Gran Turismo 5's Updated Clutch Review.

London, Ontario
Update: I have come to an agreement that is is not exactly the clutch's fault that mis-shifts are so prevalent. The clutch may have been made better in itself, however it has made it harder to shift due to the fact that the accelerator is for some reason correlated to shifting. The higher clutch bite-point was a bit of a counter effect. If they were to fix how the accelerator works in correspondence to shifting, I'd be happy. Don't forget the fact that the requested gear is only updated when the stick changes position, and not at regular intervals, as it should be. That's a bigger issue, because it compounds the frustration of a missed shift.


When it comes to most things in life, I look at it like this.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it - and if it is broken, don't make it worse.
Polyphony Digital, has indeed made it worse. Much worse.
Before you leave or tell me to stop complaining, hear me out.
The way a clutch works in a vague, easy description works like this.
You push (disengage) the clutch, therefore no power goes to the wheels. It acts the same way being in neutral. You let off (engage) the clutch, and if you are in gear, power is going to the ground. In real life, you technically don't have to let off the accelerator to change gear but if you want your clutch to last any length of time.

Before 2.08
Before the latest update the clutch could be engaged 50% and as long as you weren't on the gas, the gear could be changed. This wasn't optimal or realistic but it's what we had to work with.

After 2.08
You must have the clutch 100% to the floor, and 0% throttle can be applied.
This is FAR from realism, slow as hell, and simply stops us clutch users from being competitive in a straight line against paddle and R2/L2 users. We paid the extra money for a clutch, we deserve a better gaming experience than this. The latest update has made the clutch almost un-usable, and has brought the fun of manual driving way down. This Must be fixed. It is unacceptable that Polyphony Digital can call this the real driving simulator when a KEY component of driving is far from what it should be. This needs to be fixed.

I don't think of my self as a massive complainer, but this needs to be criticized through the roof..

Was there changes to the clutch system? Yes.
Were these changes beneficial to Gran Turismo 5? Absolutely not.
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Even not being a wheel user, I support this idea and thread. Polyphony Digital, please do something about it.

Diego R.
I can almost certainly say that if PD implemented transmission/clutch damage, then we probably wouldn't see this problem at all.
I was afraid this was gonna happen when we were talking about it last night. Sucks that I called it. Leave it to PD to f@#& up something so simple even worse.

GT needs a complete overhaul... Including who is calling the shots IMHO
That's my quote for the record;). Seeing as I was with Mitch for the past few hours testing and i'm not one to moan on and on, but it's worse than it was. I can't even slightly enjoy it now.
Great. Here I was looking forward to LESS missed shifts due to the crap we had before and now its even worse?!

Dammit u was all excited to bust out the rig tonight. Now maybe I'll just watch TV instead x-(
Great. Here I was looking forward to LESS missed shifts due to the crap we had before and now its even worse?!

Dammit u was all excited to bust out the rig tonight. Now maybe I'll just watch TV instead x-(

...and I'll stick to PC sim racing. Disappointing, the clutch. Bad move PD, bad move.
I'm not one who normally complains, so you know when I do it must be pretty bad.. Just saying.
I dont want it to be useable, I want it to be fun to use.

Mitch and I were discussing this tonight, I'm not going to lose sleep over it, but that's no excuse, especially when we know PD can do better.. I mean Kaz has 2 Ford GT's and Porsche GT3, so he has to know something is wrong with his baby when it doesn't drive the same as his real cars.. at all.
I was going to get out my wheel stand but now I am hesitant. Part of the reason why the game was so frustrating was because of the H shifter going into neutral and me having to reshift on the fly, slowing me down:tdown:
Now your telling me I can't toggle the clutch and gas like in a real car:crazy:
Call me crazy but you would think a driving simulator would work like a clutch in real life:indiff:
Am I the only person that actually likes the updated clutch?

I have been racing with my G27 for about a year now and always found it quite annoying that the clutch in GT5 worked like a switch. Now though there is progression within the action of the clutch. The bite point may have moved from before the update, but with the extra fidelity that has been added I think it is a massive improvement.

Plus, I'm not sure if it's just the way I drive, but I don't miss any more shifts than I did before the update.
Am I the only person that actually likes the updated clutch?

I have been racing with my G27 for about a year now and always found it quite annoying that the clutch in GT5 worked like a switch. Now though there is progression within the action of the clutch. The bite point may have moved from before the update, but with the extra fidelity that has been added I think it is a massive improvement.

Plus, I'm not sure if it's just the way I drive, but I don't miss any more shifts than I did before the update.
Someone mentioned a similar feeling. I thought it was in this thread so I can't find where it was said.

Why is the clutch so hard to fix, when this was fixed in only a short amount of time?

I don't like asking a certain person I know for their programming expertise so it's convenient that Toronado had learned about this fix. Put it this way, being a programmer is either above or right below having the stress level of an astronaut (article a couple years back). What do astronauts do but orbit the earth and drink tang? I don't know.
Am I the only person that actually likes the updated clutch?

I also like it very much, with the G27 as well. Now the clutch has almost all the progression of the pedal itself, its almost perfect!!

I tested on a Ferrari F40 just now, and I was very pleased. At least for G27 it feels much smoother than before.

I haven't got to try it out yet, but after reading the OP...


Don't let me down when I turn on my PS3 tomorrow, PD!