Interest Check: 2.4 Hour Mixed Class Enduro - Mar 25

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GTP Race Admin
Staff Emeritus
United States



Interest Check - 2.4 Hour Mixed Class Enduro


:: Only Open to Qualified GTP_Registered Members ::

:: Members are not obligated to take part ::

March 25, 2012

Option 1: 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern / 18:00 GMT
Option 2: 01:00 PM Pacific / 4:00 PM Eastern / 20:00 GMT
(times are tentative)


Please fill out the following survey.

Stewards Comments:

For the next special event the admins are considering a 2.4 Hour Mixed Class Enduro race. This thread is to gauge interest and confirm availability of drivers for the proposed time slot. We'd appreciate your feedback via the survey whether or not you can make the actual race. E.g. If you have a conflict, but would otherwise be interested in this event on a different date. If the time slot doesn't work for you, but you would be interested at a different time. If you are just not interested in a race of this length or with these cars or this track, etc.


Each class will consist of a single car model to eliminate the need to equalize the specs. The LMP car will be targeted at more advanced drivers and will be a challenge to control for a 2.4 hour race. Drivers may select either class, but LMP cars will require a baseline performance level to qualify. Drivers can attempt to qualify for both classes and can get on the reserve list for LMP and active list for GT for example.

The race will be grueling at 2.4 hours in length and drivers that register will need to commit to completing the event. Running an enduro with a small grid is not our goal. We want to run this event with mics enabled as we feel this length of a race will benefit highly from their use. This may limit the field to under 16 and we'll do some testing to determine the correct number. We may also investigate alternate voice channels such as team speak in order to run a 16 car grid, but it all depends on the interest level and grid size. We hope to register a full grid plus some reserves to fill the grid in case of last minute cancels. We plan to offer a shorter event run simultaneously for any drivers on the reserve grid if they don't get into the Enduro. A race with the same track/cars so you can benefit from the practice, but shorter in duration and starting about thirty minutes after the full enduro.

We've run all our previous special events on Saturday, but we're planning to run this event on Sunday because several of the admins have conflicts on Saturdays in March. If response heavily favors Saturday we're open to reconsider that decision. Feel free to add any other comments. There is a field on the form for comments or better yet, you can reply to this thread with your thoughts, suggestions or questions. We plan to create an official event thread in the next week or so depending on the response.

Thank You, OLR Team:gtplanet:
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Sounds awesome. 👍 I put my availability at 90%, only because I'll be the only parent in the house that day.
You know I'm in.... been testing it all darn week :D
Another great idea from the OLR team 👍

I'm certainly interested, but I will know for sure if I can be there only a week or so before the event. Can we know already what the precise criteria will be for allowing a driver to use the LMP car?
Another great idea from the OLR team 👍

I'm certainly interested, but I will know for sure if I can be there only a week or so before the event. Can we know already what the precise criteria will be for allowing a driver to use the LMP car?

Thanks Daniel 👍

We haven't worked out the time threshold for the LMP qualifying yet though.
The cars were only settled on a couple of days ago, and we will need to have a few more drivers give the LMP a try. It's a very ticky car to get used to, but with practice it really is a blast.

The 'Vette on the other hand is very manageable and it really is very fast at these specs.
I'm guessing 2.4 hrs means a full day/night cycle, and Spa means we have some regular Spa unpredictable weather too? Sounds awesome.

Just need to buy the track now...
I'm guessing 2.4 hrs means a full day/night cycle, and Spa means we have some regular Spa unpredictable weather too? Sounds awesome.

Just need to buy the track now...

Nope :D
It's a 2.4 hr afternoon race with sunny skies 👍

We want this to be more about the race than the game features. (Edit: FYI - Spa doesn't have a time change feature)
Besides, Spa is gorgeous, I can't imagine it raining there :lol:
But we retain the right to change our minds whenever we see fit :sly:
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OOOohhhhh - I long for the day when I can run these events. Not long now hopefully, but not in time for this event. Great idea guys 👍
I'm guessing 2.4 hrs means a full day/night cycle, and Spa means we have some regular Spa unpredictable weather too? Sounds awesome.

Just need to buy the track now...

What Hydro said, but if this enduro is a success we may just attempt one at a later date with a day/night cycle (La Sarthe). I don't believe Spa has the day/night option anyway... just weather and we really don't want to run these LMP cars in the rain. :crazy:

We are going hard core to some extent with Racing Hard tires and full power so I think drivers will find the challenge sufficient. :dopey: A twist or two we are going to throw in as well... stay tuned.
Nope :D
It's a 2.4 hr afternoon race with sunny skies 👍

We want this to be more about the race than the game features. (Edit: FYI - Spa doesn't have a time change feature)
Besides, Spa is gorgeous, I can't imagine it raining there :lol:
But we retain the right to change our minds whenever we see fit :sly:

Doesn't have day/night?? :grumpy::grumpy::grumpy:

A twist or two we are going to throw in as well... stay tuned.

I've been racking my brains for 5 mins thinking what it could be... driving me mad.

Do you guys have a tentative date for when the tentative date for the event will be finalized? I work weekends, and though I can book days off, I need to let them know a couple of weeks in advance.
Do you guys have a tentative date for when the tentative date for the event will be finalized? I work weekends, and though I can book days off, I need to let them know a couple of weeks in advance.

If we can get enough interested drivers (12+) at the proposed time slot the date/time will stay where it is. I suspect we'll know by the end of this upcoming weekend which should give you about 3 weeks notice.

Note: we've got an estimated 5.3 drivers already if you include probabilities from the results of the survey so far and the threads only been up for a few hours. Would be really nice to field a full grid of 16 for this one.
Definitely interested, as long as it's at a reasonable time. Will be looking to take part in one of my favourite cars, the Peugeot. I just love driving it on the edge with the DS3, and on Spa? Damn you guys are spoiling me here :sly:
Definitely interested, as long as it's at a reasonable time. Will be looking to take part in one of my favourite cars, the Peugeot. I just love driving it on the edge with the DS3, and on Spa? Damn you guys are spoiling me here :sly:

The prefered/proposed time is listed above: 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern / 18:00 GMT. Is that considered reasonable? We're not 100% this will be the final time (pending this interest check), but if we get enough interest at this time slot that's what we're going with.

If drivers can't make this time you are welcome to propose some times that work for you by posting on this thread. We aren't likely to move it very far unless we can't fill the grid, but it's always good to get feedback and understand when people are available.
Very interested in this. I can't make the proposed timeslot though.
As I mentioned in the survey comments box, I'm limited for racing between 20:00 GMT and 00:00 GMT :grumpy:
Count me in aswell, timeslot is ok for me, as answered in the survey, but i would also run the event on another timeslot on a different day......

I think this would be a very nice challenge, (even when using the GT) it would be a good preperation for some kind of 24hr event......;)
Very interested in this. I can't make the proposed timeslot though.
As I mentioned in the survey comments box, I'm limited for racing between 20:00 GMT and 00:00 GMT :grumpy:

20:00 GMT on Sunday could be viable for race start and we can consider. 22:00 is too late though, especially on Sunday, given this is a very long event.

There will be no quali on race day so we at least save that time.

Anyway those of you who responded so far does 20:00 GMT change your availability? Better or worse? I think given DST that's 1:00 PM pacific.
Wow what an awesome event! What really sucks though is shift work! I am working on the 25th :irked: enjoy guys!

I'd be interested, though 8pm would be better for me as well. 6pm is too busy in my house, walking the dogs, cooking/eating dinner all around that time.

I'd also need to buy Spa, this seems a good reason to.
I'd be interested, though 8pm would be better for me as well. 6pm is too busy in my house, walking the dogs, cooking/eating dinner all around that time.

I'd also need to buy Spa, this seems a good reason to.

You don't need to buy Spa to be able to race on it. As long as the host has Spa, then you can enter the room. As for practice, I have Spa as my default track in my Lounge so you can send me a FR if you don't plan on buying Spa. 👍

This event looks great. I'm interested in mostly the LMP class. The time is great, and wouldn't mind moving it 2 hours either way. I'm 99% dedicated, since I don't know if something will pop up. I'll fill the survey out in a bit. 👍 Great work guys.
You don't need to buy Spa to be able to race on it. As long as the host has Spa, then you can enter the room. As for practice, I have Spa as my default track in my Lounge so you can send me a FR if you don't plan on buying Spa. 👍

This event looks great. I'm interested in mostly the LMP class. The time is great, and wouldn't mind moving it 2 hours either way. I'm 99% dedicated, since I don't know if something will pop up. I'll fill the survey out in a bit. 👍 Great work guys.

I have Spa so I wouldn't know, but I read somewhere that the availability of Spa online had been cut from players that didn't buy it.

Survey filled and submitted. I'm very interested. Shame I can never join the events that are held on week days (how I'd love to do today's event) but I'll only miss the "special" weekend events if it really is impossible for me to show up. 👍
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You don't need to buy Spa to be able to race on it. As long as the host has Spa, then you can enter the room. As for practice, I have Spa as my default track in my Lounge so you can send me a FR if you don't plan on buying Spa. 👍

This event looks great. I'm interested in mostly the LMP class. The time is great, and wouldn't mind moving it 2 hours either way. I'm 99% dedicated, since I don't know if something will pop up. I'll fill the survey out in a bit. 👍 Great work guys.

Sadly, that was true at first, but is no longer the case. You won't be allowed to enter the track unless you have the DLC. They did the same thing with the speed test pack. It was available to all for a few weeks and now it will deny you entry unless you have the DLC. I'm willing to test/verify this with the speed test pack as I haven't purchased that (yet) if someone wants to verify this limitation. Set up a lounge/lobby with the speed test pack and see if I can enter the track.

EDIT: I updated the survey to include a probability of making the alternate time slot (20:00 GMT). If you guys who already submitted don't mind re-submitting it will replace your original entry based on PSN_ID. Or just post to the thread here and I can update that one field in your previous entry. i.e. if you've already submitted the other data just post here your probability of being available for the 20:00 GMT time slot.
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Ah. I had read about that being the case for Route X. I didn't realise that was the case for Spa too. Apologies.

Survey filled out. 👍
Ah. I had read about that being the case for Route X. I didn't realise that was the case for Spa too. Apologies.

Survey filled out. 👍

Thanks. And your suggestion on the survey about splitting up the liveries for the Peugeot is one of the reason we picked that car over a few alternatives. That's absolutely the plan. The GT class car can be painted and numbers can be unique for drivers and we'll attempt to split the Peugot class. Once we have the official thread we'll have people pick one of the two liveries (or they can say they are flexible).

One thing tricky (in terms of equalizing the number per livery) is that we'll have qualifying for the LMP so it will be somewhat dynamic in terms of who will make the "A" room in the LMP class or even run a qualify that satisfies the requirements for that class until the qualifying deadline -- which is tentatively set for the Sunday prior to the event.

If several drivers have both liveries we can probably equalize it that way. Count me in that group -- assuming I make the cut of course. :sly:

UPDATE: We are already at an estimated 8.6 drivers for the primary time slot so looking good for this event to take place on the 25th. Question now will be which time slot to choose and we'll wait for those that already filled the survey to update their response before we decide. In any case the time will become final by this Sunday so all drivers have a full three week notice.
Updated. 90% for both timeslots. Probably more like 97%, but I didn't want to round up. Bought the Matmut Peugot (with the yellow bits) last night, and am not opposed to buying the other one too. Need to get another ZR1 as well, as my existing one has the full unremoveable Stage 3 engine upgrade.
Updated. 90% for both timeslots. Probably more like 97%, but I didn't want to round up. Bought the Matmut Peugot (with the yellow bits) last night, and am not opposed to buying the other one too. Need to get another ZR1 as well, as my existing one has the full unremoveable Stage 3 engine upgrade.

Good point. In case people start buying the car I'll post the specs before they install a non removable upgrade that's restricted by the regs. Note: these specs are not 100% final, but probably 95%. AS Lucas said, don't install the Engine Upgrades for the ZR1. Otherwise I think everything else is safe and/or can be removed.

Car Regulations
  • Class: LMP
  • Car Type: Premium (Available in New Car Dealership)
  • Make: Peugeot
  • Model: 908 HDi FAP '10 - Team Oreca Matmut or Team Peugeot Total
  • Performance Points: N/A
  • Power: 735 HP Maximum (735 HP = 100% Power)
  • Weight: 930 KG Minimum (930 KG = 0 KG Ballast)
  • Aero: Up to Max Aero Allowed
  • Chassis Reinforcement: Optional
  • Engine Stage Upgrades: N/A
  • ECU Tuning: N/A
  • Intake System: N/A
  • Exhaust: Titanium Racing Exhaust (Default)
  • Turbo Kits:: Not Allowed (Turbo is verifiable by checking for the turbo meter on the HUD)
  • Transmission: Fully Customizable Transmission (Default)
  • Drivetrain: Adjustable LSD Allowed (Default)
  • Suspension: Fully Customizable Kit Allowed (Default)
  • Brakes: Brake Balance Controller Allowed (Default)
  • Tires: Racing Hard
  • Tunes: Praiano | RKM Motorsport
  • Class: GT
  • Car Type: Premium (Available in New Car Dealership)
  • Make: Corvette
  • Model: Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 (C6) '09 - Race Modified
  • Performance Points: N/A
  • Power: 549 HP Maximum (549 HP = 70.0% Power with allowed upgrades)
  • Weight: 1100 KG Minimum (1100 KG = 0 KG Ballast)
  • Aero: Up to Max Aero Allowed
  • Chassis Reinforcement: Optional
  • Engine Stage Upgrades: Not Allowed (Engine upgrades are verifiable by checking the RPMs on the HUD)
  • ECU Tuning: Allowed (Add in Tuning Shop)
  • Intake System: All Allowed (Add in Tuning Shop)
  • Exhaust: All Allowed (Add in Tuning Shop)
  • Turbo Kits:: Not Allowed (Supercharger is verifiable by checking for the turbo meter on the HUD)
  • Transmission: Fully Customizable Transmission (Default)
  • Drivetrain: Adjustable LSD Allowed (Default)
  • Suspension: Fully Customizable Kit Allowed (Default)
  • Brakes: Brake Balance Controller Allowed (Default)
  • Tires: Racing Hard
  • Tunes: TBD
This event looks great. I'm interested in mostly the LMP class. The time is great, and wouldn't mind moving it 2 hours either way. I'm 99% dedicated, since I don't know if something will pop up. I'll fill the survey out in a bit. 👍 Great work guys.

Great to see you signed up Adam 👍
I still have nightmares of you running around Spa and lapping me - every lap :lol:

Mohit, your new racing suit and helmet arrived!

"Let the Game begin"

We do read the comments you know ;)
@ Tim, and Lucas - I am not a dork!
My Mom says I'm cool :P
@ Tim, and Lucas - I am not a dork!
My Mom says I'm cool :P

Since you don't care for opera and play hockey maybe "knucklehead" is a better term for you. :lol: Just kidding of course. Lucas is innocent as I doctored his comment on the survey.

@Hydro -- are you good for the alternate time as well?

We should make an over/under bet on how many times Adam laps us during the Enduro (even if we run the LMP class and he runs GT :sly:).
@Hydro -- are you good for the alternate time as well?

We should make an over/under bet on how many times Adam laps us during the Enduro (even if we run the LMP class and he runs GT :sly:).

Yes, I'm good for either timeslot 👍

Re: Adam - let's make a 3rd class for him, Wes, etc:

All mods allowed + 54KG Ballast :sly:
Two hours later would raise my probability close to 100%, as my girlfriend works that day and I usually drive her to work (she starts work at 15:00 ET).

A heads up to our European friends: 25th March is the day you will switch to daylight saving time, make sure you take that into account (NA switches two weeks earlier).
The prefered/proposed time is listed above: 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern / 18:00 GMT. Is that considered reasonable? We're not 100% this will be the final time (pending this interest check), but if we get enough interest at this time slot that's what we're going with.

If drivers can't make this time you are welcome to propose some times that work for you by posting on this thread. We aren't likely to move it very far unless we can't fill the grid, but it's always good to get feedback and understand when people are available.

That's a perfect time, as long as it starts around 4-8pm GMT I should be able to take part.

This event looks great. I'm interested in mostly the LMP class. The time is great, and wouldn't mind moving it 2 hours either way. I'm 99% dedicated, since I don't know if something will pop up. I'll fill the survey out in a bit. 👍 Great work guys.

Damn :sly:
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