont work on Pal systems. Cant buy a USA ps3 to work in europe either because different electricity. Unless you rig it

at minimúm 2 weeks of stock plus second hand...

this aint 2012, no need to panic
Neither party will let it go on for more than a day or two. Whatever the legal dispute, there is too much money at stake. A settlement will be reached out of court, and the lawsuits will go away.
Wonder if we're going to fight the south Koreans next...

So PS3's have been made for, what, 5 years now? And just last year, LG decided to be protective. Hmph.

It's a stupid complaint. I see no one has decided to fight M$ for DVD rights...yet.

LG=little crying toddler that believes they should get what they want
Sony=Mature teenager

Peope these days...always fighting over something stupid :grumpy:.
Good thing i live in America. Cant buy no more PS3 games in europe soon too probably. Cant juts buy USA games either. Wont work on Pal systems. Cant buy a USA ps3 to work in europe either because different electricity. Unless you rig it

You have no idea what you are talking about.
First: You exaggerate
Second: PS3 games are region free.
Third: The PS3 has a universal PSU, you only need the right cable.
LG no control over games so why would sony stop importing games for ps3s that are already in europe (6 million ps3s aprx.)
Korean Chinese. Whats the difference. Now Samsung is another Korean Brand and Panasonic is Japan. Japan and USA brands are always best -Opinion
Good thing i live in America. Cant buy no more PS3 games in europe soon too probably. Cant juts buy USA games either. Wont work on Pal systems. Cant buy a USA ps3 to work in europe either because different electricity. Unless you rig it

Incorrect. PS3 games are region free. I've got Japanese games that I've imported that work on my UK PS3.

I wonder if it's worth snapping up the last few PS3's in stores, then eBaying them for a profit? 💡