Is GT6 already completed? (title edited)

  • Thread starter ccjcc81
Wrap your heads around this and let me know what you think: I think GT6 is done. I think GT5 is a scaled back GT6 because the current hardware is too weak. Look at photo mode. The code for ultra-high resolution models is already in the game. Look at the shadows. I refuse to believe that PD would make a game that looks so stunning, then put that type of shadow rendering into it. I've seen speculation eslewhere that states that the shadows were just too much for the PS3. Look at the pixilation caused by dirt and smoke. Again, too much polish on car models for that type of effect. Imagine a game with fluid gameplay with graphics like Photo Mode, Shadows that don’t look like they’ve been in the cheese grater, and better dirt/particle effects. I think that the developer’s hardware is capable of creating all of these effects, and the PS3 might not be able too. GT5 was developed on a computer, and we all know that computers far surpass console processing and graphics processing capabilities, even on the very day the console is newly released. I suspect that PD made a stunning game, chopped it back for the PS3, and have a next-gen worthy version sitting in wait. Imagine the profits PD stands to gain if they already have a PS4 ready game ready or almost ready to release…


The PS3 is capable of handling better shadows, no ridiculous dirt pixilation, and better resolutions. Either way, better resolutions are coded into GT5; again, we can see that from Photo Mode. If GT6 will release on PS3, I hardly expect better premium car models than what we see now. I do, however, expect something to be done about the ridiculous shadows, and upgrading the shadows simply can’t be all that difficult.

Relatedly, what about those standard cockpits? Each standard car cockpit is different, and seems to be a perfect outline for it’s real world counterpart. If PD was willing spend the time to model a perfect outline, why not fill it with an image?

Before you fanboys attempt to undermine my thread with a tired cliche, you needn’t even bother. I’ve already take care of it for you:

Cool Story Bro!

When Is The Sequel?

Gran Turismo 5 is the Greatest and It is Perfect, and My Opinion is Rediculous Compared to Yours!

What I'd love to hear is technical reasons why my suspicion is unfounded.

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Just speculating, and I want to see if anyone else has an opinion similar to mine. What does tl;dr mean? I like your sig line.

tl;dr means too long; didn't read. but don't worry, I read the key notes and understood what point you were trying to get across.

as for my opinion, I do agree that gt5 might be recycled, but with more refined graphics, more realism, more premium cars, better sounds, etc.

Gravitron is watching... he might lock...
so you're basically saying that PD worked hard to develope a game that would end all games but they released a piece of crap just troll the fans and so they can sit back and do nothing while PS4 is released? seems legit
Hmm... GT5 wasn't done when it came out. Which would lead me to believe that GT6 will not be done either.

GT6 is no way anywhere close to being done.

One technical reason is I think that if damage was at a point where it was ready for GT6 they would have updated GT5. I believe GT6 will be a different beast than GT5 and in order for that to happen they would have to have the time to make GT6 what GT5 should have been.
Hmm... GT5 wasn't done when it came out. Which would lead me to believe that GT6 will not be done either.

GT6 is no way anywhere close to being done.

gt1 was done.
gt2 was done.
gt3 as done.
gt4 was done.
gt5 wasn't.

one game was unfinished. one game. that doesn't necessarily mean GT6 won't be finished. plus you don't know if gt6 is done or not, unless you know something we don't.

You are saying that what will make for a good sequel is better graphics? Are you mentally ill?

How about allowing more than 16 people in a race? How about better online support for lobby options? How about a livery editor? How about more real world tracks?
gt1 was done.
gt2 was done.
gt3 as done.
gt4 was done.
gt5 wasn't.

one game was unfinished. one game. that doesn't necessarily mean GT6 won't be finished. plus you don't know if gt6 is done or not, unless you know something we don't.

I understand that but we are in a age of devs releasing, and then patching. GT5 took years GT6 is not going to be done in 1.5. And I am not saying I know, I am just giving my opinion.

If it is done it shouldn't be because they have been working to fix 5 unless they doubled in size and have had a completley different team working on the next installment, but that would go against everything they are about.
When is the GT6 subforum officially going to go online?! Oh yeah,when there is official information about the release!
About the standard car models, they didn't make an outline image, they just made all the surfaces of the interior black and put the camera there. You can tell because in the light, you can actually see the edges of the steering wheel in some cars. It's not as simple as just adding an image, they would have to apply textures to all the surfaces, which is not easy.

I'd say your suspicions are unfounded for the simple reason that your only real evidence is the fact that they have high quality models available in the game, just not the whole game. Well that's great, I expect we'll probably see those models in all modes in GT6. But high detail is not going to be the only difference between GT5 and GT6.

They need to have plenty more cars, several new tracks, a whole pile of new career mode racing and hopefully much improved AI, some new features, etc. before they can really call it a new game. They're probably going to want much better damage and customization for it to compete with other games too. Even if you think they've done all that already, there's hardly evidence for it.

Kaz has expressed that he wished he had time to wait til GT5 was finished before releasing it. The odds that GT6 is already done way earlier than it will be released are extremely slim. No matter how much progress they've made already, they're not going to just wait until release, they're going to keep adding to it. As long as they have time, they're going to make progress.
This is a good opinion. But unless you are further more a developer you cannot predict that GT6 is done or being released on PS3/PS4. My opinion is that GT6 is not even 75% done yet because it is too soon. And even if it is done maybe PD is awaiting for a more advanced system to accept the full rez' graphics. Hopefully GT6 will have more of what we all want: More Premium cars, More tracks, Livery Editer, etc. It would be really great if GT6 would have automotive damage like Driver SanFran. Just as i stated this is just my opinion and most of you probably have different views.

You are saying that what will make for a good sequel is better graphics? Are you mentally ill?

How about allowing more than 16 people in a race? How about better online support for lobby options? How about a livery editor? How about more real world tracks?

I agree with you completely; and after using iRacing for a couple of weeks, I also think the physics could use a little tweaking. Are you a psychiatrist? I was going to make a snyde remark about needing a degree in psychology to start calling people mentally ill, but I realized that you might have one. Do you, or are you just a troll?
About the standard car models, they didn't make an outline image, they just made all the surfaces of the interior black and put the camera there. You can tell because in the light, you can actually see the edges of the steering wheel in some cars. It's not as simple as just adding an image, they would have to apply textures to all the surfaces, which is not easy.

I'd say your suspicions are unfounded for the simple reason that your only real evidence is the fact that they have high quality models available in the game, just not the whole game. Well that's great, I expect we'll probably see those models in all modes in GT6. But high detail is not going to be the only difference between GT5 and GT6.

Kaz has expressed that he wished he had time to wait til GT5 was finished before releasing it. The odds that GT6 is already done way earlier than it will be released are extremely slim. No matter how much progress they've made already, they're not going to just wait until release, they're going to keep adding to it. As long as they have time, they're going to make progress.

I concede; your argument makes sense. Thanks.

They need to have plenty more cars, several new tracks, a whole pile of new career mode racing and hopefully much improved AI, some new features, etc. before they can really call it a new game. They're probably going to want much better damage and customization for it to compete with other games too. Even if you think they've done all that already, there's hardly evidence for it.

I hope we see all this, and better physics.
This is a good opinion. But unless you are further more a developer you cannot predict that GT6 is done or being released on PS3/PS4. My opinion is that GT6 is not even 75% done yet because it is too soon. And even if it is done maybe PD is awaiting for a more advanced system to accept the full rez' graphics. Hopefully GT6 will have more of what we all want: More Premium cars, More tracks, Livery Editer, etc. It would be really great if GT6 would have automotive damage like Driver SanFran. Just as i stated this is just my opinion and most of you probably have different views.

You're right, not possibly done. I completely agree with you about all that stuff, especially the damage. I just really suspected that the GT5 engine was capable of Photomode rez's, but PS3 wasn't. And the shadows, of course. I see now that to say that "GT6 is done" was maybe a little too inflamatory. Title edited.
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If it's done I hope they decided to focus on gameplay, AI, and sound this time instead of adding 6 trillion more pixels to the Nissan Cube's headlights.
I don't understand why people don't research. I remember interviews with kaz saying that he made a whole base for gran turismo and that the ps3 wasn't up to spec of what was designed. So yes, we already know gt5 was scaled down. As of GT6 already being completed? I don't think so. Though it irritates me when people say GT6 will be out on the ps3... Thats just stupid. As I said several times in other topics, we have the power to download updates. Why would a new game be necessary when GT5 is really all that the PS3 can give. I think GT6 might be a launch title for the next playstation console or it will be released the same year as the console would.
When is the GT6 subforum officially going to go online?! Oh yeah,when there is official information about the release!

I still think GT6 will be a PS3 game, they built a whole new engine, why would they waste it? BTW, I wasn't actually going to comment on this, but I really like your profile picture NABeast. Jay and Silent Bob forever!
@ MadBullBunny

Looking back at the jump between GT3 and GT4 I think Gran Turismo 5 was capable of far more than even Kaz himself says.

If that is then they need to hire some people from Naughty Dog to give them tips seriously cause that's a disappointment.
I still think GT6 will be a PS3 game, they built a whole new engine, why would they waste it? BTW, I wasn't actually going to comment on this, but I really like your profile picture NABeast. Jay and Silent Bob forever!

I also think/hope GT6 will be a PS3 title,its just funny that all these speculation threads are popping up. I just think that it's interesting that they keep tweaking the physics etc. in these updates, make me think that GT6 will be made from the same engine.

I'm not sure about GT6 being completed already,although if its on PS3 it may be very close to completion. I understand the graphic flaws and limitations but this is a game,not virtual reality.
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gt1 was done.

Might've been.

gt2 was done.

Definitely wasn't.

gt3 as done.

It was close at least.

gt4 was done.

Far from it.

one game was unfinished. one game. that doesn't necessarily mean GT6 won't be finished. plus you don't know if gt6 is done or not, unless you know something we don't.

One? More than that. Just that they knew they could patch stuff into GT5 for a change, not so much with previous titles.
I just don't know whats going on with PD and what are they planing for, but i see what you see you can see GT5 have an amazing details but something holding everything back.

There is question in my mind is never been answered, what does GRAN TURISMO 5 really look like? the REAL GRAN TURISMO5.
About the standard car models, they didn't make an outline image, they just made all the surfaces of the interior black and put the camera there.
No they didn't. It quite obviously loads an entirely separate set of graphics for that camera view exactly like it does for the Premium cars. It just so happens that said graphics are (for the most part) just black silhouettes rather than detailed interiors like the Premiums.

gt2 was done.
It took them two extra tries after the initial release to get GT2 in a state where normal gameplay wouldn't cause the game to completely explode on you; nevermind all of the things that they chopped out of the game at last minute.