Hallelujah! Lost almost all interest in gaming

  • Thread starter Schwartz


United States
Bellingham, WA
I have suddenly, out of nowhere, lost almost all my interest in gaming. Maybe its because I'm coming to the realization that video games really don't matter. I never feel like getting on Gran Turismo, Call of Duty, NHL 12, etc anymore. Whenever I contemplate getting on PS3 I always think "Wait. How the hell will playing virtual games accomplish anything?" And then when I actually do get online I end up sitting at the GTLife screen for 15 minutes wondering what I should do next. This usually ends with me quitting the game, scrolling through the XMB aimlessly for 15 more minutes and turning it off. I'm thinking that since I'm 17 years old maturity might have kicked in a little so I feel like spending my time more wisely. This is all ultra frustrating because I've spent a bunch of money on a PS3, games, etc. and I know I'll regret it if I sell it. Any advice?
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Good thing you hit this point while you're still young.
Life is about time, and you can only achieve so much in any given time frame so why waste it. If you're going to spend a lot of time doing something, you might want to have something to show for it at the end. Although, the old adage 'all work/no play = jack/dull boy' etc comes to mind, you need a balance, but sacrifices must be made, success comes from hard work.

You might want to think about what you want to do with your life career-wise, and take charge now while others your age do not, get ahead - conquer and succeed, for time sure seems to go faster as you get older.
It feels like yesterday I was watching the last race of the F1 season in 2010, and now the 1st race of 2012 is days away, heh.

I myself am retired from intensive game playing, I used to put the hours in (online) and I've had great times, but those games I did play have gone past their golden era. The only thing I play now is Minecraft, which kinda has an easy going retirement feel to it for me, a few hours every so often is a nice little something to relax with.
You might want to think about what you want to do with your life career-wise, and take charge now while others your age do not, get ahead - conquer and succeed, for time sure seems to go faster as you get older.

I really think that's part of it too. My hockey season just ended, and it was probably my best season ever. If I "play my cards right" I could get to a very high level, and Of course playing video games wont help me get there. It is my dream to play hockey (yes, I know its unlikely, but hey, thats why its called a dream) and right now it feels like nothing else matters that much (except school of course) except for reaching my goals.
Seventeen and from Washington? Must say that's an interesting coincidence.

I can't honestly relate to what you're saying. I don't get the feeling of "What am I doing with my life" when playing video games or surfing the interwebs because that's simply what I do when not doing something else. I do tons of stuff outside, such as playing with friends, checking out the area, and the occasional year long trip to a Teutonic country.

To be honest, if I were in your situation, I'd relish in the chance of getting a bit of rest from your every day life.
Playing videogames doesn't mean a thing, neither do reading a book, but I prefer the games when I have some time to spare.

It has nothing to do with maturity, everybody needs to have a hobby, be that videogames, books, music or more physical things.
I myself have recently started feeling the same way. i wish I though like this sooner. i'm a little older than 17 but I recently graduated college and out looking for jobs in my field. I still work to the point where my gaming time is really slim and when i do, I sit down, I start, and think darn, I really don't want to play this right now lol.
I play quite a good amount (too much many would say), I'm 18 in a week, but to me, gaming is a fun break, yes I may take it seriously every once in a while, but gaming is another form of spending time for me, like watching a movie or listening to music. It's not about Maturity, it's about lifes changing interests, What you enjoy now will not be what you enjoy in a month/year from now.
Its just wierd because I've absolutely loved video games since the days of the Game Cube.

I've been around since the day of the Nintendo 8bit, I have always loved videogames, still do, but as we grow we don't have as much time to play.

I don't play that much nowadays, it comes in waves. My Ps3 can be shut off for months on end sometimes just to be exchanged for ~40h of gaming one single weekend. I would however play a bit more often if I had the time :)

I've got like 4-6 games that haven't even seen the inside of my ps3 yet :S
You might be going through a phase right now. It happened with me, I really just didn't care about playing games. I lost all interest in Forza, GT, Halo, Battlefield, all of these. Then Skyrim came along and I was interested in playing again. Then I wasn't. After that my girlfriend got Halo so we started playing that together and now I'm back to my old habits of playing with my friends until the wee hours of the morning.
I don't play that much nowadays, it comes in waves. My Ps3 can be shut off for months on end sometimes just to be exchanged for ~40h of gaming one single weekend. I would however play a bit more often if I had the time :)

I'm almost the same, with me it's more moderate in that I might not play for a couple of weeks and then spend 15-20 hours gaming in a weekend, but I generally play for maybe 3-5 hours a night 3 times a week, from 7pm until midnight. I find I can't race or shoot people in the face if I'm tired.
The title shouldn't be "Problem:"... it should go more like "Hallelujah!"

It might be overload. Gaming at this point is a high investment thing... you need to put in the hours to earn money to buy the games, and you need to put in the hours working at the game. And there are just so many games... so damn many games... out there to play... on so many different platforms... and so little time.

I went through the same phase with comics. I used to be a collector, but it just got overwhelming at one point.

Take time off. Do other stuff. Actually be productive... :P

My PS3 hasn't gone on for more than thirty minutes in the past six months. And it hasn't gone on at all for the past two.

Now if I could only let go of the internet... :lol:
I had the same feeling around the age of 17 or 18 and didnt play any games for 5/6 years ,spent all that time going out and doing all the wonderful things that people do when they hit that age ;) and then i calmed down a bit and got a ps3 shortly after gt prologue was released.

Don't sell your ps3 keep it and when you feel like gaming again you will have a system ready and loads of great games you missed that you will be able to pick up cheap.
I did the same thing when I was around 18. There are alot better things to be doing when you're 18 besides playing games. In all honesty there's always alot better things to be doing then playing games, but at 18 those things are fun. Between girls, sports, and recreational activities, I had very little interest in games. 4 or 5 years later my free time slowed down some, and I started playing games again. Don't waste the prime of your youth playing games, there's plenty of time for that when you get older and the family is in bed.
With me, the only time i have to play is right after my kid goes to bed i have a few hours to myself, but i more often the not choose to spend that time on forums or watching racing. the only game i place anymore is Forza. i spent all this money on a Fanatec CSR Elite but i enjoy reading about it more than i actually play it. silly i know but everyone has ways of wasting time (er i mean a hobby). i remember playing halo all night every night in college, so i guess i am out of games as well. just csnt shake the sim racing fetish though. oh well, baby steps
I'm barely playing now. It's mainly because of school, but even so, the games I buy don't keep me playing for extensive periods of time.
I'm still addictive to games, but not to a huge extent anymore. When I was younger I used to play video games for hours, basically almost all day. It was ridiculous to always see me in front of a screen strengthening only my thumbs. As I got older, I realized video game's little importance in this world. It provided mounds of entertainment, but I must find more productive things as my hobbies. One thing is studying Art; improving what the skills I have now and plummeting it to a profession or desire. Another thing is school, of course. As I've said before, I'm still obsessed with games, but I try to reduce the number of hours daily, or even weekly. So, from 12 hours, it rocketed down to about 3-6 hours. Plus, games in current times doesn't interest me much anymore. There are some that will always be amusing to me like Gran Turismo, but I find games like Marvel a waste of time to save up and purchase.

Obviously, it excludes days where I have absolutely nothing else to do :P
It's really easy for me to go a long time without playing video games. If I don't have time for it on a particular day, oh well. I know I'll be able to play again sooner or later.

Really, as long as it doesn't get in the way of more important things (school, job, etc.), there is nothing wrong with playing video games. I view it as a hobby, just like anything else. It's just all about prioritizing, moderation and making time for it. That's how it is for me anyway.
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i was just thinking this... right as i bought a bucket load of games from game/gamestation as it's going bust! seriously, i filled my boots! Thing is, i got a job 4 weeks ago, and as soon as i dropped cod mw3, my interest just disappeared. Doesn't help that gt5 isn't supported so much at the moment, either. Come to think of it, im posting from my ps3 now, completely ignoring my newly purchased sonic generations, deus ex, KOA the reckoning, killzone 3 and both bioshock games. I just don't feel the pull anymore...
I am 34 and I am still severly addicted to video games. Have been for many many years. Its only getting worse because so many great games keep coming out. Especially since I purchased the 360 because there are so many games with co-op modes and xboxlive works very well for online gaming. Co-op modes are so fun to me and very hard to put down. Its also so much easier to communicate with others on the 360. You can be in totally different games and still talk to each other. Now with the 8 player party system its even better.

I can see you getting bored if you only own a PS3. But I cant see getting bored if you have a PS3 and 360 or even a PC. Just so many great games and not enough time to play all of them.

You will be back especially if you expand your gaming library. Once a gamer, always a gamer. :lol: