Free Special Suit Chain

  • Thread starter Chopper_P
This is the place to come to for a free Special suit (Jeff Gordon)- Everybody must end up with one, so don't be afraid to ask:tup:
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In stead of Chopper_P sending to all the 1000 people he traded with.
We should make a little chain.....for everybody to enjoy.
Great - I do the 1.11 patch atm... 62 MB take not too long even with my poor interwebz.

Holidays... Well, I got a heavy ribs contusion (accident at a go-kart indoor track). Took pictures of the real Berner Marktgasse.. ;)
I'll send 5 out to anyone who wants them, then they can forward them on to somebody else.
Thanks Chopper_P! Your the best.

I'll also send out 5 to anybody interested in.

Long live free virtual stuff :)
Yeah the reload to send out again is a pain I would say.....
But if you just send 1, the ball will start moving...and hopefully that will not stop.
Monatsende yours is sent aswell:tup:
I am going to have a sleep, early start tommorrow but a few people have the suit now so should be alright:tup:
If one of you guys on my list could forward my way it would be appreciated 👍 I'm working at the minute but will be happy to forward onto people later, :cheers:
Igwyana, if you haven't received one in the end of the day (doubtful) I will send you one.

I'm also at work....
Monatsende yours is sent aswell:tup:
I am going to have a sleep, early start tommorrow but a few people have the suit now so should be alright:tup:

Good night mate, thanks for setting this up!
If I can get one, that would be perfect ... I will send it to other guys too.
Many thanks in advance.
Holidays... Well, I got a heavy ribs contusion (accident at a go-kart indoor track). Took pictures of the real Berner Marktgasse.. ;)

You cannot do the same tricks as you do with GT5....

Good luck with the pain, can take half a year to get rid of it.....