LG Calls For US PS3 Ban ..

Incorrect. PS3 games are region free. I've got Japanese games that I've imported that work on my UK PS3.

I wonder if it's worth snapping up the last few PS3's in stores, then eBaying them for a profit? đź’ˇ

Look in the dumpsters behind the store next week lol
This does have some relevance to GT5 as there seems to be a number of consoles dying, which I suspect is due to the extreme usage the game encourages gamers to subject their machines to. It is probably that, with the inferior "build" quality, that has caused GT5 to hasten the demise of older PS3's.

To correct an earlier misconception, an American PS3 will run on UK voltage as I have been using one since my UK machine had the YLOD (fortunately before GT5 was released).
So PS3's have been made for, what, 5 years now? And just last year, LG decided to be protective. Hmph.

It's a stupid complaint. I see no one has decided to fight M$ for DVD rights...yet.

LG=little crying toddler that believes they should get what they want
Sony=Mature teenager
You know, if you had actually read the news article, you would know that this is just another stage of an ongoing patent war between LG and Sony. A patent war that Sony started.

But, hey, feel free to continue spreading those silly generalizations.

And there is already a thread about this. Two, actually.
People in suits ruin everything.

This won't last though, a settlement will be reached out of court, LG isn't going to risk the fanboy wrath that would follow.
All PS3 consoles are being seized by customs as they enter Europe after LG won it's court request to prevent the sale of the Sony console.
There is approximately upto 2 weeks worth of consoles left in stock in Europe for the public to legitimately buy from retailers who already have them.
10's of thousands of PS3 have already been confiscated.
I expect ebay to do a roaring trade in secret plain paper wrapped PS3 deliveries imported from other countries.
If you need a PS3, get one now.
You have all been trolled, and by not a very good troll at that.

How is this relevant at all?

But eh... seems like more greedy people doing greedy-people things. Sony and LG both need to start acting straight before they start looking like EA or MS.
I am so infuriated at both companies for they way they handled the situation. There's no reason to do this, it seem as if they were in for the money, not for actual infringement and the behaviors of both companies are incredibly childish.

Because of them, Sony fans and LD fans will suffer. As a punishment for Sony, I'll be going back to my Wii for awhile, at least Nintendo doesn't pull off bogus lawsuits against a person/company without at least it being valid.

(Yes I acknowledge that I made a post that favors Sony more in the other thread, screw that one, I consider it invalid)
I am so infuriated at both companies for they way they handled the situation. There's no reason to do this, it seem as if they were in for the money, not for actual infringement and the behaviors of both companies are incredibly childish.

Because of them, Sony fans and LD fans will suffer. As a punishment for Sony, I'll be going back to my Wii for awhile, at least Nintendo doesn't pull off bogus lawsuits against a person/company without at least it being valid.

(Yes I acknowledge that I made a post that favors Sony more in the other thread, screw that one, I consider it invalid)

Nintendo has screwed it's fans over much more throughly than Sony or LG ever has (so far)..

Being loyal to a brand is pretty much like being loyal to a girl, they're both going to make you feel like a moron for trusting them..
I guess for SCEE it's...
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Don't know if anyone knows this but there has been longstanding animosity between Japanese and Korean companies and cultures.

The lawsuits are par for the course. The problem here is that LG's suit is on very shaky ground and Sony's isn't although I agree with other posts that due to the money at stake Sony may make the strategic move to resolve this privately. OTOH that all depends on how much money is at stake in the much more lucrative wireless market. TBH Sony makes very little margin on Bravias and PS3's.
One thread moved, one thread closed and three threads merged. Please, use the correct section and do a search before starting new threads, peoples.
This smells a lot like the Bleem! lawsuit.

In that one Sony sued Bleem for copyright infringement then bought them out once the lawsuit was finished. I have a feeling that this is going to end the same way.

Sony: LG stole our phone technology

LG: Well, Sony stole our Blu-ray and TV technology

Sony: Well...how does about $10 million and a portion of all our sales sound?

LG: Sounds like you got yourself a deal.

EDIT: Also...if Sony infringed on LG copyrights...why are they suing only Sony America? I mean all that technology would have come from Sony itself...in Japan. Just another reason for Sony to buy out LG.
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I have a 42in LG tv. That I play my 360 on :sly:

I wonder could there really be a mass panic to buy up PS3s or is this all just hot air.
I have a 42in LG tv. That I play my 360 on :sly:

I wonder could there really be a mass panic to buy up PS3s or is this all just hot air.

Kinda hoping there is a mass panic to buy ps3's... I'm going travelling and wouldn't mind if someone offered me an excessive amount for my ps3...
Good thing i live in America. Cant buy no more PS3 games in europe soon too probably. Cant juts buy USA games either. Wont work on Pal systems. Cant buy a USA ps3 to work in europe either because different electricity. Unless you rig it

PS3 games aren't region locked. Any region PS3 can play any region games.