Sony studios start PS4 projects. Is PD one of them?

  • Thread starter xxDingerxx

So, with the next generation looming ever nearer, its almost certain that internal studios have began work on a new platform. Do you think that PD could be one of the earlier adopters and if so, is GT6 their next project?

My guessing is yes. With GT5 now getting DLC, its becoming more likely that this could be the only GT this gen. Kaz also said early in development that memory was a major issue, I wouldn't count out some pre-planning for a future title based on this.

Do you think this will happen?. Do you think premiums are good enough for the next gen, if so, anything else transferable?

More to the point though, what would you really like to see?

(Sorry if already posted)
I think that we might get 1 more game out of the PS3 before we got to PS4. Hopefully.
GT5 is one of the big hitters in their armoury of games that are designed to directly challenge the xbx and its range. So I'm sure PD will be one of the studios involved.

I think... the premiums were made so that they can be used on the next game, which'll be brilliant. I reckon the made for GT5 tracks will work as well (as opposed to upgraded GT4).

Hopefully they'll try out features and ideas on GT5 and not screw around with a prologue.
Everything in GT6 needs to be modeled in 3D (no no the #D that comes out of your screen). I mean no 2D trees, crappy track rendering, screen tearing, drop in frame rate kind of stuff. Fix that and then focus on gameplay and other visuals.
GT5 is one of the big hitters in their armoury of games that are designed to directly challenge the xbx and its range. So I'm sure PD will be one of the studios involved.

I think... the premiums were made so that they can be used on the next game, which'll be brilliant. I reckon the made for GT5 tracks will work as well (as opposed to upgraded GT4).

Hopefully they'll try out features and ideas on GT5 and not screw around with a prologue.

Couldn't agree more on this, and Devedander, before you come in here to tell us that they could use models, which are modeled part by part=this is totally rediculous, that-is-not-going-to-happen. Period.

More on topic: Yes, I am sure they do already work on GT6 for the PS4 and this time I truly believe they can release it with the PS4 day one, why?

They only have to concentrate with a small team on GT5 bug fixes, little updates, little DLC's as a few cars and tracks from GT4.

Another bigger team could and probably will work/is working on a GTVita for 1.5-2 years.

By the end of 2013, at the latest, all of them would abandon the projects GT5 and GTVita and fully concentrate on GT6 for the PS4, as the PS4 is rumoured not to hit the shelfes before 2014. By that time the game would be already in an alpha state at least and much content would be there already (all premium cars and tracks from GT5 and all others, which have been created by that time.)

Everything in GT6 needs to be modeled in 3D (no no the #D that comes out of your screen). I mean no 2D trees, crappy track rendering, screen tearing, drop in frame rate kind of stuff. Fix that and then focus on gameplay and other visuals.

On this I agree also.
GT5 is one of the big hitters in their armoury of games that are designed to directly challenge the xbx and its range. So I'm sure PD will be one of the studios involved.

I think... the premiums were made so that they can be used on the next game, which'll be brilliant. I reckon the made for GT5 tracks will work as well (as opposed to upgraded GT4).

Hopefully they'll try out features and ideas on GT5 and not screw around with a prologue

Thats along the same lines I was thinking. Everything that has been added to GT5 recently in patches are definitely things that are transferable to a next gen title.

Premiums I think will stay (PD could have higher LOD's locked away). The newer developed tracks have all the modelling they need, its only textures and the 2D items that really need replacement (trees/spectators to polygons, grass textures to shaders).

Spa really showed how close PD can get to photorealism. Its only the previously mentioned (and AA) that showed it as a game
I would like to discus this further but I'm too busy getting drunk.

I'd say that as GT is a console selling title and PD are a Sony subsidiary it could be likely that GT6 is a PS4 release title.

Will be back to read more speculation when I've found a groove.
I think it's a no brainer to assume PD are working towards GT on PS4. Kaz is on the Sony board and SCE has endeavoured to communicate with internal developers on how they would like to see the PS4 architecture and development environment evolve.

I'm sure Kaz's requirements will be a major factor in how the PS4 performs. There's no better game to test a new console.
Personally, I'd hope for GT6 before then, but it could make sense. Providing PD can deliver the full on GT6 experience for PS4's launch, and not just a prologue version shortly after.
The PS3 and X360 were both designed to be 10 year platforms. I know Sony took a huge loss on the project and still are. They didn't start making profit until sometime in 2009 or 2010, 3-4 years after it was released. But the problem is that they have ran into developers like PD who can max out the system years before a new one is ready for production. They really do not want to have to put out a new system 6 years later and someone like PD really does not want to have to use the same platform to turn out another game right at the end cycle of the PS3.

I could see us getting massive updates down the road to add onto the game and further develop it. Kaz did say that the car modeling and design engines that they used will be the same for GT6. But I really don't think we would get GT6 until 2017-2018 if we are lucky. PD does not like doing a cookie cutter game as we've all seen. I could also see us getting some sort of add-on system update that would make the processing system stronger.

The only way I see it anytime sooner is if either Microsoft or Sony is forced to jump early. If one system goes new then the other will. Look at what Nintendo did to both of them. They had to design motion based gaming over night. Also everyone will have to figure out what the next big thing will be they're pushing 3D, they're pushing holograms, and it could even be full virtual reality.
But I really don't think we would get GT6 until 2017-2018 if we are lucky.

I don't think my liver will last that long! :(

Anyway, I like your thinking about the matter. It really makes sense.

If PD are pushing the PS3's limits with '5 then there's no chance that they'll release '6 before the PS4 which, as you mentioned, won't be around for a while due to PS3s still being very alive and the only way that will be untrue is if another (say....Microsoft) release a rival equivalent.

Saying that, my PS2s, all four over the course of their last year, seemed to have had a built in expiry date aligning perfectly with the price drop mark of the PS3. I'm sure it was my misfortune but it did strike me as odd.
IMO Hardware wasn't GT5's problem, overall game design. It really felt like PD was stuck in the 90's with game structure. On top of that trying to do too much that was insignificant. They are in need of new leadership and focus more on the millions of fans that made them what they are today. Not shove whatever they want down our throats. I'm 33 now and started when i was 19 with GT1, The GT1 tracks are tired and old and I would not have forced them into GT5 with much better roads less travels out there to make a track list.

GT6 just needs to listen to fans all over the world and build a game less focused on modeling cars then building a game around the car models.
I think... the premiums were made so that they can be used on the next game, which'll be brilliant. I reckon the made for GT5 tracks will work as well (as opposed to upgraded GT4).

Kaz said the Premium cars were modeled to be future proof.
I'm 33 now and started when i was 19 with GT1, The GT1 tracks are tired and old and I would not have forced them into GT5 with much better roads less travels out there to make a track list.

Maybe you missed all the threads calling for the return of some of the, in a lot of our opinions, most awesome tracks in the series.

I dop understand what you mean by PD following the trends rather than doing what they do best which is set them. The whole XP level thing was a big lose of focus on their part if you ask me. I think they should go back to grass routes and do what they do best. Game / sim racing at it's finest.

The PS4 will, hopefully, open all kinds of new dimensions for a game and dev team of the calibre of PD. What they need to do, in my view, is get out of the rut of casual gamers and take a leaf out of iRacing's book and appeal to the core fans while allowing the option for things to be toned down for the new-comers to the series by, at the point PS4 is mainstream, there should be few.
Given that Yamauchi-san said we won't have to wait as long for GT6 as we did for GT5, I foresee GT6 coming out on the PS3 a few years before the PS4, giving (hopefully) PD plenty of time to work on GT7, which would lead out the PS4 like GT5 was supposed to lead out the PS3.
Since this is Prelimanery (which means they are probably shouting ideas)so of course PD are one of them .They are responsible for the Racing Genre
Without a doubt Sony will be working on PS4's system architechture relying heavily on the demands of PS3's GT5. Since we learned that there will be numerous DLC's in the future is enough to tell us they won't bother with 6 on PS3, and frankly I think it would not sell well, because most of the millions of buyers are just playing casually and don't care for another GT, plus the system is maxed out anyway, so it's pointless.

I think PS4 is actually not as far away as some think, the big thing that is haunting Sony is Microsoft, which we know was disaster in terms of initial sales, since Xbox was out an entire year earlier selling by the ton. I'm certain Sony is currently pushing REALLY hard to get their console together within the next 1.5-2 years max so they're ready for the next big console war. Sony is not gonna repeat this and they know how successful the PS2 launch was, which was only 6 years after PS1, while Microsoft were still tinkering around on the Xbox.

Also, since Gran Turismo has a huge following of older guys (maybe a couple girls too), it's safe to say Sony will release the PS4 with GT6, because naturally older people will have the funds to spend on those higher launch prices. If they can't, they have to release it within the first year, or they'll repeat the same dissapointment of promising GT5 at launch, which I hope they have learned from.

This relationship is so awsome for PD, because this time around PD is getting a true shot at working with the new system specs, which should lead to the game running buttery smooth with it's tremendous graphics.
I think PS4 won't release before 3yrs for sure. So there is still lot of time to make another game on PS3. They could just keep updating the game and add DLC or just make a prologue version of GT6 on PS3
I would honestly be happier just getting updates for GT5 if they actually update GT Life. I'm willing to drop $12 a month on updates if they're worth it.

Another big issue is the fact that a lot of people still use the PS2 and there are still games being produced for it. They really need to kill off the PS2 and the PSP before the PS4 comes out to make it worth their while. Having 5 systems battling each other in the markets is a very bad move.

The other issue is how much the new system will cost. It's probably going to have a $1,200 value and with the financial issues of today they wouldn't be able to sell it for more than $500 on a good day.

Like I said I know they're going to get pushed to put a new system sooner than later, it just may not be a good thing. I can see Xbox breaking out the 720 and forcing Sony's hand.

As for GT6, we all know that Kaz would love unlimited time to build what he wants. I would love to see what his ultimate creation would look like.
I think that GT5 will be the only title on the PS3. The only thing they can do is improve the game by adding more tracks/cars and tweaking small things. We have already seen and Kaz had said himself that he and the team may have gone too far with the graphics in GT5.

This is pretty obvious as the game has some pretty big visual flaws like the shadows and smoke effects. What more could GT6 on the PS3 bring aside from more cars and tracks? Each game is usually a huge leap in terms of graphics and that's not going to happen.

All I hope for is more Premium tracks and more cars, I would like them to convert some standard cars into premiums but I doubt that would happen. We know that more DLC is coming and I'm sure it will impress us 👍

As for GT6 on the PS4, I can only imagine how insane that will be :D
We're at max 2 years away from next gen consoles. PS3 has been out for 5 years. We got a PS3 in the seventh year of the ps2. It follows on accordingly.

I just hope that Sony don't skimp on ram again this time. They should have beefed it up when developing the ps3 but chose to reduce costs.

I also expect all ps4 games to be playable on ps3's but at lower res. Nothing will change in the guts except larger processors and upgraded graphics. They took the hit on the Cell in the ps3 but should make profit from day one on the ps4.

So really we will get another GT on PS3, but it will be a PS4 launch title along with Uncharted 4.
I think that GT5 will be the only title on the PS3. The only thing they can do is improve the game by adding more tracks/cars and tweaking small things. We have already seen and Kaz had said himself that he and the team may have gone too far with the graphics in GT5.

This is pretty obvious as the game has some pretty big visual flaws like the shadows and smoke effects. What more could GT6 on the PS3 bring aside from more cars and tracks? Each game is usually a huge leap in terms of graphics and that's not going to happen.

All I hope for is more Premium tracks and more cars, I would like them to convert some standard cars into premiums but I doubt that would happen. We know that more DLC is coming and I'm sure it will impress us 👍

As for GT6 on the PS4, I can only imagine how insane that will be :D

No I don't think so ... they can polish the graphics and improve sounds, AI, physics for sure. Some tracks look great but some are taken from GT4 and just upscaled so they can also be improved. There is definitely room for improvement.

So it is just matter of what they are thinking? To make a game or just do DLC and hopefully lot of updates as well
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Let´s look at history abit.

GT1 - PS1
GT2 - PS1

GT3 - PS2
GT4 - PS2

GT5 - PS3
GT6 - I think it´s safe to say it will be a facelift of GT5 and made for PS3.

GT7 - PS4 Graphics so real your jaw will stay permanently on the floor.

Until GT9 arrives that is ;)
I think the PS4 will come out a year after the next Xbox which all rumours are pointing to an E3 2013 reveal. As for GT6 on PS3... I think not a chance despite the pattern so far. They can't even deliver decent new cars for GT5 DLC let alone create a whole new game with such a short lifespan left.
I think the PS4 will come out a year after the next Xbox which all rumours are pointing to an E3 2013 reveal. As for GT6 on PS3... I think not a chance despite the pattern so far. They can't even deliver decent new cars for GT5 DLC let alone create a whole new game with such a short lifespan left.

They will probably release a GT6 prologue or something or at least make the PS4 - PS3 compatible
GT5 took so long to make because they totally had to re-do the entire engine, GT6 won't take near as long because it will probably run off of GT5's engine.

These are just estimations done by me, don't get excited:

GT5: 5 years in development (New engine for everything)
GT6: 2 1/2 years in development, estimated by me (Runs off of GT5's engine)

Kaz said he didn't know if GT6 will be on PS3 or PS4, but that was when people thought the PS4 would be released in 2012. :dunce: Logically, GT6 will probably be on PS3. (Taking into account tradition, development time, etc.)