What's the coolest find you've made?

  • Thread starter cggorman
United States
So what is the coolest/most useful object you've found, and how did you find it? I found a Camp Trails McKinley Alice pack (Trail backpack) today while fishing, who's retail value is/ was around 85 dollars.
So what is the coolest/most useful object you've found, and how did you find it? I found a Camp Trails McKinley Alice pack today while fishing...

^^^^^ Pretty decent!

The school that I attended back in 8th and 9th grade had a very active outting club. We would climb a number of mountains in New Hampshire every spring and fall. Sometimes we would climb up the ski trails on a mountain (in the spring, just as the last of the snow was melting), and we could always expect to find some loose change on the ski trails (among other lost items like broken ski poles).

Wildcat Mountain and Loon Mountain seemed to be the best for this.

I think my best haul was about $1.50, and this was back when $1.50 was real money! HA!:lol:


Bucktool 360wm. I found it years ago while fishing. :D Still works perfect.

Back then it cost around €125,-...
I found about $14 and a pocket sized flashlight plus a spare key in my dads '82 Supra which was in a barn for 8 years while cleaning it out. :P
An unlabelled casette tape with lots of different genres of music recorded onto it. I'm certain that listening to it over and over when I was young has kept my mind open to lots of different styles of music.
A £20 note while out cycling

Lol was gunna post the same thing. The funny thing was at that time I was at college(UK college) and didn't have much money. I was riding home thinking about how much money I needed and the saw a £20. All my money troubles disappeared lol
a coin from like 20 years ago buried underneath soil ive kept it hidden so i forgot what it looks like going to have to look for it in the next couple years time hopefully it will fetch a large sum
A £20 note while out cycling

I found one while walking along Blackpool promenade a few years ago.

The only other thing I can think of is an old coin from 1928 I found in the garden of my old house. Turns out there were a few old coins in that pile of debris.
Well in Windsor a few years back around Christmas time me and a friend found 100 dollars on the ground in a bag. We did what any sensible person would do, went to Applebees where I got ribs and nearly choked on a bone (bad karma) :lol:. Or when a lady dropped 20 dollars on the ground and I picked it up, ran up to her and gave it to her, which she then gave me 5 dollars. That was the coolest I'd say, because I ended up doing the right thing and got an unexpected reward. (Good Karma)
I found a wheat penny from 1944 in a change jar I had once.
I've found a Swiss army knife on the floor before, only a small one but its served me well.
I also found £30 in a car park near me a few years back.
I was digging a hole in my yard for planting and I found a rusty horseshoe and a white jar; surprisingly clean and untouched; marked with "Musterole Cleveland".

oh: i read the title wrong, i thought it said coolest thing you've found. My bad!
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a windshield reflector cover:


that I've used as a light reflector when taking pictures of cars 👍
I was digging a hole in my yard for planting and I found a rusty horseshoe and a white jar; surprisingly clean and untouched; marked with "Musterole Cleveland".

oh: i read the title wrong, i thought it said coolest thing you've found. My bad!

No you read correctly. Just say what the coolest thing you've found was.
I just recently found a 1947 2 cent (Is it even a cent?) coin from the Soviet Union. It says CCCP on it. Maybe one day it will be worth something.
Whilst out fishing I've collectively found about £50 worth of Lures.

Rapalas make up most of that total. (£10ish per lure). :)
I found a micro-fiber cleaning cloth in my ski jacket after wearing it for months, I found a tiny eraser on the top of this old pencil that I have been using for years, and a lot of other small things like that. They all blew my mind because I found these surprises on everyday objects I overlook. Oh yea! And a $20 bill!
Hmm I can tell you my scariest find.

Walking down a path and find rusted traps that clamp on your leg in the grass and shotgun shells all over the floor. That was scary.

Ok erm coolest.

A Red Arrows model. It was missing the canopy and some paint but it was quite a cool find.