This is stupid


help me im banned
Lost savedata, had backup, backup doesn't work, 5 million credits, X2010, A-Spec level 33, B-Spec level 28, multiple cool cars, Jaguar XLM thing, all gone down the toilet.

Oh well. I'm starting over.
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Calm down, it's not as if GT5 has just kicked your dog, it's just a game.

All might not be lost though. I bought a new PS3 installed GT5, deleted the save data that it had automatically added and replaced it with my own... My save file didn't work.

I had to install the game again and replace the save data with my own file. I'm not sure what has caused your problem, but I thought I'd add what I had to do incase it helps.
When you get going again, buy a memory stick if you haven't already and save to that periodically. Unless this is what you meant by the backup that failed as well?
That is bad.

If they had some support you would think they would be able to take a copy of your backup & fix it especially as many of the details of your cars & progress in the game are synchronised with the online website.

Just a thought. I don't know if anyone has ever tried to contact PD in this regard?
Happened to me twice... I know that feel bro. First was a corruption with no back-up. Second was my PS3 dieing and I had not backed my game since level 25, I got to 37... ugh.
I think i should invest in PSN plus, to get my save into the cloud. I don't want to lose my 1100 cars, and miles put into this game.
When you get going again, buy a memory stick if you haven't already and save to that periodically. Unless this is what you meant by the backup that failed as well?

Nope, had it on a USB
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Nope, had it on a USB

Ouch... I have mine backed up same way, in hope that it was therefore save should the worse happen...

As others have said though, it is only a game. whilst progress forward is always good and this is one major step backwards, find a way of returning the fun to the game whilst you catch up. Limit spending or something?
Ouch... I have mine backed up same way, in hope that it was therefore save should the worse happen...

As others have said though, it is only a game. whilst progress forward is always good and this is one major step backwards, find a way of returning the fun to the game whilst you catch up. Limit spending or something?

I think i'll still have fun, it is indeed quite a step backward...
Well, I'm sorry to hear that. :nervous:

But on the bright side, you can make it a challenge to get back up there again.

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Just received your FR and very sad to hear this. I read about similar problems here. Not sure, but someone was able to recover erasing all the game, reinstalling and applying save data.

Search for more details.
Also corrupted.

So, you backup'd a corrupted gamesave? :confused:

Well, that sucks. But if you are really that GT5 addicted, then you should have thought about the worst case scenario before.


Backup your gamesave on the PC (or better on a external device, another USB stick f.e.) & put them all in folders, sorted by date. That's what I do, a nice gamesave library. :D:tup:
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Backup your gamesave on the PC (or better on a external device, another USB stick f.e.) & put them all in folders, sorted by date. That's what I do, a nice gamesave library. :D:tup:
Reading our mate's OP I did it in my paints. Just copied my 3 saves to another support, for redundancy...
A friendly reminder:

OP, there are far worse things in life, but enjoy your new restart, it's actually refreshing, you can rediscover the game, and older events. luckily, you can get back to speed in far less time than we did 6 months ago.

Thats a nice topic 👍

There is one downside and some minor upsides, downside ofcourse losing everything i have except for photo's and tracks (which will be lost later due to borrow glitch, if still possible, but having a fresh start is also cool, and now I'm able to make a online garage!
Happened to me twice... I know that feel bro. First was a corruption with no back-up. Second was my PS3 dieing and I had not backed my game since level 25, I got to 37... ugh.

In the same boat here, unfortunately I hadn't done a back-up in too long. I hope they can fix it so I can transfer tooooo many hours to my new, quieter slim 320. (Bummer because I just put a 500Gb HDD in my phat!)
The real sad part is my copy of GT% is stuck in my PS3 phat and I forgot my password for PSN. I will, but don't really want to start again! Damn password remembering software, haven't had to enter it for so long I forgot. :(
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if u have a look at my garage i'll send anything tradable u want on there feree of charge, nearly had a fit when my ps3 stopped booting up gt5 for a while, backed up save and reset ps3 and thankfully worked.

to those who say "its just a game", just get out of this forum now, you 🤬

its more than most games, fair enough with a FPS, if you loose your save, justy start rankin up again, but when u have hundreds of rare and coll cars built up and over 800 in game days of progress, it like someone just came along and smashed your tv :(