VCRC Nissan SKYLINE '62 -Sprint Race Event- Congrats to Phouchg!!!

United States
Vintage Car Race Club
Nissan SKYLINE Sport Coupe '62
Sprint Race Event



COMPLETE - Results Posted!

Thursday, 21 February @ 19:30 UTC
2:30pm US EST / 1:30pm US CST / 11:30am US PST / 7:30pm GMT / 8:30pm CET

Duration: Approx. 90 minutes, 3 races, approx. 15-20 minutes per race
Bonus Race to begin approx. 4pm US EDT / 3 US CST / 1pm US PST / 9pm GMT / 10pm CET / 21:00 UTC

Car Regulations:
Nissan SKYLINE Sport Coupe (BLRA-3) '62
Tuning: Prohibited, stock tires (comfort mediums)
Allowed: oil change, engine rebuild, chassis restoration, wheel rims, & paint

Don't have the car but want to race?
Let us know! watermelonpunch & jackargent have spares available to gift!

Race Regulations:
All aids off except ABS (driver's choice)
tire wear on (normal)
damage light
slipstream weak
grip real
penalty off
boost off
visible damage off

Race Procedure:
10-15 minutes of informal qualifying, to begin at event scheduled time
Race #1: Fastest First Grid Start
Approximately 3-5 minute break
Race #2: Reverse Grid Order
Approximately 3-5 minute break
Race #3: Reverse Grid Order
Approximately 5-10 minute break
Bonus Race: Grid Start Based on Previous Race

Flat points based upon race participation.
(ie: 8 cars, 1st place gets 8pts, 2nd place gets 7pts, etc.)


Race #1
8 laps @ Lemons Country Circuit (Toscana tarmac)


Shared on PSN: VCRC

Race #2
10 laps @ High Speed Ring

Race #3
2 laps @ Nürburgring Nordschleife

Bonus Race (results will be posted, but will not count toward event points)
3 laps @ Terra Toscana (Toscana tarmac)

Shared on PSN: wat3rm370n

  • Please familiarize yourself with these rules prior to the event.
  • You are expected to race clean & fair, and to behave like sporting gentlemen at all times. Dirty driving is absolutely forbidden.
  • If you cause a contact, you must make contact concessions. ie: no bump-passing
  • Failure to make contact concessions will result in a post-race penalty concession. (ie: you will be placed below that racer in the results)
  • Caution must be exercised when re-entering the track after an off-road excursion caused by any reason.
  • Carless driving, recklessness, & aggressive risky maneuvers may result in post-race penalties, and will certainly result in your fellow racers being ill tempered.
  • Retaliation, "payback", & monkey-see-monkey-do rule flouting will not be tolerated.
  • The in-game penalty system is switched to off to prevent ghosting, with the understanding that GTPlanet racers do not need the in-game penalty system to follow posted track rules. Shorting the track is strictly prohibited, must have 2 wheels on the tarmac (or rumble curbing) - this includes "going wide", off-roading in the grass or dirt, or using tarmac outside the parameters of the track, is forbidden.
  • For a comprehensive look at what is generally considered good track etiquette, check out "The Good Racecraft Guide", for a more detailed explanation of guidelines GTPlanet members have in mind when we say "clean racing".
  • In case of any incident involving a crash or rule violation, please review the replay before drawing conclusions. Note the time and location of the incident. Try dialogue with the other driver first with Private Messaging. You may report the incident via Private Messaging, with details, in a timely manner (ie: soon after the race), if warranted, so an appointed steward &/or the race director may review the incident.
Race Director: watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
Race Steward: jackargent / jackargent
Race Steward: Phouchg / xNikodemusx

Race will be hosted in the VCRC Lounge,

Note: This account is just the club lounge account. It will rarely be signed on.
Get the FR in a.s.a.p. to assure acceptance in advance of racing.
In order to check the league lounge, you must click on the coffee cup,
and wait for the room content list to present.
No yellow people icon will show, even when the room is full.

Also please note that all club communication should be done through GTPlanet,
and not directed toward the PSN acct, as nobody checks messages there often, if at all.

Be sure to check out our Vintage Car Race Club (GTPlanet forum social group)
to suggest event ideas and see what's being planned. 👍
Currently considering races with Mistubishi Galant '70, Toyota 2000GT '67, & Honda N360 '67
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Sign-Up Registry:
include GTPlanet name / PSN name / car colour (optional)

  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Tomato Red
  2. jackargent / jackargent / pink & blue
  3. Phouchg / xNikodemusx / Mustard Yellow
  4. tezgm99 / tezgm99 / Amaranth Pearl purple
  5. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Starlight Black
  6. cobrius / cobrius / yellow
  7. TyrrellRacing / GTP_Tyrrell / tbd
  8. John Wells / johnwells69 / tbd
  9. GranTurismo916 / atongo619 / tbd
Bonus Race
  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / dark red
  2. jackargent / jackargent / pink & blue
  3. Stig double / minde1974 / blue
  4. Phouchg / xNikodemusx / Mustard Yellow
  5. tezgm99 / tezgm99 / Amaranth Pearl purple
  6. AudiMan2011 / Street-King-07 / Starlight Black
  7. cobrius / cobrius / yellow
  8. TyrrellRacing / GTP_Tyrrell / tbd
  9. John Wells / johnwells69 / tbd
  10. GranTurismo916 / atongo619 / tbd

Note: You may sign up for either or both.
You may compete in the event if you need to join late. If you join in for Race #3, however, without competing in the previous races, you will be expected pull aside on the grid start, and start from the back, to avoid scoffing. Same applies if you leave the lounge between races. 👍
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I see I have already signed up :) don't know colour, might be mustard yellow as usual but if I all ready have a nice colour I might keep it.

About the bonus race, might make it, depends on how the gf-situation looks that night. ^^
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I see I have already signed up :)

Yes, and notice you also already volunteered to steward as well. :sly: ^^

My car is Tomato Red.
I think it's the Tomato Red that comes on the Nissan BE-1
It's a very exuberant red, yet tastefully vintage looking for this classy antique. ;)

I decided to throw in the bonus race because Apmaddock had mentioned that track, so I tried it out and it was pretty cool. Plus, I know I will have a bit of time after 3 races, and would like to "go on". :)
Yes I noticed that as well :P I guess I should feel privileged? ^^
Anyway I'm about to test the track now, will add my impressions later.

Edit1: Really fun and flowy circuit! got a 1:39.591 but this has never really been about laptimes has it? so i will not practise much. :)

Edit2: Tested the bonus one and that is great as well, remember having some great racing there with those lovely Hondas (but if i remember correctly i didn't actually make the real race). 4:28.6 was my one and only lap time round there, you could use it as reference for setting amount of laps or something. :P
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Edit1: Really fun and flowy circuit! got a 1:39.591 but this has never really been about laptimes has it? so i will not practise much. :)
I thought you raced some event on Lemons Country before, no?
I often use it in the "Clean Lo PP shuffle" lobbies. It's really good with low power cars.
Lagunitas Kei is my other favourite for low power cars. (I would like to do another Fiat 500 race there at some point.)

Edit2: Tested the bonus one and that is great as well, remember having some great racing there with those lovely Hondas (but if i remember correctly i didn't actually make the real race). 4:28.6 was my one and only lap time round there, you could use it as reference for setting amount of laps or something. :P
I'm figuring 3 laps... figuring it will be 15 minutes race tops, so I can clear off the ps3 by 4:25pm US EST (9:25pm GMT), so that it doesn't look like I've been "playing gran turismo all day". :lol: (Which of course I don't! :dopey: But it might LOOK that way if I'm seen doing so. ha ha ha)
I'm not sure I'll be able to make it for the practice tomorrow (for me, lol) but I do have the '62 Skyline. It has over 47,000 miles on it, but I do have one unmodified :)

Body colour; guess I'll stick to my normal one of 'Amaranth Pearl' purple basically, lol
My car will be pink with blue wheels. Can't remember the colour names but they are Mercedes colours and cone with the old merc, the name of which escapes not garish.
I should make the bonus race & will be ho for some (much needed) practice tonight.
I thought you raced some event on Lemons Country before, no?
I often use it in the "Clean Lo PP shuffle" lobbies. It's really good with low power cars.
Lagunitas Kei is my other favourite for low power cars. (I would like to do another Fiat 500 race there at some point.)

I'm figuring 3 laps... figuring it will be 15 minutes race tops, so I can clear off the ps3 by 4:25pm US EST (9:25pm GMT), so that it doesn't look like I've been "playing gran turismo all day". :lol: (Which of course I don't! :dopey: But it might LOOK that way if I'm seen doing so. ha ha ha)

I must have missed that track, or maybe i've raced on it but i don't remember it.. Didn't have it saved at least so probably haven't raced it in any organised way. :)

Hahaha yeah of course you haven't played all day.. :P I feel a bit like a naughty ten year old when i do like that. :D
I'll come along to this event. Should be good for a laugh.

Car colour is Starlight Black

Count me in for both the main event and the bonus race
It's always a laugh, but remember that it is also a clean series so read up on the OLR and the specifics in the OP :)
Okay, I'll sign up for this one. Thanks for posting the raceinfo to me Watermelon, it's been a while.

cobrius / cobrius / yellow

I will atleast do the main event, if I still have some energy left after that maybe I'll do the bonus race too.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on track! Again, or for the first time. :)

Please send friend requests to VCRC if you haven't got it added already.
jackargent & I will be signing onto it to accept FRs. 👍
(Right jack? Also, thanks for gifting the car! 👍)

I will be doing a sort of abbreviated rehearsal today. ;)
I should get on in a little bit.

It will go like this, starting on the hour:
3pm US EST / 2pm US CST / 12pm US PST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CET / 20:00 UTC

4 laps @ Lemons Country Circuit (Toscana tarmac)
5 laps @ High Speed Ring
1 lap @ Nürburgring Nordschleife
2 laps @ Terra Toscana (Toscana tarmac)

Anyone is welcome to join, to try out the car, even if you're not signing up for the event. 👍
I hope everyone who wants to can make it!
If yesterday's practice races with just 3 of us is any indication, it's going to be a fun time if we have 10 cars on track!

Especially drafting on High Speed Ring. Low power cars are surprisingly fun there!
If it weren't for the time a couple months back that John Wells was hosting Lo PP Shuffle, and left the setting at 300pp when High Speed Ring got voted in, I might not have realized it!! We had about 14 cars racing, and after the race almost everyone was saying "again! again!" because it was good times! :)

I'm still waiting on 2 people who expressed interest to check in if they're available Thursday. But even so, that still leaves 4 spots available. So tell your pals. 👍
Bah. Thursday won't work for me. I either have a prior engagement or a household full of people due to an oncoming blizzard and a cancelled prior engagement. Guess I'll wait for the next one.
Sorry I can't race, already part of other league. But best of luck, must do another one of your races melon.👍
My colour won't be mustard yellow this time, I found a more fitting yellow for a oldie like this.. still will be yellow though.
Ok, I'm confused....I have VCRC on my friends list but there isn't a track shared when I looked. It isn't MCRC instead, is it?
Are you sure? sometimes the track icon doesn't show up very fast. Slow at updating n ****.
Everyone got their friend-request into VCRC for this?
I'm signed in right now on the VCRC acct, and will be signing off soon. So send ASAP if you still need to!

@ tezgm99 - it's shared on VCRC :confused:
I don't know what the problem is. :(